The early morning TV of 9/11

Look at the amount of foreshadowing in this!

>It's too quiet
>There's something in the air
>Flying out here on AMERICAN AIRLINES (namedropped for no reason)
>The long road to freedom
>We're all wearing purple today
>The date Sept 11th 2001 mentioned non stop in full

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Other urls found in this thread:

There are now voting adults born after the 9/11 attacks.

Everything was a lot less shrill and more lighthearted before 9/11.


Yes never forget the day the us govt attacked it's own people.

thats because Media Kikes helped doing it.

I think there is more to it than just that though.
Some of the MSM script was 100% done to set the narrative, especially after the attacks.

But not all of these people are scripted, and some are only local news guys.

The black guy who says a bunch of weird shit, 'don't open that door' 'American Airlines' etc. That stuff all seems off the cuff remarks.

I think time has a way of leaking on itself.

the MSM was directly involved in 9/11 and with directly involved I mean they knew exactly what was going on as they helped staging this shit.

Random local TV anchors were not in on that shit, the big networks had the script written by people who were (at least for some parts) and other shit like that. But the amount of people who were in on 9/11 was small (like all other false flags, they compartmentalize).

They're not going to tell some literally who local news anchor, things like this are 100% 'need to know'. Look at the part I mentioned too, it's all ad libbed.

>I think time has a way of leaking on itself.
This is a really good way to put it.


We need more hapa MILFs on TV.

Hi burgers! Happy 9/11 ...

do yo have 4 hours and 10 minutes to listen a rambling Russian ex-military officer to tell you the truth about 9/11?

>What is atomic demolition?
>How were small nuclear devices used in the 50s-80s to bring down sky scrapers?
>Why is the internet scrubbed about this information (while my old physics books still have the information)
>What is the definition of the words "Ground Zero" prior to 9/11?

PS: download the video, everytime I post a link to a copy of it on youtube, it gets deleted a few days/hours later...

Attached: ef76ad65d8f42f23d95dda2c2a74548bd05fc0631b8a4e84b620d48dd8ea52ee.gif (342x342, 392K)

every live picture on every channel was heavy edited in many different ways to make it look legit.
no way they didnt knew what was going on.
also interesting fact is that only their relatives and others who work for MSM were the only ones who reported live seeing planes hitting the towers, normal people in the streets said they only heard bombs going off but no planes.

there is a lot of fuckery going on and god knows how deep this goes. but if you dig around you can easily see how everyone was involved.
>the government
>the intelligence agencies
>the FBI
>Universities and independent (((experts)))
>the stock market
>the MSM across all western countries
>even countries who should have been outside of the 9/11 scam were backing it (Russia for example)

Its a worldwide Jew conspiracy.

i fucking hate time


And then they came for your privacy.

Now theyre after your liberty.

Never forget who your enemy has always been.

It's odd to think about because some theories suggest time is all happening at once and it's just perspective that matters.

One thing I'm reminded of though with these incidents is similar to what happened in the old days when you record audio on magnetic tape.

You can get what comes across as an echo when the reels of tape are pressed together and part of the audio on one side imprints onto the other.

There was a ton of fuckery going on no doubt, but for example, the GCP dot was also acting very weird on 9/11.
There is no point in telling the weatherman for example on a small station about your big scheme.
There was a ton of predictive programming relating to 9/11 going back decades too.

If you've watched Bill Cooper mystery babylon series then he talks about a lot of these secret societies having basically the same beliefs.

I don't know about the 'no planes' thing though.

But in any case, even if that is true, it's easier to dupe the news guys than spill the beans for no benefit, you keep it on a need to know basis like all big secrets.

>There is no point in telling the weatherman for example on a small station about your big scheme.
maybe not the weatherman but the news anchor or the camera operator in the chopper knew 100% wtf was going on. the fact their relatives and other fags that worked for the MSM called live into the show reporting planes hitting the towers is also very very suspicious.

>I don't know about the 'no planes' thing though.
basically the MSM helped faking the entire thing from start to end and even til today by shilling that narrative.
their job was and still is to convince the world that Planes hit the towers.
(real planes couldn't get the job done for many reasons)


9/11 now a national day of "rememberance"

never forget the 800 million souls lost on 9/11

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I think it's still too much.
Plus not all of these clips are even major stations.

I'll give another example, look at the part where they had the guy on promoting his book on Howard Hughes.
Intentional or not?

That one could be. But did the host interviewing him know about it?

The news people aren't at a high level of clearance. If you were talking about someone who was a literal fed like Anderson Cooper then sure, but not random guys.

Like I say, that black dude ad libbed a bunch of spooky stuff.

Plus, it's not just about 'news people'. You've probably heard even on Jow Forums, some people claim to have had weird predictive dreams about 9/11 and such.

Abe Lincoln predicted his own death the night before too. There's more to this kind of stuff than the mere conspiracy side of it.

