Add 1 amendment

Add 1 amendment:
>Tax and welfare rates must be equal for all American citizens and organizations regardless of legal status.
>what would you add?

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Only singleton human beings are allowed to own property or enter into contracts. No corporate personhood.

that's pointless if contracts are allowed

All members of Congress are paid minimum wage and must campaign entirely at their own expense. Lobbying is illegal. All congress members will be permanently and perpetually audited. One single cent earned from a special interest group means the congress member is hung for dereliction of duty.

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fuck the Constitution. just fucking forget about it. it won't save you. it won't protect you. it does nothing.

All citizens possessing Jewish ancestry must be terminated. (in minecraft)

Everybody in congress (president, senate etc) is paid a fixed fund to campaign and cannot receive any donations. Therfore you can't just buy coverage and somewhat even the playing field.

>welfare rates
what did he mean by this?

Hahaha angry gay

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I revise the first amendment to include any feasible form of speech including obscenity.

>Whites only, and also invade any European nation that invites non-whites to live there, and no changing the definition of white to allow nonwhite, and also jews aren't white fight me.

10% of the federal budget must be spent on "Galactic Conquest and Colonization"

Only white christian males that own property can vote.

Something reinforcing state’s right

Or a serious overhaul of the 2nd, intensely securing the right to bear arms, munitions, and other tools of war, as well as laying guidelines for when and how insurrection should be carried out.

Any businesses whose shares, stakes, or claims are traded must be held to the same standards and amendments of the US constitution.

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>All members of Congress are paid minimum wage and must campaign entirely at their own expense
>love this
I'd take it a step further and require it to be voluntary, $0 pay... but let them keep their campaign donations.

Lobbying? I mean.... lobbying just means paralegal work, and sales pitches for congress, you can't stop it.
>I'd rather it be transparent... don't have a problem with organizations, ironically, despite my flag.
>If you made lobbying illegal then state and corp lawyers would just argue how to make new laws at synagogue.

Anybody that does something I don't like gets slapped

go live in north korea with the other hamiltonians

this anti-citizens stuff is only good for candidates who get most airtime from CNN

This would lead to corruption. Politicians would simply seek extra income from vested interests. They're doing it even right now, but if they're paid a meagre salary, they'd do it even more.

Term limits for every government position.

also, authorites should face a punishment 10x the severity of which a citizen would face.

A cop murders someone, he should be burnt at the stake or flayed.

A governor steals money, he should have his fingers and toes burnt to nubs.


same as tax rates
>single persons, married persons, c-corps, llcs, s-corps, not-for-profits, non-profits, churches, softball teams, political organizations... EVERYONE...
>must pay same tax rate and get same benefits
>not eliminating subsidy/excise/tariffs wholly or on specific goods, though those rates must also be equitably applicable to any individual or group at the local through federal rates.

Didn't Hamilton defend the constitution?

America has no cultural unifiers if we forgo the constitution. Its literally the only thing holding the country together as a people

That’s just ubi with extra steps

>A cop murders someone, he should be burnt at the stake or flayed.

Lol, how many neurons do you have? That will make the police skittish as fuck in tackling crime. They're basically pussy out of pulling a gun on any nig.

you overestimate what the average American citizen knows about the Constitution. It does nothing to hold anything together.

as well property aesthetics so no city planners

whenever any form of gover... see OP pic

Not an American, but dual citizens should be barred from holding any public office or civil sector job.

Hence the perpetual audit. Sure, it wouldn't be able to stop all corruption, just like nothing could ever stop all corruption. But if every source of income and bank account they have is under constant scrutiny it would be much more difficult for congress members to be bought and paid for. And if they faced capital punishment for taking money from special interests that would also severely reduce corruption. Most people don't want to be hung.

nah, cops are fucking trash over here. They are greedy, pyschotic, pieces of shit that need to seriously be reeled in. Less collecting revenue, trampling on rights, and following this us vs them mindset and more focus on actually
protecting people and flushing evil and corruption from society. Cops over here are just another set of King’s men and unless they make a serious changs in their stride, they will be considered enemy combatants by the true men of my state.

good quote, the founders had alot of them, especially Jefferson and Mason. it’s just a shame they didnt establish their other ideas as firmly as they did in the constitution.

