Felix just commented on it

Felix just commented on it

Told you incels that he isnt being blackmailed by ADL
im on vacation. im not jewish. just stating facts.

Attached: ᠎᠎🤔᠎᠎᠎.png (512x512, 129K)

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/maps/place/50°49'32.3"N 0°10'06.2"W/@50.8256264,-0.1705688,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d50.8256264!4d-0.1683801

>im on vacation. im not jewish.
This won't help. It's too late now.
Besides, you kikes are going to fuck up as you do anyways. You already have. Whole world will be against you soon.
You may destroy the white man. You may.
But if you do? We'll make sure the whole world knows who did it first and why and who you are.
We'll make damn sure.

Attached: 017.jpg (200x200, 10K)

How are you going to feel when muslims take control of the wests nuclear arsenal? Do you really think that uranium you kikes stole in the apollo affair will render you able to create the arsenals that exist in the nations youre flooding with cheap labor?

He wasn't being blackmailed, he was being extorted. Big difference.

Fuck off furfag no one believes a furry gas yourself

It's the pussy tax.
Get married. Go gay.

no proof, i win :^)

why exactly do we hate the jews again

So pewds paid off the mob. I get it.


CEO of ADL who gathered support for Disney to drop pewdiepie in 2017 is here celebrating this fact. ADL are fucking modern day extortionists.

>furfag avatar
This checks out

You didnt answer my question though, kike

timestamp foreskin or piss off

You have to be over 18 to post on this board.

Shut up jew

Who goes to Israel on a vacation? Are you fucking retarded? It’s a literal desert shithole full of arabs.

I knew it was you! There's been multiple times that a negative pewdiepie thread and forum sliding featuring anthro related took place simultaneously on Jow Forums.

most people with half a brain could see that. youre just a boring loser

You know I know the OC artist, right?
You can get sued


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Attached: 820E83F0180B4119B062B02A5244747A_1.jpg (1024x1024, 261K)

>This faggot again doing a reverse gay psyop.
Drop that proxy discord tranny, your swedish boss is a cuckold and will get a rope. Tell that faggot to be content with 30 million

My proof? The ADL got him kicked off of several multi-million dollar projects because they didn't like a sarcastic comment he made. Since then they've been threatening to add every symbol related to his channel to their "hate speech" database because of (((Tarrant))) and then every journo will wield that as a weapon to get pewdiepie deplatformed. They have been holding a metaphorical sword of damocles over his head because of things he had literally no association with, this is a ransom payment.

go cry elsewhere

What a p-whipped faggot. I bet Marzia is behind this shit.

>mass replies
Kikes really are cancer

Dont put echos around saint tarrants name you fucking r eddit refugee

Go back to FurAffinity

I gotta hand it to the jews, they really are amazing at comedy.

More like E621

Meanwhile the pp sub is moderated by antifa, openly deleting any comments that dissent or speak truth.

Now he says ‘this isn’t his fight’. So he gave up on free speech and started openly supporting Jewish blackmail organizations.

There was no way tptb were going to allow anything but far left diversity to be preached on YouTube.

I’m more curious how they bought him out.

hes a beta male like you
He loves submitting to Jewish people

Low effort

>also just got pic related in a pewdiepie thread, top kek


Attached: F8A35EFA-2E65-447B-8C32-3320609EE858.jpg (687x1062, 504K)

>saint Tarrant

Jews lie too much to ever be believed.

He's just basically giving in then. Which is honestly worst than blackmail. He donates in the hope to be left alone. WHAT A FUCKING KEK.
Funny that he mentions Tarrant because pewdiepies minecraft tag was sub2pewdiepie

>saint tarrant

the guy who brought islam to new zealand? lol fuck him there were never any tapes of the other murders like 2 people die on camera

>im not jewish.
>Israeli Flag


Attached: 1560907428479.jpg (598x597, 50K)

found the shill

it’s a nice country to visit, it is just expensive.

Attached: image.jpg (568x824, 523K)

>Told you incels that he isnt being blackmailed by ADL
Why would we believe a Jew though? Baba Kamma is your doctrine of deceiving Gentiles, filthy bloodsucker

Attached: 1557787671880.jpg (995x889, 272K)

>/threading yourself

Daddy Xi's(ban Pooh, promote Marx) gonna fail on his lift the masses out of poverty, and the survivors and descendants of those of a regime of 80-95% Jewish advisors will ask about the sparrows, the Anti-Foreigner Riots and Johnathon Pollard. Daddy Lee has already failed at preventing job loss, feminism, Jewish Big Tech, Gambling, transgenderism and Frankfurt School racial offenses from subverting his island. But then again, he was a Kempetai(See Fugu Plan) translator and didn't oppose the 109th HookNose advisors to form his conscript army in the first place.

Attached: googlejohnmoney.jpg (502x698, 83K)

>Im on vacation
>Gayest image of a dog/fox/furryshit?
>In white and blue no less
Single digit IQ kike detected

Attached: Miracle Warriors - Seal of the Dark Lord002.png (640x480, 12K)

No come on guys the guy with the big nose named Berg that youtube hyped for over a decade he's totally /ourguy/

Why would I listen to some creep who wants to fuck defenceless animals? You're beneath contempt.

The Jews sometimes lie.

>stealing a furry's telegram sticker and posting it on Jow Forums

Is this how we train furniggers to hate jews? I personally would like to lead the Furred Reich to final victory (or irony) for the lulz

Floe can't even draw a swastika right lmao

Attached: [email protected] (295x395, 23K)

its not stolen, its public.

Attached: 1556315320088.png (512x512, 39K)

>flag& comment + excuses
It's all so tireing.

