Channel 14 user dig

Continuing as to what actually is occurring on Ch14.

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try to look at the full image without zooming to see what i see
looks like a guy leaning on the wall while someone is looking at him from the window; butchers storeroom for human meat perhaps?

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Good post user. Seeing different facial angles in there.

Could be user. I'm torn between the close up or as you're saying it's the same angle as the other cameras. The face from room 15 is interesting and leads me to the conclusion it's like you're saying or its another in a precession dressed in the same 'robe' behind the zoom in model.

Bump. Keep going.

Any reason in particular why I should be staring at this blurry pile of shit?

No, move on. Its not for you.

I wish orig ch14 user would come back and give us some pointers. It's either a close up, holding child to camera, OR the same angle as the rest with a viewing window from Ch15.

Ch11 much of QR thought was Pelosi, big granny tits and stature.

These idiots think this is brand new material
All faggots ITT need to lurk moar
We covered this two years ago. At least bunp the /egg/ breads in between your psychological breakdowns

I def see this too, but can’t make sense of other things in the room. Like the two brighter dots above and slightly right of his head. The bright white to the right of his feet look like a teddy bear half covered to me. Peeking from behin a couch or chair maybe

No you're wrong. Ch14 was never figured out because no one even bothered with it until two days ago you mong.

Brighter dots could be candles.

Good, thanks for the heads-up. I naively assumed it wasn‘t a thread of autism ridden internet-addicts projecting their snuff fantasies onto a case in which not a single one of the dozens of witnesses said anything whatsoever about extreme physical violence, let alone sexually motivated murder.

What's going on in the other channels, can someone give me a run down?
Who else would know about these cameras?

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Endless speculation. From ch11 Pelosi, 10 people eating off bodies or actually eating bodies.

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Is there any connection to that ping pong pizza place or any of that bs? I'm not "new" but there's been so much new info.
Does anyone have some good vids that fill in gaps between their social media connections to this satanic pedo shit.

In the pic I posted I see:
Someone wearing a mask holding a baby up to a camera. Their had is at such an angle where you can see the top of their head being covered by some kinda mask. I believe it looks like the one we saw in maxwell house. Possibly even the same one. As I recall it was "pizza related..." carisjames

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The mass would also explain why the child's eyes have a reflection but the mask eyes do not.

this is def some dude eating a baby out

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>this is def some dude eating a baby out
something truly gnarly is going on in that picture
that's what I see when looking at it
looks like cannibalism

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Two camps here between close up or not. I'm unsure. Not directly related to Comet or Alefantis, but def Epstein and Ray Chandler.


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user appeared the other day telling us to look at the Channel 14 from Rachel Chandler's IG page from Epstein Island. Anons have looked at this for a few years, but since Channel 14 was largely just a black mess, no one really looked. We've been given a heads up and it seems that it's either a) a guy wearing a mask holding up a baby to the camera or b) a group of guys naked who maybe committing child rape in a viewing room.

This is the most logical and best analysis. I believe the bright spots everyone thinks are eyes has to be candles. And it's screwing with our facial recognition.
Aren't autists known for their inability to decipher faces?

Spooky stuff. Thanks frens.

A heads up by original Ch14 user would be of some help right now.

i see a skinned baby face and a person eating it. scary picture.

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One possibility user. The other is that its not a zoomed in camera but a room view with three men.

you fools need to enhance.
I said that in jest, but maybe try to run in one of those res upscaling machine learning algos to see if anything comes up. Pretty sure you can find them online.

Some Anons have done. Yielded the same results, two camps, close up v non close up.

it's a slide thread is what it is


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No, you're the slide.

no one mentions how we got this photo in the first place. especially because it was Q that told anons to check the RC account as soon as anons reported it was private he unlocked it and told anons to archive everything. shills won't touch this, or "tip top"

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this. fucking bunch of absolute retards. hey guys tell me what you see in this blurry pic which can be almost anything. oh don't worry when you get it, I'll come back and post more. oh by the way here's a suggestion on what to look for which psychologically makes your mind see what it is despite whether or not it displays that do to how human cognition and pattern recognition work. but never mind that goys.... i mean guys just keep trying you'll surely get it soon and I'll surely return with more. this totally isn't another slide thread in the exact vein of that supposed hillary/huma pic that kept a bunch of you busy for a couple weeks.....ok remember I'll be back later just keep waiting

Anything else on that account worth noting?