>Plus not all of these clips are even major stations.
It kinda was
every Video that didn't come from the Livefeeds but came up later was all edited footage. It just makes no sense that the plane moves different in every clip, looks different in every video, travels at different speed, changes it size, different approach etc. unless they were all edited.
It was all one big fake by the Media and the Media Kikes know for sure, I guarantee you that.

the 9/11 scam was also for a long time in the planning, one could argue that the towers were even build just for this purpose which means it was around 33+ years in the planning stage.
Really makes you think, these guys aren't conspiracy theorist schizos, these are men that want to know why their brothers died. It's a resolution passed by actual fire commissioners for a new investigation into the use of controlled explosives in all three towers on 9/11. Share this with normies instead of the more redpilled stuff because they'll just tune it out, but these guys can lay the groundwork for more redpills. Seriously watch it, it's only life 7 minutes
Fuck off shill

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give it up you retards there is no conspiracy

>retarded Russians think nukes were used to bring down the towers
Just when I thought Russians couldn't be more retarded....

But does time hate you?

this is bullshit i know for a fact

not seeing planes is what im referring too.. it happened to be caught on too many cameras and too many live witnesses and ur forgetting about the recording we can hear from the control towers that were released and from norad

cute 5 minutes .. so cute, I even watched it.. it is like no real information, just doom and gloom.. also you seem to bee in shilling spree...
Lemme spell out the truth... (this will not satisfy the anti-jews)

>Kursk (Russian atomic sub) sinks
>nukes missing
>radical groups in several (redacted) middle east countries get hold of said nukes for nice $$$
>mossad hears of it, doesnt prevent it tho, warns its ppl (most jews flee of trade centers, owner of trade centers issues insurances), again they DID not do the attack
>NSA+CIA gets note of missing nukes and attack plans, but are to fucking lazy+powers to be want the attack to happen for "New Pearl Harbor" reasons.
>attack really happens on 9/11, Cheney and co. celebrate, good guy in your burger gov get panic cause they fear Kursk nukes are on the planes (they aint, they are somewhere else)
>good guys trigger small demolition nukes under trade tower to prevent nuclear holocaust in NY (~500k dead)
>twin towers fall in free fall
>WTC7 (CIA HQ in new york), gets safely demolitioned to hide good guy safe nuking of WTC1+2
>not even a criminal investigation in the biggest crime on US soil ever, only a "comission"

ya.. shill on

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I agree about it being planned that way from the building of the towers.

But you know, there was a nation wide 'stand down' order given for the USAF on 9/11 too. First time it had ever been done. Rumsfeld is even on record at insisting it continue even when told there were hijacked planes in the air.

Doesn't make sense for them to give a stand down if the planes were all fake. Although no plane hit the pentagon for sure.

I remember this, my neighbor Cosmo Cramer used to come up with the wackiest plans to rape women, and my friend George, he always failed to rape them, me I just acted normal and they let me have sex with them most of the time, my friend Elaine though, she was the BEST! She always acted like she was being raped, but it was an elaborate plan to BE raped and she LOVED IT!

My wacky friends were the best!

Gee Al Roker was still fat
Those were the days

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>it happened to be caught on too many cameras
and all of the footage was faked.
If the videos would show the same thing then the plane wouldnt behave different every time.

you were duped by MSM Kikes.

>Doesn't make sense for them to give a stand down if the planes were all fake.
wouldn't help the plan if F16s are in the air but there are actually no planes to intercept because they only exist as CGI on a screen. can't intercept bombs planted in the building with a fucking AMRAAM.

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Idiotic videos like this remind me how people just can't comprehend how fucking large those buildings are. Yokels from bumbuck Iowa have no idea how large those towers loomed on the skyline and how similar they looked from different views.

And when you start talking about "The Matrix", I know your brain is out in la la land.

The footage wasn't fake. The planes weren't faked.

Israel and Saudia Arabia used a pack of Islamic terrorists with boxcutters to con America into costly wars to carve up the middle east for them.

Men with boxcutters took down two of the tallest buildings in America.

Anyone saying otherwise is a pawn to distract from the (((people))) who were behind those men.

>best the muzzies could do after was shooting up a couple of mosques and hotels
something fishy for sure
why couldn't they do it again?


>Doesn't make sense for them to give a stand down if the planes were all fake
makes perfect sense - the jets would be witnesses to the fact that there were no planes

in fact, it's the ONLY reason that makes sense

It's not foreshadowing
The world was just happier and simpler before sand niggers and kikes ripped the fabric of space-time.


I was born in 91

I remember visiting NYC in 1998. The twin towers where an all inspiring monument that dominated the NYC skyline. The towers where a cultural icon you saw in every movie set in NYC and where the establishing shot that told you where New York City, USA.

Everything was nice, clean and safe thanks to the mayor then.