Hi Antifa

Cops were already legally allowed to stand by while you get raped, and that was before all the BLM shit. Cops suck

I would just eliminate all distinction between trade laws that are public/private. Laws should be equitable or it ends up a racket.
>it sounds like you're proposing 1964 civil rights act extended version

suck a dick bootlicker. More than any Marxist agitant, Kike, or corrupt poltician, the police have done more harm to the liberty in this nation. With tax collection, prohibition, the drug war, gun control, war on terror, etc the police have trampled upon the rights of ordinary citizens facing little if any resistance. From Gordon Kahl to The Red Flag raids and all in between, these bastards have enabled every bit of evil brought upon this nation, rarerly if ever questioning their actions, even when they are so obviously wrong, they will simply return the mantra of “i was just following orders.” But worse than these immoral savages of the state, perhaps even more responsible for the ills society faces, are people like you intensely worship the very rope tightening around your neck, never questioning and always defending these thugs of the state, trading your liberty for some false sense of security.

Fuck you, you filthy traitor, and fuck your bolshevik goons.

good sense

just abolish the cops
>county sheriff can be elected and keep public record of incidents and do homicide detective work... 95% of what cops do is unsolved petty crimes, drugs, +10 speeding tickets, other bullshit

Uh oh. Antifa is angry. Maybe he's gonna go dress in black and hold up a sign now.

>you got it, but its fewer steps... the point is to eliminate all government economic authority categorically
>simply adding ubi adds steps

Congressional districts should be designed with preference for compactness and adhering to existing county/municipal borders.

Degeneracy like pic related has to stop

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go stab someone on a beach

tax rates for immigrants will be 65% and welfare benefits including obongocare will not be available.

no, Hamilton defended sovereignty
>not equitable laws, not free market

yeah, no duty to protect means they don't have liability unless you're in custody
the whole premise of cops is allowing special citizens to break the law and they just make things worse
>even if cops made the world safer, i don't want to be forced to support them

No one person may have wealth exceeding 10000 times the federal poverty level. Also, congress must balance the budget every year. Also, only gold and silver and currency backed by such may be considered US legal tender

Id support that, without cops, the nigger problem would be solved within a few months. A couple Tulsa’s and all would be right in the world.
fuck off boomer, your thin blue line will be the same fags that surround your house at 3 am, shoot your dog, bust open your front door, drag your wife and kids screaming from bed at gun point and will most likely blast you into kingdom come when you inspect their assault holding your old 870, and if they dont kill you, theyre going to beat your ass and tear your house apart in search of whatever illegal firearm you may or may not have, all completely legal and deemed heroic in the name of public safety through gun control. And if they do blast you to pieces and dont find anything, they’ll plant something on you and celebrate over your mangled corspe while your wife and children, sob, handcuffed in the driveway.

also, ideally we should have stuck with the AOC.

Maybe it's because I'm three tequilas deep but do you agree with me or not?

If you take welfare benefits you cannot vote

this is a real issue that needs solving
>actually a good thing to think about
.... was prior to 17th it just popular pool voting?

I'd just make them pay the universal rate, for 10 years, without welfare... before they become citizens.

States must award electoral votes proportionally, senators are to be appointed by the house of representatives, and the people instead vote directly on initiatives to become law every 6 years.

Keep seething Antifa

imagine thinking america is still anything more than just an economic zone with borders

I agree, cops suck, but for reasons.
>cops should not get special laws or be allowed to break laws
>head of department and budget (any government agency) should be elected
>san fransisco, NY, LA has probably 1 million laws, and budget and cops to enforce it all... still shit.
If you employ some guys to make arrests for violent crimes, and give him a badge, or propeller hat, that's fine... still a citizen

so no one invested in the long-term well being of the country, got it

economically illiterate throwing arbitrary levels around


is this supposed to be california france or switzerland?
people vote on congress written laws ?

It's supposed to be like state and local ballot initiatives but at the federal level.

imagine thinking anything but the poorest dumbest people in whatever reason have any culture other than mcdonalds and starbucks
>and those retards' cultures are all different versions of food and clothes.
>all countries are economic zones with borders

okay so switzerland does (did) ballot initiatives until... like California does they became increasingly protectionist to the point of destroying the economy, like ca.
they still do citizen votes on congresses laws

Can't agree with this. The reason congressmen are millionaires is because of kickbacks and donations, not their salaries. I'd allow them large salaries, but completely ban all other donations and sources of income.
The British Parliament used to be unpaid, with the effect that only rich shitpokes could afford to be MPs.

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>meme flag

>1. All laws passed on or before [EFFECTIVE DATE] shall expire sixteen years after that date.
>2. All laws passed after [EFFECTIVE DATE] shall expire twelve years after their passage into law.
>3. No portion of this amendment shall be read to prohibit congress from passing a new law to replace one as it expires.

