>Why so glum?
Why the long faces?
These fucking cretins
post the link you dumb retard
>Don Lemon is slowly turning into the Nutty Professor
somebody save this nigger from himself
suck muh dick i clearly just have a screen shot from twitter.
dont be fucking lazy post a link if you're gonna make a thread next time
you dumb fuck stain, what the twitter op posted was an image not a video.
how do you even breath when you are so stupid?
you heard him, start sucking
I'm talking about a link to the tweet you subhuman
holy fuck
>4 people that will never live in North Carolina try to make it a national issue that their preferred party lost there and also pretend they are completely apolitical, legitimate journalists.
can you not read the name on the tweet you cock mongoler?
you made the thread, provide the source. those are the rules you fucking newfag turbo faggot
i provided the source
you clearly wanted the video
got gtfo and changed to wanting muh tweet
dumbass i showed u the tweet
if you care so much type in the bitches name and go look
fuck you are the worst.
still waiting on the link to the tweet
hurry up
Nope sorry op. You made a low effort Twitter screenshot thread and didn't even link it. Twitter threads should be a ban regardless, but you made it even worse.
and i'm still waiting for you to suck muh dick you raging fagit.
if you make a thread user you should post the links, and the archives, its one of the ways alot of us filter shit tier threads. serious OP's post the links. and inb4 "I did post it, look it up you lazy asshole" no you did not post the link, and i dont have time to run down every jidf shit thread with no links
low effort
yeah you would want another man to suck your dick you faggot lmao
still waiting on that link
get to it boy
>Why the long faces?
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis The Wise?...It's not a story the Jedi would tell you.
It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did.
Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.
Hilarious that R*ddit is always talking about these special elections. I see only a few dozens comments. The other day I believe there was even a sticky about the special election.
as though it really fucking matters anyways. when the fuck will you faggots shut the fuck up already about the stupid left/right paradigm and realize that no one gives a FUCK about the people.
they're all too busy raping murdering and eating children all the while systematically destroying the demographics of countries and populace they find threatening. this is by design by the kikes and the vatican. they will stop at no end and destroy anything and everything to usher in the next level of hell on this earth meanwhiles you fucking BRAINLET faggots sit here and bitch about left and right
protip: neither side gives a FUCK about you you fucking idiots. you all know what the fucking solution is - it is to rise up, but as with most things you will wait until they are at your fucking doors taking your guns and children from you before you do a god damn thing.
the Jow Forumspolitics mods locked like 4 threads about it and of course the results are nowhere to be seen on the front page lol
if Democrats had won it would have been stickied
they are super butthurt
He'll get the slims soon enough
They really wanted to cheer for the "Blue Wave" they think is coming.
They're so wrapped up in their echo chambers they don't realize the public is sick of their shit.
It's one seat in the House that was already red so why did they even care.
Seriously. It's crazy how they treat every little oddball special election like that was supposed to finally impeach trump or something.
Don Lemon looks as happy as the day his sister drowned.
I want to see tears and the sad realization that they wasted 4 years of their life when Trump is reelected.
>It's one seat in the House that was already red so why did they even care.
The Dems don’t run on their whacko policies, they lie to look conservative. From Dan McCready’s website:
Dan McCready is a Marine Corps veteran, small business owner, husband, and father of four. Dan’s running for U.S. Congress as a Democrat in North Carolina’s 9th District.
After his opponent’s campaign committed election fraud in last November’s election, a re-do special election is being held on September 10.
Dan’s running for Congress to put country over party and lower healthcare and prescription drug costs, cut middle class taxes, and strengthen public schools.
The DEMS pulled out all the stops to win this and they still lost even with a “moderate” candidate.
Thank you again President Trump for laying out the case against a Pelosi puppet like the Dem would have been.
I hope Dan Bishop will be a great Congressman...and he owes his win to President Trump!
they all need the JUST hair.
Hercaleeez..... Hercaleeez......Hercaleeez
I guess he wasnt McReady afterall
It's working, people have started to think that voting means something again.
>oy vey the goyim are actually voting
What an adorable delusion, voting is the focus group marketing, so they know the best lies to tell to the most people.
>a jew
>a coalburner
>2 niggers
So what if it's just analytics? They wouldn't bother making such a big deal over if if it weren't useful. Do you have any idea how much money is spent merely to trawl the intertubes and measure political opinion?
Are you still shocked? White people are extinct.
Human nature is a lazy bitch.
Israel is Americas money laundering operation to conduit the taxpayers money to the politicians and then the media and then back into their hands. The media is pretending to be against Trump, just to make it look like there's opposition. He's doing great work for them.
That's nice. But you want people to stop voting for one and only one side, so I have to assume you have an interest in rigging the vote. You're not a Russian hacker, are you?
>salty niggers and kikes
this makes me smile
Dems claiming "victory in defeat" because they only lost by 2 percent. In the 2018 race they bitched about, they lost by 905 votes. In the 2019 race with the same candidate and about $4+ million in donations, they lost by nearly 4,000 votes. This is a disaster for them.