Friend told me to watch this movie because I hold what some consider to be alt-right notions. I knew it was about a reformed Neo-Nazi, but I had no idea it would end up just enforcing my original views.
Lots of redpills are dropped about race relations in the first half of the film, especially at the dinner table scene with the mother's kike boyfriend. Even when Derek decides in prison to give up his old life, a good solid reason is never given. Sure the skinheads turn on him, but that's life in prison if you're being a fucking race traitor. None of the principal's advice seemed to make any sense. The only positive change I saw Derek make was he was kinder to his family, but someone who was a true white nationalist would treat their white family with dignity and respect, try to better their lives, unless Derek's sister was a coal burner or some shit.
In the end, younger brother Danny sees the light and stops hating niggers and spics and kikes, and what happens? He got shot in the bathroom (spoiler alert) by a fucking niglet because earlier in the film, Danny stopped him from beating up another white kid.
So now, after watching this if anything I'm even more radicalized. Is there something wrong with me or did this movie have the wrong message with the right method? What other films are similar to this? I doubt there are many with (((hollywood))) and this probably being the only attempt at "white nationalism bad".
... ... ... ... ... . - who cares anymore? tired of wasting my time as a white guy while others don't even give a fucking shit.
just do my own thing and let the world go to shit and don't even waste my time caring anymore.
Austin Sullivan
Sounds like you got it right.
We got a saying around here: "Never relax"
Danny relaxed.
Hunter Bennett
The original script was better. After Norton's brother was assassinated by that dumb monkey, the end scene showed Norton re-shaving his head and joining the ranks of the skinheads. Norton refused to film this ended and was subsequently changed. The movie is for nigger lovers.
Montevideo, Uruguay was unironically the most white city I have ever been to. Boring and small, but fucking safe and white hue.
Caleb Howard
Poor Danny. Really.
Brandon Robinson
never relax. people relax all the time and then they become the victims themselves or see ohers become the victims. society is getting worse and worse. when it all fails I know blacks will go into white suberbs to rob / rape / and/or kill for the most part. just not sure if it's going to be massive numbers or smaller / more rare, but if the hood doesn't have it's drug money and such anymore whites are sitting ducks on this type of stuff alone.
I got out of the major city years ago to try to protect myself the best I could.
Dylan Cox
This. The ending would be more realistic, every time we extended a hand it gets bit.
Joshua Jackson
The original ending was Norton's character becoming a skin head again because of his brothers death I just find the movie to be pretty unrealistic nowadays