>zero interest rate
>refinance debt
>substantially lengthening the term
Is he preparing to declare his 7th bankruptcy?
Zero interest rate
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Why do so many people read the rules to life then have a bigol sookie whinge about it? If you can profit from it, do it.
Jealous of our economy?
it would seem that way
Its like King Nigger never left office kek.
It's collapsing...
Not sure why that makes you feel better.
Where did I say it makes me feel better? It makes me feel concerned since your country is run by a world class bankruptcy specialist.
4D chess confirmed
Money is a game where the points don't matter, the points being money.
Algebra textbook is the worst enemy of the current monetary system.
>You're just jealous of Trump's (((inflationary))) monetary policy
This guy is an illiterate moron, literally who cares what this nigger says.
Your dollar bill is literally monopoly money (and fuck the euro too btw). Which means everything will need more and more monopoly paper to be bought.
>the the
This problem has something to do with timing and how most people are on a constant daily rush now. If you ever find yourself saying "the" too much, try out a fun thing: Do not use it. Even if this seems like it would be difficult at first, it is easy over time.
>thinking debt matters
>he is a boomer who thinks debt doesn't matter
It does matter and the cost of the interest payments just keeps rising.
Is he talking about Skull and Bones?
How about we:
1) Stop giving tax breaks to the rich
2) Stop giving tax breaks to corporations
3) Stop taking 20-30% of middle class incomes
4) Actually do something productive to curb the financial drain of illegal immigration
5) Stop basing the health of our economy on futures and the Jewish scam that is the stock market
6) Actually prosecute banks and corporations for financial violation and mispractice
7) Substantially increase the inheritance tax for assets over 1 million dollars
8) Put in place a system that will benefit middle class whites rather than Jewish millionaires
He might be pushing the Fed right into a collapse. This would allow them to abolish the fed and institute a new centralized blockchain currency.
You retards realize the US debt doesn't work like your household debt?
boomers are cancer
And you realize that all of this has been tried thousands of years before Rome and Jesus.
Printed money always ends badly not one single empire ever get it to work.
So like communism, you just didn't do it right before. All other attempts were done wrong we are way smarter this time.
It was built form the start to fail, that's what fiet money does its temporary. Its was always temporary fix to a crisis.
Temporary things end and with the whole world locked into this foolishness. It will end badly for everyone.
Negative interest rate loans. Savings pay less then nothing.Then have money that expires, then everyone gets a government credit card with negative interest payments. That's even more cash back.
Don't worry about the money supply its as meaningless as the Federal debt.
Government debt isn't like home debt, it's worse because adding to it effect everyone's household debt.
Boomers are too young to remember the great depression and too old to understand how the world works, it's fascinating.
How does it feel to lose all the time? Are you a masochist and would you like to suck on my cock. I love dominating someone as they take my load while sucking my cock. So if you ever wana suck my dick hit me up.
Obama is in office and the fed has lower rates. Trump takes over "oh hey, lets jack these fuckers up and not pay down the debt". Bill Maher already set the narrative that the economy is a phony crisis to get liberals elected. It amazes me some of you are capable of breathing.
It will be the biggest and best bankruptcy yet.
The rates were raised 0.5%, retard. "Jacked up" lol.
Money is fake and gay.
is that in real terms or nominal? If it's not inflation-adjusted, that means debt payments are actually the same in real terms as they were 20 years ago.
Why wouldnt you want a guy who has navigated bankruptcies in the past and has come through them and actually rebounded successfully to lead a country who is essentially bankrupt? Actually makes alot of sense to me.
What did our president mean by this?
Allahu Akbar!
The U.S. must take Monroe Doctrine now.
The U.S. must withdraw American Forces from all Foreign Countries now.
Stop America's doing its all wars now!
The U.S. must return to the gold standard now!
The U.S. must adopt the gold standard again now!
The U.S. must decrease its military-budget to 100-billion-dollar per year now.
Or, the U.S. must decrease its military-budget to 1% of its GDP now.
I love American99% and the U.S.
Germany and Japan must loosen Germany's and Japan's monetary policies now!
Germany and Japan must stimulate Germany's and Japan's domestic demands now!
Japan and Germany must issue a lot of construction bond now!
Japan and Germany must reduce Germany's and Japan's taxes now!
The U.S. must tighten its monetary policy now!
As a result, Dollar value will rise!
The U.S. will have trade surplus!
Japan and Germany are evil empires.
Islamists' true enemies are Japan, Germany, FRB, Top1%, Wall Street, American Military Industry and DOD!
Japan is the country which has been promoting Globalization!!!
Allahu Akbar!
American Revolutionary War!
We American 99% have the 2nd amendment!
American Revolutionary War!
Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Japanese-bureaucrats are the main largest promoters of FTA.
Wall-Street, American-top1%, American-Military-Industry are colluding with Japan and Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).
US DOD, Japan and Germany are enemies of American99%.
US DOD, Japan and Germany are enemies of mankind.
Do you think you'll not feel the impact of something like that happens?
The interest on the debt is calculated by multiplying the face value of outstanding Treasurys times their interest rates. Treasury bills have short durations of one, three, and five months. Notes are sold in one, five, and 10-year durations. Bonds are for 15 and 30 years. The short-term debt has lower interest rates than the long-term debt. That's because investors don't demand as much of a return to lend their money for a shorter period of time.
The interest rate on each bill, note, or bond depends on when it was issued. Interest rates change over time, depending on the demand for U.S. Treasurys. When the demand is high, you can expect the interest rates will be low. When demand falls, the government has to pay a higher interest rate to sell all its bonds. Compare these changes in recent Treasury yield curves.
The interest on the debt is not simple to calculate. You can't simply multiply the total outstanding debt number by today's interest rate to get the right figure. But, in general, a large debt and a high interest rate will create a large interest rate payment.
Of course not.
What's the last thing you do before declaring bankruptcy? That's right - you run up all your credit cards buying new shit because it's all gonna be written off anyways...
Trump knows the economy is going to implode - he's doing the same thing here. Get interest rates to zero, rebuild our infrastructure and military... when the economy goes to shit, audit the Fed and let them be on the hook for it all.
They've siphoned enough wealth out of the US, so why not soak them back?
At least we'd be doing something useful with the worthless ass toilet paper fiat currency they've foisted on us....
>the the
Matt Johnson is unfortunately unable to comply with your directive.
Sounds fine but the $1Mm estate tax. Real estate, especially farms, and single member businesses quickly can hit multi million dollar valuations while providing low incomes. Forcing a 40% tax onto granddads farm means selling the whole thing to pay a tax debt. $10MM is a more realistic start if you wanted to actaully argue. But remember that wealthy people tend to hold things in trusts and corporations that dont get put into this discussion. Estate tax tends to only affect upper middle class families and small biz owners, and is arguably the least ethical tax possible.
Actually it's a good idea.... investors can create whatever duration they want by barbelling the 30 yr bond and cash. There is no reason to issue 2,5,10 yr paper.
Scumbags like Warren buffet love the estate tax... he bought numerous family owned business at a discount ..... the family needed the liquidy to pay the estate tax.