Anyone else starting to like Bitchute over YT?

At first I forced myself in protest but now I 'm really starting to like it. So yea, be sure to sign up and make comments, replies etc on Bitchute. Their comment section is better and it's super important. So yea, if you want to do your part, here's your chance.

When will be able to embed Bitchute video here? I'm tired of YT deleting everything.

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No. Bitchute recommendations aren't as good

its great, exposing some hard truths:

Lol. Enjoy your faggot putting on make up videos on YouTube

Free speech unfortunately means having to parse through all the drama channels, kiwifarms crap and unironic storm fags.
Which is largely the problem with all free speech mediums, all the enemy has to is pretend they're the worst example of what they say YOU are and they just flood your platform with low effort racism and garbage til everyones forced back to YouTube because no one can take its competitor seriously.
I wouldn't be surprised if half the really negative content on Bitchute was produced and uploaded there by agent provocateurs at all.
Same shit with Gab, a great idea, ruined by fakers and legitimate psychopaths screaming louder than everyone else and saying/doing despicable things until no one took the platform seriously.

YT recommends gay videos if you're listen to medieval music

>Their comment section is better and it's super important
The image posting feature is great for shitposting.
It's like merging 4chin with yout

it's good but the search function is dogshit makes it hard to find what you are looking for

Is there an app available yet? I don’t like using the mobile site.

>Bitchute recommendations aren't as good
Are you fucking saying you love being controlled by the youtube AI?

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Definitely, especially as more people worth listening to have moved over. I believe given time its outlook looks good

bit chute is the way. it will get better and that wojahicki bitch can suck it. BIG TIME IN THE ASS FUCK YOU wojahiki bitch.

this, too much of it is obvious slide racists that just scream nigger hate and get actual nazis to yell obscenities

kek, youtube ruined their recommendations years ago as well as their related videos section.

google has only made youtube worse, much like everything else they've touched in the last 5-10 years

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you might get a sideloadable apk eventually. no way google or apple are going to approve a non-adl-moderated video platform on their app stores

Me me me!

Jewtube or BitJewt. Pick your goison.

eat shit wojahiki you fat old hatchet wound.

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>eat shit wojahiki you fat old hatchet wound.

i hope a mongolid hooker makes her eat a lithaped someday. FUCK YOU WOJAHIKI!!!!
bitchute will be the death of youtube

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Bitchute is based. just posted a Brother Nathaniel music vid the other week.
>any anons have the next tiers from pic related?

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the search function sucks on bitchute. i can never find the videos i am looking for with it. until the search becomes useful, its unusable unless you're clicking a direct link or subscribed to a channel.

Use jewgle " "

It's better for now, but it'll go the same path so long as the Jew is allowed to coexist with it.