The american performer and sex activist Cameryn Moore lives in Berlin since 2 years and says she gets stared at regularly. Not because of her cowboy boots or her blue hair, but because she weights 140 kilograms. She says she was too scared to leave the house for a couple of days.
When will Germany learn to adapt the American obesity trend?
Why you Americans have to be such idiots? Like everywhere you go shit like this start to immediately happen.
Julian Flores
Wha?... I'm not sure if i shall say it, but while the US is the country that has the highest percentage of obese people, Germany is statistically the most overweight country on the planet.
Levi Clark
Being a fatso is bad everywhere.
Anthony Martin
I hate our sense of entitlement. Stay in your own country fatty. Most people won’t notice your hamplanetness.
Jose Harris
Well, of the industrialised nations at least, non countries like Palau and shit don't count
Benjamin James
>Berlin officially considered as the Shithole of all Shitholes here in Germany, and by god we have Frankfurt with 62% Kids Born being Niggers, and its even worse than that