Just sign this 48 month contract and it's all yours.... good goyim

>Just sign this 48 month contract and it's all yours.... good goyim

Attached: 1568207415023.jpg (2202x1520, 1.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:


512 GB

Where do I sign?

>it also spies on you for free
>how cool is that

people still use phones?

why did you take a photo of your monitor? all OS have a screenshot tool

Apple is shit you can't even watch webms. Galaxy is better
>proud phoneposter

People who don’t have cars will have these

Attached: 2D45F6D5-B37E-4366-A989-C5A1C435B2D5.jpg (792x532, 100K)

>being poor
>Financing a phone instead of just buying the one you can afford

Attached: eeeeeeeeeeeo.png (430x416, 409K)

those colors are also shit, 5c colors were much better, this company is just unironically becoming gay

Fuck off normie shit. Enjoy that garbage rez.

Attached: 71WH8eMTCML._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1500, 99K)