People where calmer and nicer. Kids still played outside. Muslims failed to bring down the towers in 93. Feminism was a fringe ideology. No LGHTQZP fag shit. No pervasive political correctness.
Movies, tv and music still had soul.

And Despite the LA roits and the OJ trial, even race relations where somewhat better. The stock market soared to record highs and technology was rapidly advancing.

Everyone and everything seem optimistic.....then 9/11 happened.

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It was all faked you dumb brainlet kike

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I was born in 81. It's really hard to explain. Everyone said newsmedia and politics was all lies. Offended people were told to agree to disagree or mind their own business. Entertainment was generally whiter and more wholesome. People were in parks and playing in the street. No one was staring at their phones. People joked around more. There were no slutting apps. People were in churches and libraries. The Jews fucking wrecked us.

83 here. Can confirm this is all true. I feel bad for my younger relatives who don't remember the 20th century. This shitty world the way it is now is the only world they've ever known and I'm afraid it's going to get worse before it gets better. Before 9/11 I had no reason to think the world was going anywhere but up. That day was the beginning of our descent into Hell.

we need a reset

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The reference I give to young people is the idea of having a driver's license before I had a cell phone. I don't look old and I'm not perceived as old, but I perceive them as very young. The gap is massive.

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Fuck off false flag shills. Stop trying to discredit the 9/11 truth movement. Their were planes involved. Their were Muslim terrorists on those planes. However, the CIA and Mossad both had advanced knowledge of the attack, let it happen, and almost certainly participated in financing or otherwise aiding the terrorist operation. It's also likely that bombs or accelerants distributed at a few key points in the buildings to fan the flames, as it were.

Anyone supporting no plane theories is either a literal shill or just a dumb ass (and I'm guessing you're the latter).

This is interesting coming from someone in latin american. Could you briefly elaborate? In what sense did your beliefs change as a result of the event? You thought everything was great and everyone liked each other and then you realize that Muslims hate the west (and vice versa to a lesser extent)? Or did you immediately recognize that it was likely a false flag, and were redpilled by it?

this, I believe actual planes were used however Mossad/C.I.A were the ones who either allowed for it to happened, or actually planned and aided the attacks.

The pentagon however, I am little skeptical about, that one could've actually been a missile or bombing, could've been a plane though I don't know for sure.

The towers were definitely hit by planes though.

Fuck kikes and anyone who aids them in their shitty plots.

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Weird, I'm so pissed off all over again.

>muh media kikes dindu nuffin

they need to hang on the day of the rope

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>Actual planes
Can't move that fast at that altitude. It's simply impossible. You can take your definitely and do the research.

That isn't the 'only reason'.
The protocol for hijacked planes in such a case is to shoot them down.

Planes were not shot down because all the USAF was on a standdown order for a 'training exercise' that day.

I think this no planes theory is disinfo to muddy the waters. Much like that Judy Wood thing.

back when matt lauer was the hottest shit and tearing up the hottest ass from coast to coast

How is it not foreshadowing? Look at the amount of weird stuff that's just getting said by all these people moments before?

They're hard to control at that altitude because the air is very thick plus they'd have to be absolutely gunning it.

But they can absolutely move that fast. Planes aren't built to fly within the brink of failure, they're overbuilt for extreme scenarios such as, let's say, doing a nosedive for thousands of feet (has happened in a bunch of scenarios before).

You don't seem to understand how it works. The power needed to push an object through a fluid increases as the cube of the velocity of that object.
The maximum thrust of the engines on a 767, plus gravity from a dive, top out and are not able to overcome this.
You are being BTFO by math. You can't really argue with it.

>btfo by math
You haven't shown any math or given any evidence about the planes being physically unable to fly that fast.

The planes are able to withstand a hell of a lot of stress specifically because of emergency situations, like nosedives and so on.

It's very hard to control them at a low altitude at that speed though due to the thickness of the air.
But to say they'd self destruct doing it is flat out bullshit. I don't know where you heard this crap, every year there's more disinfo about 9/11.

I didn't say they'd self destruct. I said they'd reach a limit where they couldn't go any faster, even if they didn't break up.

Here's some sauce for you

Nice memeflag, by the way. What are you hiding?

We're gonna pull off a huge murderous scheme and blame it on muslims... let's tell the local news anchors...

tfw will never get a chance to taste her yummy feet. why even live bros.

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Thread theme:

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As far as maximum operational speed goes then that's a different story and I can believe it.

There was also the question of the 'bulge' on the planes underside that appears visible in some pics. Could well have been an abnormal plane made to look relatively like the ones they said.

They were remote controlled anyway, Dov Zakheim developed the remote control tech. If they're doing that then it doesn't seem strange that they'd be able to make them fly faster for a breif time.

That's what I'm saying, the whole idea that 'hurrr everyone on TV was in on it even some random weather forecaster' is retarded.
The foreshadowing is real though.

i miss fat al roker

News anchors read from a script.

More like
>Let's prep some lower ranked masons.