RC IG was open before Q irc. I'm more interested in why a few days ago Ch14anon came and said we should check out that particular Ch. Bearing in mind Q never mentioned anything about that particular channel, hence it was overlooked for a few years.

looks like some sort of alienoid creature.
maybe one of the four princes of hell?

it was not set to private at first. if you're going to tell the history tell it right. her IG was completely public until much like with the earliest investigations into pizza gate a bunch of fucking retards started posting dumb shit on every photo she had about her being a pedo, etc and before they could all be archived just like with pizza gate and she went private and or deleted many photos

Go to Shaun Atwoods yt channel, he's doing good work on epstein

Keep an eye on little st James on google maps. It keeps having points of businesses marked on it with comments in the reviews that seem in code. Most recent in the last few days. One was seal team 7. Now one wrote in Chinese. Seems kinda weird.

Fuck off, go and do something productive like call everyone nigger or kike, or LARP as a European.

holy shit i can see it clearly now.
15 watches 14
14 is doing this:

man in mask holding baby. can see his ear near edge of mask. he has a mohawk. he is reaching around from the other side of the child and stabbiing it. that big white blob is one of his hands holding the stabbing instrument, which is why there is blood on the window as it spurt out of its chest.

they make the other kids watch, so they continue being good sex slaves.
this is how they make them stay silent.

Yes, 15 watches 14. Unsure if close up or room view.

Thanks for the heads up user.

This is exactly what's in the image. Not some baby's head or whatever the fuck the last thread was on about.

it's people shitting into buckets

yep sure thing brain dead moron. again most of you are absolute morons who just sit back and chase your tails or distractions like idiots because you can't discern when you're getting baited

this...this is what actually happened

it certainly look like 15 watches 14.. These people are sick

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Is the footage archived somewhere outside of IG?

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Good, well fuck off and concern yourself with other things.

I was one of those retards. Sorry Q. Although he did say “message received” so he must have already had all of rachael’s evidence before he posted it on .pub

i don't see it...can't make sense of what's going on in 15.
but this is a good thread...been seeing more and more good threads.
we, as anons, need to start actively making threads. we're saturated in shill threads all the time; we have to take it upon ourselves to make comfy user hangouts.

still don't know what's going on in 14...will admit it looks strange. imo, anything that keeps attention focused on this stuff is warranted.

starting to think nxivm was just a primer...just a public case to prep the public for BIG revelations that this stuff happens on a massive scale, and that the actual activites are so macabre, so preverse, it beggars belief.
Q did say that rachandler was 100 times worse than smallville thot.

Because 8ch and QR refugees are posting.

good eye.
this is a pretty good interpretation of the image.
reflects what's going on in the other pic...the
'buffet' pic.

Epstein facilitating teens is a primer. You're not telling me he doesn't cater for more extreme clientele than people like Prince Andrew who want to fuck a 17 year old.

make me you dumb fucking retard

Made a quick outline showing how i see it. there's others that were better drawn but didn't save them. would appreciate if people posted those

Attached: Dam3.png (1021x773, 905K)

3,000 mile away tough guy talk. Incel, hire a hooker, they'll be cheap where you live.

Two 'eyes' could be candles on a table in that model, looks like three guys.

and by others I mean the ones showing it's actually a Man, a Girl and a couch

again you are the retard

The best you've got incel? Go to bed, school tomorrow. Let the men dig.

i've never doubted whether or not Q was legit. Qtards are starting to assert themselves here, and the effects are palpably positive. when 8 comes back, i may go with them. i absolutely know it's connected to POTUS. anyone who cannot see that is a blinkered imbecile. i have, however, entertained doubts as to Q's intent. they never last long. but many years ago user learned the importance of continually testing one's most basic assumptions and tracing all ideas back to source.
when one speculates in unorthodox thinking, it's vital that every link connecting hypothesis to conclusion be solid state.

at present, i firmly believe Q is not only legit, but revolutionary. i moreover believe humanity is on the precipice of a massive shift in consciousness.

humanity is bored, anxious and agitated. a combustible combination. among the several things that remain to be seen is the extent to which this will all go.

the veil is being rent. mind's eyes are spilling past and investigating. more and more light is peeping through. soon we will have a more complete picture.

