Explain in 5 words or less, why jews did 9/11

Explain in 5 words or less, why jews did 9/11.

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so we'd fight their wars

to enable spying on americans

jews need a slave army

Ryan dawson

greater israel

Wars for Israel, dead goyim.

American public favor to invade

tisha bav ritual sacrifice

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Shekels Shalim Shalom

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Because they hate Jesus Christ


Because Mew2King.

fight their enemies, secure oilfields

>israelis, neocons, mic, arabs, etc
it wasn't "one group" but good try taking us back some steps

indefinitely justify attacks against muslims

They didn’t, Saudi Arabians did

You were doing that without any problem way before.

Damn I wish M2K was this based. Use his autism like Bobby Fischer did to stop the damn jews.

Israel benefited from wars caused.


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>to enable spying

turn the west into a low trust society where the plebes spy on their neighbors like in east germany.

Not nearly to the same degree.


>Explain in 5 words or less, why jews did 9/11.
Palestinians, BAD !
You hear, goys?

hegelian principle end times prophesy

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Dancing Israelis filming and celebrating.

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You surely were less motivated.

Eretz Yisrael.

to make money selling Oxycontin

They did it for finances.

the people weren't for it until 9/11

this one is good

sacrifice all the goyim

Idk, you were pretty on it in WWII

the expense of the host

>Blood Sacrafice for Greater Israel.

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Their endgame is near

Martin noakes

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caused american interventionalism benefiting israel

You dumb Italian faggot, both sides of the Axis attacked us before we were in the war.

to fuck with the goyim


Hate us for our freedom

>1 post by this ID
>Short write-up
This post will not bump your slide thread, hooknose

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It's called Greater Israel Project.

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Eretz Israel

Among other things

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(((they))) want the antichrist's arrival

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That logic is so bad I can even argue against it. Is it actually good logic then?

To start a war

You waged an ecenomic war on Japan, while simultaneously supplying your (((Anglo))) allies so that they could Keep Calm and hide in their tubes while bombing European citizens

Germany didn't attack you, Japan did, which is something that would have happened anyway.

The thought of America staying neutral in WW2 while they couldn't even stay neutral in WW1 is laughable. The leaders of your grandparents were in it from the beginning

So Americans support Israeli wars.

ice cream sandwiches

I think you're right. Americans were dying for Israel without 9/11. I think it was the Tisha sacrifice thing.

Hmmmm, you might be onto something

white people had it coming

Only after Pearl Harbor. They literally pulled the same trick twice and people fell for it.

Why Jews did 9/11? Because they are Jews! The fuck kinda question is that? It's like asking why some negroes did some negro shit. Ya know?

This, just follow the Epstein network
Mint news have a great article about that


literally just follow the money

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Jews gonna jew

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To further Israels kikery.


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"Greater Israel"

For Pure Spite And Entertainment.

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Ony isreal benefited.

jews hate white people
Hitler was white

That’s some burger math alright

Because Jews.

Activated USA GOLEM in middle-east

Because we didn't make enough glass in minecraft

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So mew2king could win smash summit 6

War makes money, stupid goym

Correct. Why spend a fortune on a war of conquest when you can pay a country run by traitors to fight it for you, with money you bribed them to give you?

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to eat like an effendi