IIT: Explain how boomers destroyed the economy

What did they do?

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-union busting
-wont fucking retire
-cost of education

>union busting
Wtf I love bookers now

Be pathetic retarded slobs.

Exponential growth
Higher barriers of entry for job market
Huge pensions
Everything paid for by debt

Grew up in a time where their country was the only superpower, it was advantageous to be white, and capitalism was at a point where you could make a decent living doing just about anything. So, they grow up unchallenged and get to enjoy the perks of being born into a the world's best economy while making whatever decisions best suit their interests unopposed. When effects of their short-sightedness as in immigration laws, outsourcing, increased school and housing rates, etc. start rearing up they get to hang around in their high end jobs they barely worked for and peace out when things get rough. Basically, world was their oyster so they raped the hell out of it because they'll be too old to deal with later. If you were born a boomer and didn't get convicted for murder or something you're basically guaranteed some quality of life. Now, people are in late stage capitalism brought on by decisions Boomers made. Debt is a requirement to live if you weren't lucky enough to have rich Boomer parents yourselves so to get a good job you're doomed to a life of unpaid internships, paying hundreds a month for decades to afford a good education, and spending colossal portions of your salary just to rent from Boomers who take months to fix your AC when it starts leaking.

Fuck Boomers.

woodrow wilson ruined everything

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>outsourcing the jobs.
>allowing immigrants to compete with the locals for the remaining jobs, causing wages to stagnate.
>lie to their kids about college and how it will pay for itself.
>buy property as a form of "investment", driving up the prices and preventing young people from starting families.
>buy cheap shit from China because of their inner jew, destroying even more local businesses.
>decades upon decades they voted for insane welfare programs, creating a huge tax burden on the middle class.
>allowing feminism to happen.
>ignoring the nigger problem, which caused entire cities to decay. Replace nigger with arabs for europe.
>creation of the european union.
>driving up healthcare costs by making unhealthy lifestyle choices and becoming severely obese, feeding their kids McHonk 3 times a week while they are at it.

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>Still believing in the lump of labour fallacy


They disconnected value from currency in 1971 which allowed the uncontrolled printing of currency at debt which in turn destroys the pruchasing power of the currency. They called this debt money and exchanged "work" for it.

They worked for debt and now think they are wealthy and did a good job, but in fact the currency is not valuable enough to buy a house or start a family.

They just dont get inflation

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dont believe the immigration meme. Yes immigration is a problem, but the root issue is debt based fiat currency and central banking

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Got subverted by commies via intergenerational spite who pandered to their grievances both real and imagined.

Tell me more about the horrors of debt based currency

>mass migration
>not enough children

They allowed slants to come in and take over the housing markets creating house prices to explode and importing drugs into the country. They created multiculturalism societies and now defend it to the point of irony.

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All currency is borrowed into existence at interest. So the principal exists, but the interest doesnt. Yet the interest is accounted for so in order to cover the interest, the government has to borrow more money - which also incurrs interest.

It creates an impossible debt spiral what WILL inevitably result in a currency collapse.

Collapse is 100% guaranteed to happen

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Haha, oh wow
So do you think investing in silver or any other precious metals is a good idea?

Yes - Gold and especially silver are real money. Silver will move higher more than gold in percentage and will protect your purchasing power from inflation

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watch these:
The Money Masters:

Money As Debt:

Hidden Secrets Of Money:
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8 (crypto is NOT a solution though)

Part 9

Part 10

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they didn't arrest the crooked bankers and end the FED. Will you?

No one will
They'll just keep running in their hamster wheels so they could flaunt their slightly better car or house at other hamsters while rich pigs laugh at them

1965 immigration act

Social security and immigration to sustain it. Also they won't fucking die in Fortnite.


Everyone will be a lot more specific than this but....
Boomers are control freaks.
I don't understand or know what made an entire generation this way but they are in fact maniacal control freaks.
Think of the boomers you know. Yea....yea. They're absolute outrageous control freaks right?
And this translated to government.
And boomer politicians were by nature the very worst thing ever.
And they got their grubby little hands in everything. And fucked shit up that wasn't broken.
Boomers are such control freaks they were the politicians when you were a little kid. I'm 37 and an old fag and they were the politicians when I was a little kid in the 1980s. They're the politicians now in the year 2019.
They are such control freaks they're actually still in charge of everything and still fucking shit up.
Think about that.

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We did not waste our lives playing video games. We got a job, got married, and had kids.


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Hey I have a piece of shit boomer landlord who cant read his own contract. He can eat shit and die.

Then you got bailed out.
The currency was actually worth something before the entire banking system needed bailing out

In an actual genuine societal collapse nobody’s gonna fucking care about gold or silver. Commodities - real goods - are what will matter.

boomers are funny. if you watch them they are ridiculous. drive yellow mustangs. big beer belly. some cunt wife

So you are saying instead of silver I should keep investing in my chickens?

literally the response to affirmative action

Only gold and silver have the properties that meet the definition of "money".
Sure you can barter other things, but ultimately gold and silver are the only things that can be used as money.
Money HAS TO BE:
>Intrinsically valuable
no other substances meet these requirements

>union busting
guess they did one thing right

We play video games because we’re too nigger broke to do anything else

Plot it vs GDP faggot.

they only people who claim the economy is broken are nigger wage slaves who have zero money invested.

