Mexico hate thread

Mexico hate thread
>have to take out my car's battery every night or it gets stolen
>can't even own guns because "muh burglars human rights"
>step outside, take two steps, step on dogshit because it's literally everywhere and people think "son animalitos, ni modo" so they just let go outside and roam freely, shitting and biting on everything and everyone but as soon as they get thier dog killed "OH DIOS MI PERRITO"
>neighbours catch thief in the middle of stealing their car, beat him up, they arrest them because "the burglar's human rights and he wasn't violating anyone's human rights by stealing
>go to work, there's cavemen music, while commuting home, cavemen music, cavemen music 24/7 and sometimes three songs repeated over and over
>people throw diapers, snack wrapers and anything on the streets, rain comes, flooding and literal shit to the ankles

tl;dr beaners have no idea how to be decent people, they are more like pigs, like pig-people.

God, I hate this shithole and I hate beaners

Attached: tercera.jpg (700x352, 46K)

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I feel you beaner comrade. A bunch of your countrymen shat up the neighborhood I grew up in. It's been years but if I went back there I'm sure it would resemble Tijuana more than the neighborhood I remember.
Fuck spics.

why are you there? Unless of course you yourself are Mexican...

Dont like living near spics?
Now you know how we feel.


Sorry bro. Come to america. Legally of course. And by legally I mean dont come at all. Just kidding sorry your situation blows fren

based mexican

Spic here, I agree, most Mexicans are morally void NPCs that roam around like lobotimized cockroaches. That being said the ones that actually think for themselves are pretty cool and are aware of their mixed blood and the utter shit state of Mexico.

Hey chuco, what’s your best idea for unfucking whatever is wrong with Mexico? Aside from deportation of all Guatemalans.

lol, thats fucked mang, have you ever considering killing yourself?