This is my love letter to ethnonationalists in Australia and world wide. i believe i have outlined a solution and i believe it would be beneficial to us all if you supported this petition!
Do it boys! Time for a white chimp out down under!
Robert Perez
how the fuck is it muh boomers? i outline a decentralised immigration system using block chain to reverse demographics trends? did u fucking read the essay at all u abo ? CRONULLA 2.0
Adam Collins
>change org They're not on your side. There will be a counter petition to this if it gains any ground. >"radical change" You're really not good at appealing to people outside of Jow Forums are you?
Bentley Clark
read the whole thing. i propose MORE democracy on immigration instead of less, there is no way they can spin this as tyrannical, fascist ect
Charles Robinson
Rip abbos
Kayden Martin
Sorry but "MORE democracy" in current year doesn't mean what you want it to mean. Why would the government listen to people of European descent, when they are the ones the UN is trying to replace? I admire your enthusiasm but I'm not reading the rest because I don't think you really understand the reality of how political activism works for us.
Samuel Reed
Signed for kicks. BRB resetting my router
Matthew Campbell
You aren't changing anything with a petition, as I have already told you.
Wyatt Cooper
fuck off then retard > hur dur im gonna try to argue with what i read the first paragraph of a 1200 word essay
Henry Anderson
Petitions aren't supposed to be political essays. You could have at least put effort into it so that it gets a decent amount of signatures.
Ian Hall
Fuck off glownigger
Anthony Baker
Need to manipulate people with emotions to get on board. Show case crimes by browns or something
Michael Johnson
If im half Malaysian and Australian can i still vote?
making Australia white again are u a australian citizen ?
Isaac Sanchez
No you are the one that glows. Only glow niggers use glownigger threats
William Parker
just when it seemed blockchain uses couldn't get any dumber
Elijah Williams
how is it dumb, also i never said block chain did i ? u do realise there are other DLTs than blockchain?
Luke Wood
hashgraph, holochain ect ect
Charles Gonzalez
your words: I appreciate your enthusiasm, but the problem isn't the technology. This sort of direct democracy just won't ever be allowed by current representatives. Change in attitude towards immigration needs to start at a cultural level. First, Australians have to see how Chinese immigration is destroying their cities - once they do, as a significant majority, the change will follow.