Anime is the ultimate wolf in sheep's clothing.
Anime depicts a world where men are phisically and mentally abused by sexy women. It is programming you not just to feel weak, but to WANT to feel weak.
Why do you think japanese culture has degraded so much since they lost the war? They're controlled by the same jews as America, and are used as fake opposition to the decadent mainstream.
You are being brainwashed the same way fans of Ben Saphiro and Jordan Peterson are.
Stop watching anime
Women have traditionally been held in a superior position culturally to men. If the most beautiful woman in your town despises you and tells the other men she does then you will be a pariah and might as well be dead.
stop telling me what to do faggot
Japan is the ultimate coomer society
Pussy is a strong tool and yet they don't control the world
I guess power is a better pussy
yare yare daze
ITT: redditfugees come to a website and demand it adopt the culture of the one they left.
I personally like My Hero Academia, and I hope anyone reading this starts watching the series.
We should stop playin vidyas and lurk on Jow Forums as well unironically
Is that your way of coping with the truth? You found out you're not the badass renegade you thought you were, so you defend your ego by screaming "reddit".