Aus/pol/ - boomers try to ban shitposting...again

Reminder to send well wishes and prayers to our unelected (((eSafety Commissioner)))

>Unelected american cunt bans websites because feelings, while doing nothing about shitskins talking shit about white Australians.

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Other urls found in this thread:

bump for my self esteem as OP

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Fucking americans spamming this board. Just because the jews let 9/11 happen you think you can just let aus/pol/ falls off page 10?

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The only future I see here is heart disease.

What the fuck is Zerohedge actually banned? What a joke. Never trust women

Like the blood haha seems appropriate.

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It's too early for aus/pol/ imo

This is our main water supply in Sydney.
Our boomer politicians keep inviting more and more immigrants into our country and especially Sydney.

They are inept, moronic and evil. Time to go, boomers.

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There are hardly any boomers in politics. It’s now all Gen X with some millennials. That’s what’s fucked, the boomeitis has infected the next ruling class.

At least pretend to have a life

Aussies back on Jow Forums

Wow... Cool to see that you lads are still around

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>federal ICAC now

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When the fuck did we start referring to shitskins as PoC?
They don't pick our fuckin cotton

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Is it too late to take the honk pill

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I see an embolism in her future.

There’s no Chinese infiltration. Go back to sleep guys.

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2pm not too early for red aye cunts

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Sorry, my mistake. I was watching footy and not really paying attention. Cheerio

yep, it's all so tiresome, i don't know who's chinking who anymore

Shits fucked cunt.

Made another 200 just on Csgo bets working is for suckers

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Do girls come on aus/pol/?

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only wo(men)

>Reminder to send well wishes and prayers to our unelected (((eSafety Commissioner)))
become women ... as simple as that

Women are offended by everything. Therefore she will ban the entire interwebs in the coming months.

what a fucking joke of a woman

nah ... is beertime after midday ... perfect timing for aus/pol thread

don't worry. By simply posting here, our reduced number is automatically on a fucking watch list by our new Commisar for ThoughtCrimes

>[audible bean grunts]

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i actually thought shitskins was the formal terminology actually

> nab
i can't believe they named their bank that way

I think you mean Wu(((men))) user


does this lady know she's spelled "black" incorrectly?

> come on
kek / 10

>Reminder to send well wishes and prayers to our unelected (((eSafety Commissioner)))
I hear she ex-Microsoft elite

Daily reminder

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>Keep getting tts Tax office scam calls

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>I hear she ex-Microsoft elite

Worse - she was a congressional aide in America, I've been trying to find out for who as I'm willing to put money on it being (((Hillary)))


Hillary was a senator.

>Hillary was a senator.

Bugger, ok there goes that idea

sup unemployed cunts literally no jobs in tasmania and its filled with gooks

> unemployed cunts literally no jobs in tasmania and its filled with gooks
> not prostituting your anus out to tasmanian gooks for a job
see? one door closes and another opens

GET THE FUCK IN HERE BROS!!! we making Australia white again!!!

Join this petition :

anyone watching question time right now?

s'fukin sick mate.

Did anyone you elect hire her? If not, deport her.

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If I wanted to hear a bunch of boomers squabbling like children I'd go watch the football live.

nah ... its complete EU-cuckery

Also, she eats carpet apparently

no thanks, australia welcomes anyone who embraces the culture.

A really easy way to unblock sites via DNS and it also makes it harder for ISP to spy on you

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accurate summary

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>eating room furnishings
What the fuck does the EU have any say for?

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Ick. Tats and greasy half-Mexi hair. Gross. Bitch has been ran through by every nigger on every block.

Not this block.

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i can't believe the retardation of the federal authorities on this shit. Its like they're paid to make work that doesn't do anythi ... oh, I see.

Can you post the full list of blocked sites ?

It doesn't. Its the fact that an unelected official is to dictate our viewing pleasure here. Pretty much what the EU does: a bunch of unelected officials governing over a bunch of countries.

Nah, the actual names of the sites are also banned, as is thinking of the sites. Its fucking retardation on a grand scale here.

kill yourself lebo

nice try but i am from the UK

You neets swallowed the gympill yet?

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Why don't you just make a script to post this?

Not getting at the how part. Who on your end is taking it in the ass and following the program willingly? Which elected officials?

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Write it on a piece of paper, upload a pic, eat the note, delet dat.

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Cunt, that’s an ayy lmao, not a woman.

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Do the faggots at asio know theyre the bad guys?

Would definitely didgeridoo her.

That's a jew not an ayy.

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Don't talk about my gf like that

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KYS Chang

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>implying its not already a bot
Wew lad


Bet you can stuff your nuts in her lower lip while she's sucking your dick.

faggots mad a white man isn't racist c-c-c-cope pussy

only 2 more sleeps until 3 days of drinking.

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Boomer comment for the day:

The less a person is willing to work the greater fan they are for a better share of someone else's money.
Screw the NDIS, Screw increases to Newstart,

Accumulating wealth is allegedly greed, but wanting a share of that money without working isn't?

Gas welfare recipients, class war now!

Before we go there, let's try redistributing jew wealth first.

>middle aged unelected lady


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>Accumulating wealth is allegedly greed, but wanting a share of that money without working isn't?
Milton Friedman is that you?
Pretty sure she's american isn't she?

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You can pretty much guarantee that some mentally-unstable Aussie incel is unironically going to go to Canberra and hunt this woman down and murder her entire family if she bans Jow Forums, they'll be furious and have literally nothing left to lose if she takes their autistic Tanzanian dragon-boat appreciation imageboard away from them

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were all a pack of fucking sheila's now

>. is beertime after midday ..

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you wish nigga, sorry your delusional world views don't align with reality

Thank me later


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kek unironically this.

Looks like they goose-stepping stasi now

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which hole does it go up?

Well we don't usually run out of rum until 11:45...

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Scott Morrison best PM in the last 6 or so

lel. correction ... is beertime after 8:00am breakfast

Is it illegal for me to send death threats from nz? What can they do?

That's like saying the shit I had yesterday was one of the best I had. Might be true, but its still only a pile of shit

> what can they do
extridite you from budget-Australia to real-Australia, and put you on NewStart like every other dole bludging NZ neet who moved here.

Nah mate its all good. Go nuts

I believe maisy poster from Jow Forums was arrested after posting on twitter his shrine to her. Iirc he was an australian and she complained to brit police. Commenwealth and all that. Don't do anything stupid kiwibro.

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