How will Americans and whites in general react to the Asian century?

How will Americans and whites in general react to the Asian century?

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>muh paper drag...

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Personally not a footfag, but if anything were to convince me to be, it'd be this image.

Wait, asian women will pay me to rub their feet? I need to get in on this shtick desu

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> the Asian century
sorry lad
But the God Emperor has pretty well cucked you all out of that.
Turns out you cant become a major self sufficent industrial power through providing slave labor to the first wold.
Who would of thought.

Attached: allhailthegodemporer.png (550x656, 799K)

Hopefully they will deal with the jews, white people are obviously not going to

with wet dicks

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this desu

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As much as its going to suck getting colonized by these bugmen, the kvetching will at least be entertaining.

My last three employers have been Chinese, they fine with me desu

>Yes sir
Is discipline the sexiest virtue?

China's population grown is expected to go down in around 5 years reaching south korean levels really quick, and there goes your asian century......

their economy is set to implode in the next 12-16 months retard

Bugmen are servile and the only things they can play superior over are the animals they torture like the bugmen they are.

Your little cartoon is a fantasy.

I love images like this. Just shows that a lot of the people "against racism" aren't really against racism: they're just mad that they don't feel they're the ones "on top" of the racial hierarchy.

>asians are white
They wish. No, really, they're obsessed with being white.

Even sitting on the floor the whites are almost as tall as the Asians wow truly Aryans and Anglos are superior races

Asians will genetically enhance their own populations, while whites become subhuman poopulations because all else is racist.

asian women willingly open up nail salons. they are not being forced to come here and paint and message white women’s toes. also love how every nigger that draws pictures like these ignores the fact that like 95% of the women that go to nail salons and cause issues are niggers or jewish american princesses.

lol that nip on the right can't even see what wrist her watch is on

This + pic related

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>China will collapse, trust me!!!

I wouldn’t guess that slants are capable new spotters.

Ha ha, even in this thread, whitey trembles in fear before Asian feet.

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Imagine thinking for a second that the Europeans, the prime descendants of gigantic hunter-gatherers with average cranial capacities over 1800cc, the peoples who hunted the mammoths to extinction, the inventors of the wheel, the war chariot, the domestication of horses and advanced metal forging, those who conquered the world in the Bronze Age (from Europe to Asia and even penetrating deep into Africa) and then again from the Renaissance to the Modern Age, the peoples who mapped the Earth and conquered the space, have it in them to be as submissive and servile as a fucking race of insectoids who descend for generations upon generations from rice farming slaves who only know how to bow the head and kiss the ground where their masters walk upon.

Imagine thinking, for a second, that the Europeans won't go as far as to destroy this Earth to renew it, if they ever awoke to the terrible mistakes of humanity.

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It’s a fetish image you stupid fucking boomer

God, emojis are so cringey. I fucking hate that you need to use them with 90% of w*men

also based I wish that was me

maybe if whites mix out then they can become subhuman, fuckface

God I wish
>tfw no dom qt asian gf that forces me to rub her feet

Remaining the same stagnant obese pokerfaces who only value economy will render whites 'subhuman' simply because the Asians will increase in quality, raising the bar higher.
I'm an elven supremacist, whilst I would prefer my race to go there, it seems to be the Asians who will instead. May God bless them.

This post is an fbi agent trying to get people to hate chinks because murica and jewry is being slowly killed off by chinks. Similar to pic related.

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Honestly, being a mercenary seems to be not at all unlike being a whore.

I hope they're smelly

They are worse than whores. They are traitors to their own race and families. Lowest type of life on the planet.

lmao I used to date a jewish girl from long island, she constantly went to get her nails done and they looked way worse after the fact.
One time she took me with her and they poured beeswax on my feet.
It was actually really nice.

Please chinks, make anime girls a reality. I can't wait anymore.

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Oh man can I get paid to suck them too

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All rebellious bugmen were killed centuries ago

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>I'm angry because they self filter the garbage
>Why don't they make it easier to be stupid!?
come on man, they're doing all the work of swiping left for you.
Just pick a good female. Fat girls can get on a treadmill, dumb girls can read a book.
Just like you can work out and get wealthy the worthwhile women can become more attractive for the right guy.
So stop being stupid, and accept that non-worthwhile women have done the hard work of removing themselves from you. Now you can focus on the actually high-tier women.