GDP is not a quantifiable metric as Im sure you know, jew. The value of GDP gets massaged each year to make it look good when in fact its shit. Before 1990 no one looked at GDP but at GNP - Gross National Product, which is a concrete metric

> let’s blame boomers and not (((them)))

boomers are gullible, not bad. do you ever see them staring at their cell phones for hours a day? they’re just NPCs at this point

Wrong. That 1965 immigration act did not change America. It enriched us with new flavors and great authentic tacos and great diverse music and clothing from far flung places, all melting into the great pot of America.

>ammo, guns
>young women

union busting? more like rampant unionization causing companies to flee. They priced us out of the competition

>What did they do?
when they saw corruption they did nothing

>Tell me more about the horrors of debt based currency
it was invented in China and is a form of slavery, the concept that the society's leadership can leverage the entire GDP of the nation in exchange for a return is a farce, you can never repay more than what you are, so you will always be paying

a total scam upon the people and they would do better to tax protest and starve the beast considering the most that huge amount of tax money has done was to enable and enrich pedophile criminals and poison your drinking water so your kids are gay

Do not forget Bitcoin.

Casual Friday

You can't lop off a young woman's foot and be all like "heres your change!" can you dickhead

Bitcoin is not money

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>Inherited the world
>Exchanged it for nothing

And then sat those kids in front of a TV with a couple Big Macs.

Enter the workforce with highschool diploma (or less), work their way up into positions of power, turn around and demand that all new hires need a college / university degree basically forcing younger generations to spend another 3+ years and $$ in school before they can even get a crack at employment, where entry level wages haven't really grown thanks to the increased immigration.

It's too bad boomers never told their kids to go into the trades, falling completely for the education meme and pushing their kids to fail in that direction because "a degree means guaranteed success" or whatever.

bitcoin is a joke and has no intrinsic value. To be a store of wealth it needs to be reliable.

Who wants to store wealth in something that fluctuates that wildly? I invest on the side and I stay the fuck away from that get eich quick scheme.

The problem with BTC is thatvery few people hold it and it fluctuates on the whim of, like, 3 guys

Boomers are superficial. Life is always hard if you're superficial.

Boomers are without a doubt the worst generation ever. There is absolutely no defending them, as they got all the "lucky" breaks (read: their forefathers worked hard) and then fucked over their kids.

Boomers were the first generation to be consumed by consumerism. The money they've wasted on stupid shit is evident by the fact that they are often still working into their 70s and may still have debts.
A smaller percentage of boomers will be giving an inheritance to their kids than previous generations. Whereas past generations may have *only* inherited the farmhouse in bumfuck Egypt, many boomers don't even own their shitbox outright, and their kids will be trying to avoid dealing with debts.

Just imagine being a boomer, being given it all, and you knowingly leave your children with a mess of debts and fucked up finance to deal with.

I hate boomers so much.

>what is projection

>bitcoin is a joke and has no intrinsic value.
hookers and drug dealers are willing to deal with it, so thats all the value it has, the faith of hookers and drug dealers

Swearing allegiance to Israel and punishing anyone who criticizes Jews

They've absolutely fucked the real estate market, all while keeping wages as low as possible. And then they have the audacity to ask "Why aren't millenials buying houses? Why aren't millenials buying jewelry? Why aren't millenials buying boats?". It makes me laugh that companies are starting to give up on the boomer echo and just market to the boomers again. Oh and then there's the "kids these days have it good with their smartphones", and yet my boomer boss also expects my cellphone number so he can contact me outside of work. Their hypocrisy is unbelievable.

I'm right with you in hating them and their bullshit.

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I've never met a boomer that I "liked" and I'm older than most of you

Elite boomers & Jewish boomer, ya, #notallboomers
>boomer hate is so cringe

Well this is bound to be informative

When the bombs drop your chockens will make you a trade king. Just remember to invest in anti-nigger technologies if you want to maintain it.

They do enough in the middle east, Mussad.

when job creation does not rise to meet the demand of new laborers, then it's not a fallacy you fucking retard

took this long for the truth to come out. Jow Forums is trash. Boomers hoarded trinkets and cash selfishly while they allowed themselves to be replaced by niggers. I won't be making the same mistake.

No they don't.
Thats just fake news right there

Enforced "child labor laws" that created adults who didn't understand working was part of life.
Enforced a narrative of college degree and career before marriage and children.
Literally just lived an extra 3 decades and so kept working well into their 70's.
Thought the lessons of harsh combat in WW2 were entirely useless because the TV told them everyone wanted to buy a Coke.

I mentioned starting a family. You just searched for one fucking word without reading any post.
What a ta-wat

Oh look, it's another kike D&C thread.

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> doomed to a life of unpaid internships, paying hundreds a month for decades to afford a good education, and spending colossal portions of your salary just to rent from Boomers who take months to fix your AC when it starts leaking.

Nice excuse to not do anything that includes labor. Learn a trade you dumb shit, master your trade and start a business.
Yes, boomers are fuckin stupid, but your just as stupid for listening to your boomer parents saying college is the only way.
Eat dick you lazy fuck

Im not going to assume boomers debt because you call me D&C.
Its millennials duty to deny the acceptance of anyone elses debt. Those millennials that do are these fucking spanners that you see on youtube spazzing out about stupid shite.


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You got me. I didn't read a thing ITT