Who are some left wingers that Jow Forums respects even if they are fucking crazy?
For me it’s
>Jimmy Dore
>Noam Chomsky
>Sam Harris
>Glenn Greenwald
>Bill Maher
>Tim Pool
Who are some left wingers that Jow Forums respects even if they are fucking crazy?
For me it’s
>Jimmy Dore
>Noam Chomsky
>Sam Harris
>Glenn Greenwald
>Bill Maher
>Tim Pool
Other urls found in this thread:
when I piss it comes out as like an aresol spray holy fuck I hate this
Notice OP the jew is a bot who posts half naked chicks to get the Gen Z beta cucks to reply to threads
Dore is atleast funny. I see him as Strikers yin/yang.
Tim "i'm mixed race" Poole is ok for news but some on dude. just accept the balding.
>Jimmy Dore
He's ok
>Noam Chomsky
Lying zionist jew shill
>Sam Harris
Lying zionist jew shill
>Glenn Greenwald
jew but he's ok
>Bill Maher
Lying zionist jew shill
>Tim Pool
Not a leftist
Ask reddit
Left has a better ass and better feet.
>jew but hes ok
No jew is ok, they are just hiding it better
Cum stoppers
>Who are some left wingers that Jow Forums respects
Jimmy is great. Otherwise not a lot right now. Greenwald, Aaron Matè....uhh sometimes i listen to Secular Talk or Pakman if I want to see what kind of shit they can pull out of their ass. Generally stay away from them tho
jimmy dore is literally the only one. If the MSM does hit pieces on you then that means you have been over the target at least once. I disagree with a lot of his progressive bullshit but he is two things: funny and genuine. He seems to care about the truth at the very fucking least and that's all most of us fucking want...someone speaking as honestly as they can from their position.
There are no other left wing anyone that has any honor. I don't count beanie man as a lefty.
How about Michael Tracey?
>Glen Greenwald
Admittedly against Russiagate insanity, but still a propagandist pushing Pierre Omidyar's glow in the dark horseshit.
these progressives care about the butowsky case, so afaik they're human.
>respecting leftists whose job it is to lie to people
End yourself, enabler
what does Jow Forums think about this guy?
>that fat butt
>the way her brastrap digs into her fat
>probably has decent sized tits
>small girl so you can pick her up
consortium news
maybe counterpunch. not a leftie so i don't read them.
>Glenn Greenwald
you gotta be kidding me, read the latest shit hes trying to pull here in Brazil, that degenerate faggot is a disgrace.
Your not white
Only came to see this, thanks man
Whatever, faggot
couple of arrogant sluts, hopefully raped by bears shortly after that pic was taken
I think you're trying to link a virus.
you're a low T faggot
>Who are some left wingers that Jow Forums respects even if they are fucking crazy?
None, they're all kiked and cucked
you have to be at least 18 to post here
ok cia-man
based and brap-pilled
No Slavoj?
the one on the right needs to eat more
There are no good leftists.
You are obviously as leftist subversive.
>sam harris
>left wing
How the fuck could you think Chomsky is a Zionist? He constantly shits on Israel.
> jimmy who?
>Glenn Greenwald is lier and trator
>Billmaher? what century are you
>tim pol -- all hypes no substance guy is trad who fucks Mexican trap
Jimmy Dore isn't even worth addressing, Noam Chain Chompsky is the reigning champion of eloquent bullfuckery, Ben Stiller shouldn't really be on this list, I don't know how Gleen Greenwald is, Bill Maher is a nigger apologist, Tim Pool is afraid to go the distance, but he could be great if he did.
Only glowies recommend the Left.
Get out or lurk more,
>kyle kulinski (secular talk)
>jimmy dore
>Kim Iversen
>david Packman
>left wing
>If Israel does something wrong, its the Republican partys fault
>t. Noam Chomsky
juan williams is pretty fair, I think
Let me fix your list...jimmy dore
Tim pool
there are no good liberal commentators
there are some good leftists though
like Zizek
Finally, now I can leave this thread
Follow Max Blumenthal on Twitter, if you don't then your not woke. That dude was a Jewish insider who went rogue. He regularly exposes some bombshell secrets.
>people that cheer baby murder and faggotry
Chris Hedges too, he knows what's up.
He was a war correspondent for the NYT. Many times he has seen countries dissolve irl. He gave up his job in order to come out against the Iraq war.
Here he talks about Palestine.
Unironically Bobby Seale
they all suck
GG wasn't afraid to call out Obama's lies and incompetence.
Abortion doesn't kill children of patriotic white nationalists. It kills niggers (in impressive quantity) spics and other trash. They aren't human so it's no sin when they are killed.
All of them are shit. Michael Parenti and Slavoj are the way to go
Sargon lol
he doesn't say anything, just spits
Sam Seder and David Pakman are pretty decent
right has a better face
Kyle Kulinski of Secular Talk
I'm a right-wing populist, and only watch the channel to know thy enemy. He is a leftist progressive. So he'd support the Bernie agenda, through and through. He makes sense some of the time when its anti-corruption, but I cannot get onboard with his open borders stances.
Kyle is dangerous and pretty much the only leftist who can defend his ideology relatively well.
there are none
Chapo Traphouse.
Lol has never debated anyone.
This. I watch him for anti-Joe Biden shit and other news about the Dem debates. He sperged a day or two ago talking about how some states aren't holding Republican primaries because Trump is obviously going to win. He called undemocratic, something out of the third world, and as bad as the DNC unethically helping Hillary in 2016.
Vid related:
Tim Pool is a leftist. He’s just too white to be accepted by them and so he gets resentful.
Tim Pool is definitely not a leftist.
Tim's as leftist as Dave Rubin... He always bitches about the left, while not giving a shit at what any alt righter says or does.
>What are some good left wing commentators?
He debated one of my favorite conservative Youtubers, Razorfist, and he eviscerated him. I was shocked at how much Razor was out of his element. After that Razor went back to gaming and didn't want to talk about politics in streams, instead making pro-border, pro Trump vids.
Kyle also debated multiple conservatives at Politicon and they couldn't beat him. Medicare-For-All is his strongest position. Hes weaker on immigration, but no one has been able to target him effectively on this.
Yea, he kinda spurgs and falls flat when he talks about immigration and petty shit Trump does. Like i watched that vid too, he was reaching hardcore saying that shit was undemocratic. Trump is the incumbent, so any "primary" challengers are a non-issue. If you look at his immigration videos, people are more or less not supportive of his position. Don't get me wrong he still has the open borders dickriders, but there is some grain of common sense in the other pro-borders comments.
>Not a leftist
That's the point of this thread. They should have slipped his name in the middle somewhere so it wouldn't be so obvious.