China is about to be the most powerfull country in the world when the US collapses in the 2030s

>implying this can possibly be maintained
You gotta be 18 to post here kiddo

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>Thu 05 Apr 2018
Yeah i remember back when I though Trump was going to actually do something too

Asians still flee their own kind to live in the shadow of whites

What are you talking about? An Asian being in Canada is about as natural as white person being there

>An Asian being in Canada is about as natural as white person being there

no Asian official language
no Asian prime minister
no Asian provinces
no Asian institutions

just cockroaches fleeing the filth they spawned from

>just cockroaches fleeing the filth they spawned from

Pretty much this. For all the "china numba wan, chinese century" posting, every chink outside of China is fleeing that total shithole.

Horses were domesticated by the anatolians

>Asian century
All this cope
Asia, like Europe is dying, worse than Europe
The US is going to have 420 million people in 50 years
Unfortunately it’s going to be a American century followed by a Mexican century

And whites are leaving their countries as well.

Eww gross! middle-aged lady feet

Asians like whites, better yet, aspire to be whites, so even if white countries are conquered by asians (read: chinese and their nearby colonies), we'll most likely be treated with respect and even admiration. For the men, there won't be shortage of chinks wanting to date us, for women, well, who cares lol wish they die painfully, artificial wombs ftw

America has been declining while China is currently rising. Population doesn't matter, you low IQ mutt. Birth rates adjust naturally. The Chinese century isn't a meme.

>no Asian provinces
>no Asian institutions
Well its not like there are any white equivalent to these. But I guess you are a bit better then America since we have no offical language and a jewish president

The Chinese century is totally a meme. Come back when you're not eating gutter oil or being eaten yourself by an escalator.

I think the funniest thing is how just the fact that they have to use the white man's language to talk shit proves how pathetic they are.
Tens of millions of shitskins were cucked into speaking european languages, but I never heard of a white man speaking a shitskin language as his mother tongue. There's a clear hierarchy.

Go take back HK if the Chinese century is a meme

China is far away so i dont mind Asian century. We survived worse. Have you ever heard about German century?

Take it yourself.

Wasn't our colony that we were strong-armed to give up.

I am assuming you are a chink. Take it yourself.

This is totally delusional and past on pre fiat monetary theory. China has physical assets to back up their fiat, they will be fine, the US is fucked and owns nothing but paper.

Even worse, they paid for most of the worlds steel to be shipped to China to build their factories lmao

>the image that causes roasties to seethe

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>the US is fucked and owns nothing but paper

Backed by military force

Also all the projections that are written about becoming an net energy exporter are paid and written for by Exxon to inflate their shares. The US won't become a net energy exporter ever because they are losing their grip on the supply chain and can no longer manipulate the price of oil as effectively. Lost in Syria, Lost in Iraq, Lost in Afganistan, and is now scrambling to start shit in Kashmir and Hong Kong and our own Backyard in Venezuela. Doing stupid shit all over trying to stop China and failing. We are going to lose the Panama Canal if we keep fucking around and stretching so thin.

Hispanics are replacing "white" Americans, not Asians. We need an anti-Asian Tarrant in Australia.

>The diversity leadership
This is an issue
>with dilapidated equipment?
This is not.

>Backed by military force
If the US tries to use military force on anything related to China they'll be retaliated. It'll also make the word disregard the US. It's overall a dumb move
>inb4 muh nukes

>Backed by military force
So? China has modern ABM you cant nuke them and Russia and Iran are on their side. If you start a World War with modern weapons it will kill millions of american civilians and we would probably lose, and lose Hawaii and Alaska and Texas.

>they'll be retaliated
Resulting in China getting BTFO.

I'll accept it if they are japanese

What a fucking inferiority complex

They'll be too busy suffering under a cross between Brazil and South Africa to even care about Chang's global domination.

[laughs in bioengineered Han specific virus]

Diversity of genetics will unironically become a virtue. Chinese are basically all genetic clones so its just a matter of making a contagion that only targets their genes and then spreading it.

By drinking their own piss.

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if this BTFO Jews and we wil not descend into Dark Ages, I'm fine.

I doubt it

I don't. China has one thing going for them militarily: fuckloads of infantry. However they have fuck all training and shit equipment.

Increasingly nervous westerners having been saying this for decades.

>300 Million obese american men women and children vaping fry oil
>450 million Zerglings
>2,000,000 civilians that can be put to work with no expectation of pay or comfort


Ok Zipperhead