general anticommunist thread
General anticommunist thread
Benjamin Thompson
Other urls found in this thread:
Jackson Clark
>OMG DAE hate commies???
such a brave thread to make on Jow Forums
Cameron Russell
> Look how much fun WE are having now.
Eli King
under capitalism: sweep floors to make mr. shekelberg's mansion prettier
under communism: sweep floors to make commisar shekelberg's mansion prettier
Xavier Torres
>150 years latter still seething about commies
Jaxon Clark
okay tomorrow i will make socialism hate thread
Daniel Jones
imagine actually using duckduckgo and thinking it makes a difference
Brayden Anderson
Sometimes people make decisions based on their own values and stick to those values, regardless of if it makes a 'difference' or not.
Jonathan Stewart
>mr. shekelberg
He is Dr. Schwartz, user. Use Lord Palindrome's proper name.
Bentley Hall