Stop associating Pewdiepipe with Racist ideologies

Stop associating Pewdiepipe with Racist ideologies.

I Have Seen a Lot of You Racist NA*ZiS make false pictures of Felix That portray him FALSELY as a right wing extremist, but that is not what he is.

Pewdiepies is not a Nazi.
Pewdie pie Loves all races equally.

So stop Making him look bad OK? he is a husband now.

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 113K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This image is FAKE it is not who pewdiedie is

Attached: Screenshot_2017_02_13_20.16.28.jpg (1200x648, 144K)

This image is also fake

Attached: or45rpjntm921.png (1307x947, 328K)

you're a fucking faggot

Attached: 1561415183648.jpg (400x460, 36K)

Is this what the 50 grand ADL bucks bought him ? Shit tier jew shills ?
That was a very crappy investment to be honest.


So our goal as good men should be to run his value to the ground, she loved him when he was poor.

Who cares Ole!
When I saw it I read it as a statement akin to " to find out who rules you first find out who you are not allowed to criticize".
You're either a nazi or you're dumb, I don't think Felix's dumb he just loves money more than being correct.
It's a big fuck you to the adl since they were a driving force in trying to deplatform him.
He's a nazi tho, who isnt?


Attached: pewdienazi.png (383x385, 213K)

Brenton mentioned Candice Owen in his manifesto out or mockery. The 50K is not going to stop this from happening again pewds if anything it makes it more likely.

Attached: clownsting.jpg (160x240, 10K)

Kek a adolf potter tattoo