Why is cuckolding so trendy now?

it's on Netflix and in theaters and video games and in songs. It's in commercials and in magazines. Why is "spouse sharing" being pushed so hard at every angle? Along with throuples and open relationships. Why are they trying to destroy monogamy? What's the end game here? It's almost like you are not "evolved" and not a "real man" unless you let your wife fuck a bunch of other cocks in front of you. what is this about? I don't want to share. Does that make me a Nazi?

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because it gives beta men a feeling of power over a situation that they're actually powerless over, it's the equivalent of that fake steering they give you in passenger seat growing up

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Destroy the family unit at all costs.

The Jews crave the destruction of the Nuclear Family. That's why they push for polygamy, feminism and encourage couples to not have kids. Those erode at the foundation for a strong society.

it seems like that but why? what do they stand to gain?

Nothing wrong with a bit of polygamy, polyandry is definitely a problem tho.

okay, so..
>they get their way.
>all whites are gone now
>it's just us jews and a planet full of niggers.
is this the actual logic they follow?

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free love for everyone you square..

You actually fell for the "one person for your whole life" meme? wow.. that was like.. made up when people still thought the earth was flat

get with the time grandpa.. we aren't falling for your bullshit social construct anymore!!

They want all gentiles and goyim to serve them. They will achieve this through societal collapse and race mixing whites/Asians with blacks. China will be the last bastion and the true great war will be between China and it's army of robots and human clones vs the Jews and their army of mutts.

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