Furries are generaly fucking commies, but there happens to be sane ones, like me.

Attached: cnO7g1ahgGZYv9yYfJwLL_subhyPdS8uJYpztH-GuUU.png (493x412, 197K)

>kike is also a furfag

Little do you know if you serch for the telegram sticker pack there is porn in it.

Attached: 1566461778284.png (488x463, 90K)

Depends on the furry I've noticed. You've got hardcore libertarians, you've got the "take care of me daddy government" types (who are always babyfurs lmao) and then you've got the furzis.

Furry got invaded by tumblr gender people and people are starting to find the pronoun con badges and the constant tumblr flavored squabbles irritating.

Attached: DlIw16VXcAAL1_a.jpg (900x1200, 175K)

I perosnally stick with my friends that are also furries and we just dont give a shit about others, we only commision normal and non retarded artists and we live our own lives, we all go for Jow Forums rather than Tumblr or Facebook, its just that 98% of the furries are complete retards and connected to the hive mind, the rest are pretty cool.

Attached: 1566391321357.jpg (306x306, 20K)

Ask me how I know you are Jewish

paying the ADL is automatically coercion


Attached: 1548571734617.png (463x512, 184K)

/b/ just found this out a few days ago, before the drama
google.com/maps/place/50°49'32.3"N 0°10'06.2"W/@50.8256264,-0.1705688,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d50.8256264!4d-0.1683801

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-y05TbePy3f.jpg (800x891, 353K)

Felix reminds me of someone who I once thought was based. Same story of whites betraying their own people for money. We deserve to go extinct. Fuck this faggot straight to hell.

Attached: He Trusted Donald Trump.png (615x681, 404K)

Fuck you kike. Who on God's green earth would willingly vacation in fucking Israel?

Next time at least use Scalie pack, scalies are generaly better than mammals.

Attached: 1562828768172.gif (255x231, 112K)

who is this dashing dog

Nice numbers

Furry is a septic tank with some diamonds scattered around in it. Dive in, find some, then retreat with your new awesome friends and leave the shit pile to fester by itself.

Have you seen furry Twitter? I swear all you have to do to be popular on there is say "TRANS RIGHTS" and every moron will come start clapping like seals

>I’m more curious how they bought him out.
Threatened loved ones ( ie: new wife), he did something unsavory on his honeymoon that was recorded Or his new wife maybe be not what she seems.

I know this, im in this community for well over 7 years now, Ive seen pretty much everything, from faggots doing absolutly cursed shit, to basicly Libtard leftists that will send mobs at you and with result of suicide, I hear about at least 2 suicides per month in the furry community becouse of the mass lynch.

Ik, but at least try to find something decent of an art rather than a basic arctic fox with most of his art being porn.

His manifesto wasn't enough to get the other board taken down the first time so they had to schedule another manifesto shooter to take it down again. And when it comes back up I can promise you they'll schedule another shooting and post some shit there to kill it again.

Only O9A retards call the shooters Saints, so fuck off and fuck off from telegram while you're at it.

PewDiePie's caving in. he's giving up.

It's over, he's lost.

I did quick Google image, and I found it.
His/her name is "Leto".

And also, there's Telegram stickers for it.

Thanks fren. It's soooooooo lewd, as I had hoped
I had only seen it spammed in /ptg/ before

Attached: 1544372596428.png (640x360, 256K)

hey shlomo,

Christfags. Only they work there for free and call it a vacation.

>steven universe
fuck off lefty nigger

Attached: 1560317001312.png (428x512, 296K)

>im on vacation.
Enjoy your birthright trip.

Attached: Birthright_Israel[1].jpg (327x304, 15K)

>hating on Spinel
Satan pls, after all I've done for you, you gonna do me like this?

Attached: 1564680116351.jpg (320x320, 24K)

Nips are redpilled

>t-totally not a jew
>t-totally not a slide
>t-totally can't check the catalog
You're a fucking jew cunt.

>i-it's time to make things right
this is LITERALLY EXACTLY what someone being blackmailed by the ADL would say

>im not jewish
yes you are you filthy kike

Attached: 1568210420068.jpg (1321x687, 99K)

>Going on vacation to Israel
There are two posibilties for Pewds. Either he's a complete retard (why give money to the ADL instead of the Mosque, for example, since the ADL is totally unrelated to the Christchurch event and they wanted to ruin his life forever) or the jews are after him.

Which also applies to OP now that I think about it. You're either a retard for going on vacation to Israel or you're a jew yourself.

Holy shit its that furry kike again!!

Attached: 1567402630185.gif (400x388, 834K)

So why exactly can't ADL be sued for extortion, defaming and racketeering?

Attached: hol up nigga.png (512x512, 51K)

ADL got his home addy and has threatened to doxx him.
so he donates

Yet again, the nose knows.
Also, yiff in hell furfag

>i'm not Jewish
>Such a newfag that you don't have the deceny to use memeflags

Attached: GASbutton.jpg (682x515, 23K)

>on vacation
of course you are, gentile

the X in it makes it sound cool

Attached: EELu8fyWsAMQ4-u.jpg (1200x1057, 185K)

I've been 2 times and I'm going again this month. It's nice. And expensive. Like said.

monosodium glutamate?


you again?

Attached: 1568175204278.jpg (1024x1024, 145K)

i fucking hate furries so fucking much
whoever made this picture should neck themself
FUCK YOU i hope your whole family dies in a fire

Attached: fuck furries.png (1069x917, 584K)

You made the first claim, kike.
Without proof.
People are sick of your shit. Normies that believe black is beautiful are starting to talk about how you are a problem. Which I thought would never happen.

So you are an American shabbos goy then