Trump may very well go down as one of history's titans. if i'm wrong, one of its great pariahs. either way, and assuming for one moment that Trump is a pied piper, his activities will only suffice in stalling (and exacerbating/accelerating) the change to come.

all apocalyptic scenarios are simply doom porn. they're trying to scare us back into acquiescence. with the effects of each iteration increasingly marginal...soon to carry an inverse yield.

very soon.

What faggot eddited in the red Q?

Dubs. I'm a refugee, but it seems the quality of posts has increased since 8 was taken offline here. Q is legit, for good or bad, Qtards are more zealous and redpilled on a host of topics.

his op was a pyramid scheme.
it begins with simple nationalizations.
>aren't 17 y/o nubile teens hawt?
>don't you want that?
>with no strings attached?
>why is that illegal?
>all great men of antiquity did the same and suffered no dimunition in stature...why should you?
>you're, after all, elite...let the plebs content themselves on the spoils of our demoralized wymen.

next level
>yes, well, 17/16 y/o nubiles are nice, no?
>wanna know what's better?
>the 'golden age'
>get them at the moment they're transitioning to women
>you can actually provide a valuable service to them
>mentor their matriculation as women
>what? would you just let something so valuable as their virginity fall into the hands of a slack-jawed oafish man-child?
>both you and she benefit, mr. elite.
>it's a rite of passage

next level
>dr, kinsey taught us that children are preternaturally and precociously sexual
>it's all well documented by that lion of 'science'
>humanity has been supressed in their sexuality by false puritanical beliefs
>'studies' show that children initiated into sexuality at a very young age turn out fine...better even
>this is the real forbidden fruit
>and since you've been elected to participate
>have no fear. this is for you an entitlement

next level

next level
>dark occult
>extreme macabre
>worship of the dark lords

next level
>absolute control of all beneath

and it's all coming down.

there are so many shills here it's hard to ascertain the disposition of Jow Forums these days. i stay to defend turf. shills, at present, are more active and confident. but you should expect a radical shift in sentiment soon

>very soon


Based and redpilled.

So many the last few threads. This has been relatively tame up to now. God bless user.

they're fighting a war they cannot win. they were inept as prime movers (even with unlimited resources and power); they're utterly hapless in reaction mode.
they always do exactly what user expects.

they wanted a show?
i've always said the price of admission will be pain.

>are (they) not entertained?

I got it guys...

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I have to bow out right now. Keep digging Anons. Good night and God bless you.

Ch 15 is connect to Ch 16. Look at the light in the mirror on 16, it is reflected in the mirror in 15. The theory of watching room 14 is interesting, but from the red reflection in 14 at the top looks exactly like the red in ch 6, where a young girl is seated and appears to be nude.

and they have now found out.... something? whos dick does a bitch have to suck to get a rundown on here..

funny how hard this thread is being slid

It’s this. Someone’s back is facing the camera.

Do you think we’ll see that change in consciousness in our lifetime? Will the human spirit be freed?

Because murder victims always talk.

200 IQ there.

i earnestly believe so.
i moreover think it starts gathering pace soon...actually it is gathering pace right now.
the problem is that many who are awake or waking up still index their own consciousness and that of the masses to legacy media.
legacy media is not a reliable reference for anything, least of all the aggregate disposition of the masses.
take a to strangers...appraise the degree of their red-pilling (actually, keep it to pinkpills for now). for any who're even remotely up to speed on current events, you'll be surprised at their awareness, particularly if you speak with confidence.
basically, people know. they're just still scared of social consequences. they're waiting for permission to speak boldly about their new found revelations.

you can feel it. all of a sudden, defending the establishment position on anything is passe.
they're losing their grip on the hive mind. they've pressed things too far too fast. the last thing they have is the impression of control. once that suffers a serious blow, it's all over.

we're very near an inflection in these things.

in this regard, i think Jow Forums should reach out to the respectable black community. 'wokeness' being a la mode among blacks (particularly in that they've always taken a dubious view of authority), we can graft this element into the larger movement.

based blacks truly are our natural allies. and that's the reason 'they're' so intent on hammering wedges between us.

Does anyone have other pics from her account? Can we cross reference them with the camera post?
Can we get someone to follow her and start going through what posts she still has available?
There’s gotta be something, somewhere.