The way i see it, this place is getting shut down fast

It's 10pm in NY, and 4am in Europe, and the Pewdiepie thing has gone viral. When Europe wakes up expect another wave.
And considering how fast some ADL supporters have found a scapegoat that is Jow Forums, i predict this place will get shut down in less than 3 days, we are talking about the ADL, and the blackmailing accusation isn't going away anytime soon. So if that happens, what are the alternatives? So we don't get caught on the wrong foot...

Attached: bunker.jpg (1428x449, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I give negative fucks about this clown or his fate but can I get a qrd on this blackmailing situation?

$50,000 is not a lot of money for Pewds or the ADL. It's a flex. It's to humiliate him and show people who really runs the show.

>he donated 50k to ADL
>somehow the rumour of him being blackmailed by ADL starts going in the comments
>someone at YT panicks and forces only recent comments to be displayed
>everything goes wild

I have no idea what the back story is so this isn't helpful.

Now, where is the bunker?!?!

Goodbye then frens

big if true

Attached: dissapointing collage.gif (300x300, 3.77M)

Fuck off. Nobody over 12 gives a shit.

Post Leo Frank info fucking everywhere while the ADL is on the public's minds. Link it to #metoo. Point out that Epstein is jewish.

Light the fires boys. We got a live one here. Don't let it go to waste. Do it for Mary.

Attached: mary phagan.jpg (675x900, 75K)