Do the glowies that monitor this board slowly get radicalized as well...

Do the glowies that monitor this board slowly get radicalized as well? Is this the real reason for the upswell of white nationalists in law enforcement?

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fucking goy.

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>Do the glowies that monitor this board slowly get radicalized as well? Is this the real reason for the upswell of white nationalists in law enforcement?
>white nationalist
Do you shills ever get tired of spamming muh white nationalism? Thanks for gifting Trump 2020.

Attached: 1567105357695.jpg (1080x731, 63K)

They rotate them like FBI agents that Look at CP. Eventually the get a boner and turn into the good guys.

Does anyone actually get radicalized coming here? I thought it was satire, like a right wing version of Jow Forumsshitredditsays.

If they were truly redpilled they would shoot up their office before killing themselves.

>pretending glowniggers aren't psychopilled as fuck already

We got radicalized before coming here.

no. they do not like anyone who uses this board. they get a hard on thinking about ending any of us, legally. they even made up some bullshit as "conspiracy theorists are domestic terrorists" just so they can kick our doors in