Are a lot of Gen-X'ers aging poorly these days? Maybe it's just anecdotal, but it seems that way...

Are a lot of Gen-X'ers aging poorly these days? Maybe it's just anecdotal, but it seems that way. Many of them are looking wrecked before they even hit 50. What is causing this?

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Schizophrenia, they lack meds

The Nihilism of the 90s. Particularly the music.
>tfw Eddie Vedder is the only grunge-era frontman still alive.
t. GenXer

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sedentary life
poor eating habits

Its constant inflammation because of how carb heavy the American diet has become. We're more plant based than ever - at least 70% of calories from plant sources - and eat very little meat and we eat like 8 times a day. Always inflamed.

Meth was a big deal in the 90s

No they're not. There's just very ugly people everywhere.

Saw a dude like pic related today, except he was in full 90s skate gear and tatted up. Carb bloated and pasty, 50 years old . Absolutely pathetic

X'r here, last generation to grow up without internet, hard for many of you to imagine. We were latchkey kids, boomer parents were working and we had near absolute freedom, combine that with the post hippy nihilism and hedonism and the growing availability of drugs and there you have
Out of a group of 4 friends I am the only one surviving, 2 lost to heroin, 1 lost to cocaine.
Those of us that survived and took the redpill have had the longest journey

>What is causing this?

That's not true. People look younger now than they did before.
Have you ever seen pictures of yours and others grandparents? They look like they're in their late 20s in their teens

Tad Doyle of Tad is still around

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Stress you retard.

Why do you think every president ages so horribly?

You’ll see when you get older. Shortly after 40 people diverge and some age faster

The pattern seems to be that they matured faster into adults, but once they hit adulthood, they could often "keep it together" until actual old age. X'ers seem to have an odd pattern of relative youth until a rapid and catastrophic implosion during their late-30's and into their 40's. Like a machine that just had too much load on it, and blew apart.

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I've aged fantastically, but I know what ya mean. Most people my age (40) look as if they're in their 60s.

Did Eddie Vedder shit in ur Wheaties? Who the fuck thinks of this shit?

never mind that many got to re-start from scratch after 2008

I'm past 50 but as I avoided drugs and never drank heavily or smoked I look younger than a lot of forty year olds.

>What is causing this?
Your "Optical Rectitus" with a juvenile perspective of the world.

how the fuck do you die from cocaine

It was the combined effects of cocaine abuse, alcoholism, degenerate lifestyle
I'm also inclined to think he toped himself but have no confirmation

Also he was the son of hippy kike parents, they took their own koolaid too far and had to bury their own child who didn't even make it to 50

No, men matured properly and looked like men at the right ages instead of bring some weak-jawed bsbyface until his 30s.

Women absolutely are aging faster (worse) now. Girls barely in their 20s look tired and unhealthy. By 24, they look 35. Wrinkles, smile lines, sunken eyes, etc.

Alcoholism and smoking does that to you.

Being the lapdog of the boomer and globojew takes its toll.

Toll paid.

t. gen y who looks like the springtime of youth because my conscience is clear. hope your fancy, big, empty house with no life in it was worth ruining the world. you'll pay for it, one way or another. i'll look forward to the day of the stroke.

We grew up eating sugary cereal and smoking cigarettes

>the day of the stroke

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We remember the world we grew up in and struggle to come to terms with the world we now live in

Drugs, degeneracy and sex.

>Many of them are looking wrecked before they even hit 50. What is causing this?

It's the toxins and poisons in the food.


nah still looking like a young adonis because i suck all this millenial and zoomer blood all day

One thing though
Us X'rs really had a fucking ball. I know that looks pallid to those who never knew the freedom we had and it's sad that though we had that freedom we didn't really know what to do with it but fuck we had a blast. Money was easy to come by, housing was easy, travel was easy, jobs were easy to get, it was possible to do anything and now it's impossible to do anything.
If computer were ten or twenty years earlier the world would be a different place, X'rs had boundless energy and the desire to know but back then it was almost impossible
>18 years ago today it all ended

As a 20 year old who has decent healing acne, masturbates frequently, and has an okay diet, what do you suggest I do in order to ensure I age well in regards to diet, exercise, skin care, and lifestyle?

gas yourself

Find a good source of raw unpasteurized milk. A2 milk, not A1. A2 milk comes from goats....guernsey cows, and some jersey cows. I suggest you go down the raw milk rabbithole, it fucking keeps you healthy as fuck, and will cures basically every disease...if you do a raw milk fast.

