>Just sign this 48 month contract and it's all yours.... good goyim
Just sign this 48 month contract and it's all yours.... good goyim
Gabriel Stewart
Aiden Martinez
512 GB
Where do I sign?
Jeremiah Morgan
>it also spies on you for free
>how cool is that
Oliver King
people still use phones?
Adam Turner
why did you take a photo of your monitor? all OS have a screenshot tool
Jace Nelson
Apple is shit you can't even watch webms. Galaxy is better
>proud phoneposter
Colton Powell
People who don’t have cars will have these
Jackson Mitchell
>being poor
>Financing a phone instead of just buying the one you can afford
Ryder Robinson
those colors are also shit, 5c colors were much better, this company is just unironically becoming gay
Cameron Scott
Fuck off normie shit. Enjoy that garbage rez.