>Speaking to The Post Millennial anonymously due to fears of backlash, a fellow developer of Holowka’s has provided dozens of messages exchanged in 2014, with Holowka speaking about his experience with Quinn. The authenticity of these messages have been verified.
>Holowka had reached out to express fear about telling his story, saying “I’ve been trying to talk to friends about it for a couple of years.” He wrote, “I thought about sharing my story with her a few times but was always scared to.”
>In the chat, Holowka also said he was wary of making Quinn angry and often had to look for solutions that wouldn’t upset his former partner.
>In direct contrast to Quinn’s statement, Holowka paints a very different picture of their time together in Winnipeg, suggesting that despite problems present in the relationship, he had been so infatuated with her that he had offered to pay for couple’s counselling to keep their relationship healthy.
Seriously, this guy was a major fucking faggot.