There. Republic saved.

For every new law, two laws must be erased.


flat tax of 10%, families with incomes less than 20% of the average citizen pays no taxes.

Done, I just fixed everything

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>repeal the 19th
>Make women property
Now THAT sounds like a country I would like to live in

I like this one. Idaho has a sunset system where all their regulatory code may expire each year unless it is reauthorized.

Citizens are rewarded for marriage and if both are working are rewarded with tax cuts. When you decide to have a family you are also rewarded. This is to promote the family unit and reinforce it. Immigration is to be limited from third world countries as to not destabilise the fabric of society as once was and to demote friction and fractures. All gang members that are caught selling drugs or involved are sentenced to life behind bars or are fed drugs and killed respectively straight after trial.

They should only meet on Saturdays anyways.


i know a lot of upper middle class (((people))) with "0" income ... probably better to just have a flat tax for everyone, and do ubi on the backend, also equitably.
>equitable laws is the goal

That's what I would expect of your flag

Drugs lead to degenerate behaviour have you not seen the murders or the state of crack infested cities. Also the selfishness required to support the habit leads to decay of a family unit (kids go without food and structure at the expense of the druggie) gangs fight over turf and chaos rains burglary robbing and death happen along with medical issues and care. The list is endless.

>Add 1 amendment:
Gas the kikes; race war now.

No person may vote in any public election if they receive tax dollars.

This would exclude all government employees, all welfare recipients, and government contractors. Otherwise they would have a conflict of interest - this fact cannot be argued with.

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i don't care that lobbying/bribes happen really
i just want the government to have no power over the economy except as a bit of public funds for security and roads perhaps... welfare can be done by county/state and if it gets too high it will cause a state bankruptcy and businesses will leave.
>you either have to say no to all subsidy/excise related to goods...
>you have say no to inequitable taxes/welfare
>yes to both
>1. excise/subsidy on goods is hardly effectual but makes politicians feel important, its a good sleight of hand to distract idiots
>2. what does hurt the economy and effectuates corruption is that depending on what kind of person you are or organization you are part of you could pay taxes from 0-50%, get 0 welfare or thousands... each example is a racket.
>3. state schools and hospitals are medium sized issue out of these 3.

you're never going to get a non-corrupt politician

why should i be forced to spend money to save idiots?
>just start shooting crackheads who assault you

Reverse the 16th 17th and 19th ammendment

Good point, noted.

No war profiteering.

Don't even need to invent a new amendment. Repeal the immigration act of 1965, and ratify the naturalization act of 1798 as a new ammendment, which would of course apply immediately with no grandfathering in of current citizens.


Probably already posted (I’m not gonna read the thread) BUT

>welfare rates
>thinking the constitution supports the transfer of wealth
>thinking income tax is constitutional
>not understanding what the constitution actually is, and that it doesn’t actually grant rights

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it would be phrase like:
>no person/org/entity that pays net negative taxes shall...

oh sure....
>but realistically best we can hope for is low equal rates.

Death penalty for any violation of the bill of rights.

Whites only.

Pilpul arguments against the constitution are illegal. All of these supreme court decisions and laws rendered thereafter are anti-constitution. No interpreting of the law. We live in a time of censored speech, censored 1st amendment. Highly restrictive gun rights, censored 2nd amendment, etc. This is the same shit that created the Talmud, arguing around a declaration to change the meaning and subvert the original intent.

>1. all federal and state and local workers and representatives are to go operate indefinitely without pay
>2. All members The United States armed forces are exempt from this
>3. All states must maintain a state military of atleast 2 battalions, 100 antiair installations ready for war on a 30 minute notice
>4. To be born a citizen you must atleast have 1 parent be a United states citizen and not have a parent be from an enemy country, illegal resident, and not be a member of any communist organization
>5. Women and non taxpayers votes are worth 1/4 of that of a tax payer

Only people of white European descent are considered citizens. Christianity is the official state religion, but is not a requirement for citizenship.

Wrote this while tired I meant that they cannot be a citizen if they are part of a communist org

>Taxes shall be determined and collected on a state and local bases.
>The Federal government shall come to individual agreements with both state and local legislators to enter a binding contract for tax contribution from said parties to Federal entities of up to 25 years duration or less.
>No individual citizen shall be taxed by the Federal government unless voluntarily entering upon an individual citizen binding contact with Federal entities.