A1 pasteruized milk is one of the reasons people are getting sick in America.

Just know what's in your food, read ingredient lists and know every single ingredient (don't use google to lookup ingredients, they ban all vaccination truths). There are around 90 names for MSG and it's an excitotoxin (very toxic and bad for health). A package can say "no MSG added" but still include MSG. MSG only needs to be listed as MSG when it's 99% pure. You have to buy whole food and cook at home, anything processed will have toxins in them. The USDA Organic label is just a racket and there is no field testing, so you cannot trust them.

Also, filter your water. It's probably fluoridated and that's a neurotoxin. Make sure it's NSF-certified or better. I think the burkee filters should be good too.

They also put aborted human baby cells in some foods. It's so disgusting most people wouldn't believe it could be true, but look it up. I don't remember all the brands, but kraft and pepsi use it to "enhance flavors". These satanic luciferians who run everything want to make people cannibals without their knowledge. They want to make you sick with the food then treat the symptoms with the medical industry racket.

Dairy: you should probably avoid it, but if you do consume dairy make sure ALL OF IT is rBST/rBGH free. Bovine growth hormone is what has turned all the little boys into little girls (along with onions being injected into everything).

This! 48 yo retard who yells at people to get off lawn.

Holy shit life is stressful. Boomer parents bought their house in nj for 35k. My house is 600k.
Add in 2 kids, wife, constant work around house, work, finance, 12 k property taxes, sick family, people dying everywhere and you have a recipe for rapid aging. They key is diet though. Sleep too.


Boomers set us up for all this shit. Must go to college. Must have kids and wife. Must live in nice house.


THe dairy people tell you to avoid isnt real dairy, because literally nobody drinks raw A2 milk. 80% of the people who are lactose intolerant can easily drink A2 milk.

Dairy is so beneficial if it is raw. in fact it shouldnt even be called raw milk, but simply milk. The milk everyone drinks is not milk, is fucking sugar water and dead bacteria.

The fact that the govt restricts/bans raw milk is all the evidence you need to know its great for you. They fucking raid raw milk farmers which is ridiculous. 13 people died last year from eating think the govt gives a fuck about that? No. They care about raw milk because ti heals.

The mayo clinic was curing every disease under the sun simply giving 6 ounces of raw milk every half hour or hour all day for 30 days, and nothing else.

You can live exclusively on raw milk and nothing else and not only survive but thrive.

Raw milk sort user- it doesn’t cure cancer. Period

I buy raw milk every 4 days. It's legal to buy in California

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>living in New Jersey
I hope you choke on a pretzel.

Shot that girl is 34

Hold me anons it goes too fast

I know brother. Whole family is around and I live near my parents whom have cancer and I take care of them.

Get them on a raw milk fast.

Yeah. This is true. The ones who made it through are actually very healthy now as they've taken all the drugs and partied as much as one possibly could. I'm not sure if it work out but all the demographers compare Gen X to the Roaring Twenties era generation like Great Gatsby. Millenials were meant to be the something special like the War generation but something as gone amiss.

Lol ty user

Idea- find out the compound (s) in the raw milk and make into powered pill form.

You are an instant billionaire.

alcohol induced dehydration


You sound like a fag fawning over men.

Get your parents to start eating super hots. This is the guy who enginerred the carolina reaper...dude has bad genetics, and tumors were growing in him ike recurrence of tumors since eating the super hot peppers. This is from CBS today show.

Also...there was a pope who was born in the 1880's and died in thr 1960's...but when he was 10 years old he was dying of night he gorged himself on hot peppers and he was fine the next day.

