Brit/pol:Andy edtion

BBC 2 New show on at 7pm

Attached: andrew-neil.png (2021x1515, 1.61M)

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Attached: 1481245452852.gif (636x391, 210K)

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More like cringe gang

75% of likely Brexit Party voters are 50+
23% of likely Brexit Party voters are 25-49
3% of likely Brexit Party voters are 18-24

(This adds up to 101% because they're rounded)

They should rename it the Geriatrics Party.

Attached: Voting intention 9-10 September 2019-01.png (2134x1067, 102K)

That is a rather unfunny image.

>3% of likely Brexit Party voters are 18-24
fucking lol

Why are you in every thread?

tfw watching friends

Attached: comfys.jpg (900x600, 88K)