The brand new way to screw you

So you're watching YouTube, it's using your costly data buffering as you watch, you get a 6 second add, and everything buffered disappears to start back where the add started. I HOPE YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS MEANS.

Attached: How-to-Rank-Your-YouTube-Video-on-Google.png (1280x720, 69K)

I have YouTube premium so that I can use it as a de facto Spotify since all my autistic anime music is on there


So get an unlimited data plan

oh I understand. I want to kill these motherfuckers

>he gets ads on his kiketube
lmaoing @ (You)

>being this new

Attached: 1562367398133.jpg (500x378, 26K)

>not knowing how to install YouTube adblocking
>even on mobile
Fucking Gen Z incel trash

Ad-block plus you useless cunt.
>or uBlock Origin

>Ad-block plus
aussies are still on 2002 internet era topkeking
>being this new

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