New mexico has the lowest cancer mortality rate in the US. WHy? Cuz they eat gren chiles and peppers like crazy.

Gen X are some the whiniest woe-is-me faggots out there, and they’re all controlled by women

They also brag about living before the internet became popular, as if that’s some sort of accomplishment

I was in your thread Sunday night user
Thank you for this

Imus ate hot peppers and put cancer into remission

Did he realy? I didnt know that.

so random you are the same user lol.

I thought you had cancer, not your parents

interesting. I grow habaneros, I will have to burn myself with them more often

is this a superfood?

>Gen X are some the whiniest woe-is-me faggots
that is true, genx has shakespearean qualities, don't you have an appointement for a gender reassignment surgery to go to?

Goddamnit, there were more bands than just fucking Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice in Chains, and Nirvana

The Pixies, Offspring, Green Day, Dinosaur Jr, etc. are still alive and still touring

Don’t you have millions of sand niggers to flood into your country?

All of that 80s and 90s partying is catching up to them.

good bands from the 90s

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allready done thanks to you

There's truth to this but that's because Gen x had no idea how good they had it because none of us dreamed of how shit things would become so quickly, only boomers saw more change in their lifetimes but of course the boomers had it real good and the X'rs paid the price with their lives due to being the nihilistic progeny of the boomers.
If I have more kids, which I hope to, I will give them the opposite childhood from mine, discipline and structure
>freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose

Alcohol and stimulant abuse mostly. Lack of exercise in their lifetime.

I'm a gen X'er. But I've moderated my consumption of drugs and alcohol and exercise regularly for 25 years. I appear to be in my mid 30's. My friends look like they're in their mid 50's.

same, plus all that millenial blood

This guy milks.

Seriously; raw milk will change your life. Try it.

You're a millenial, you pedantic tit.

>plus all that millennial blood


overdosing on testosterone and steroids
and plastic surgery
most are ftm in utero trannies

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At least we arent millenials lol.

>the Melvins

You're Goddamn right user

milks me

>Millenials were meant to be the something special like the War generation but something as gone amiss.
Buncha fucking hippies managed to get in charge of our governments and wouldnt even declare war when ragheads bombed the fuck out of europe and the twin towers. Now we wait until the traitors get old and the scumsuckers get complacent before we can stick the knife in.

Gen X is the first generation to be inundated with all the miracles of the modern world - questionable plastics, mass prescribed and useless medications, GMO food, etc. At this rate you zoomers are going to look like mutants by the time you're 30.

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They don't moisturize.

Drugs, side effects from vaping (which arent horrible but they do effect immune health in the lungs), and general bad lifestyle decisions. I think alot of people are trying to find themselves in this new digital age; gen-xers were the ones who grew up as technology first started to grow, it makes them different. Society has changed, the world has changed, i guess the question is, has it been for the better or worse? Anyone under 50 should be looking fine health-wise as long as they are maintaining their body and mind, but i do see what your referring to and i think like i said its because of those young lifestyle choices coming back to hit really hard at a young age.


the cause:
boomers ruined the world.

We never had hope.

Green Day and offspring aren’t grunge

No hope

They are just as addicted to blue-light screens as the rest of us. They have televisions in their bedrooms. Blue light, blue light, never sleep tight.

And yet you still die


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are you me? my gen x parents fucked off when i turned 18 and they got accounting jobs. They live in a big house and spend their money on decadence and a big ass house with more room then they will ever need.

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>Black doesn't crack
>Asian doesn't raisin
White people BTFO after they hit 30. I personally know multiple White guys that were balding by 20.

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dont consume anything in a package. eat food. meat real raw milk cheese. cook it alll. no packages real fucking food. a banana tomato

>Templar meme flag
Nigger you're trying waaaaaaaaay too hard

All the aforementioned points, plus

> stress of growing up during the cold war under constant non-actionable threat of world-ending nuclear winter
> functional alcoholism, six or more beers or a bottle of wine every single day for 20+ years

But she's also a millenial.