DUP's Policy Director Hints at Boris Bridge Support
This morning it has been reported Boris is proposing a new 12-mile bridge between Scotland and Northern Ireland to mitigate the backstop. Days since last Boris bridge suggestion: 0
The DUP believes such an infrastructure project could help solve a “major positive impact on both countries economically”. And could act as a big bung to keep them on side during tricky EU negotiations…
Fuelling speculation that the ambitious project may be imminent, the DUP’s Director of Policy, Lee Reynolds, Tweeted the link to a BBC News article about an even longer bridge entitled “China opens ‘longest’ sea bridge”. Good to see the DUP and Number 10 once again engineering civility… twitter.com/GuidoFawkes/status/1171857187506753536?s=20
>Business Minister Kwasi Kwarteng tells Andrew Neil there will be no pacts, no deals, or electoral arrangements with the Brexit Party Wow this is a great idea
Joshua Williams
well that's them dead
Isaac Cook
where is the link to this
Parker Gomez
Yes comrade Boris can piss off with unlimited immigration and selling off the NHS to American companies. £10 minimum wage and mandatory government girlfriends now
>tfw Andrew Neil show isn't as bants as This Week >where is choo choo? >where is comfy sofa?
Jackson Torres
voting for one of the parties in the TWO PARTY SYSTEM doesn't accelerate anything you fucking plebbit tier brainlet
Christian Sullivan
>VOTE BREXIT PARTY >KILL THE TORIES >THEY HAVE BETRAYED THE PEOPLE AGAIN AND AGAIN isn't it funny that UKIP got killed by sargoy within a few month. He is still in denial.
Amazing how you can still tell she's part Jew from that big ugly kike nose of hers, despite being half nigger too. Similar situationwith woman in my pic yoo.
They don't want to win. They want to leave Brexit for the Labour Party to deal with (read: 2nd Referendum -> Remain), so the Tories can then go back to campaigning on "EUROPE BAD" for the next century or so.
Christian Smith
Sadly this
Julian Foster
Ayden Cox
>buy vegetable glycerin >buy liquid nicotine >buy whatever propylene glycol food flavoring you like the taste of
Congrats youve got vape juice for way cheaper that can never be banned. Have fun morons.
>BUFFOON every time you call him that, he grows stronger you utter moron
Luke Roberts
Im overweight. Ive not had fast food in months but im hungry and craving mcdonalds. talk me out of it lads. if i go im going to binge. burger, fries and coke and 20 nuggets at least.
Jordan Martin
Voting doesn't matter. But if you think it does, vote accordingly: if your seat is strong Labour, vote Labour if your seat is strong Tory, vote BXP if you seat is strong Lib Dem, vote Lib Dem if you seat is swing Lab/Tory, vote Labour if your seat is swing Lab/Lib Dem, vote Labour if your seat has BXP potential, vote BXP Accelerationism is the name. Finishing the Tories is the game.
Juan King
will I still get a blue passport this october?
Jace Lee
I bet her minge smells like beef monster munch.
Jaxon Scott
>if your seat is strong Labour, vote Labour fuck off
I remember too being in this general when Afua was on the coverage of Harry/Meghan marriage, she was banging on and on about injustices against black people by the royals at any half-opportunity. Black + kike is a terrible mix.
They tried it with the Cecil Rhodes statue outside Oriel College. Weirdly it was actually pushed back and it failed which was a surprise I think to everyone, but a good surprise.
Bentley Roberts
Drink a 4pinter of whole milk instead
Grayson Reed
Going to be funny after Brexit gets cancelled seeing how long it is before Farage dies in "an accident". They nearly got him last time - they won't fuck up again.
>um, goyim, i'm against capitalist beauty standards but i still work to conform myself to them? please let me be white
Eli Gomez
>If you renew your passport between late 2019 and early 2020, you'll be issued with either a blue or a burgundy British passport. You will not be able to choose whether you get a burgundy or a blue passport during this time. It will have the words 'European Union' removed on either colour though, they removed that a few months ago.
Easton Garcia
I like Boris tho
Caleb Richardson
Dont kill anything useful until Brexit happens with no deal. Fuck the commies immediately though.
Oliver Scott
And they're all so dense (Labour voters after all), they'll vote him in again with huge numbers.
>you'll be issued with either a blue or a burgundy British passport. You will not be able to choose whether you get a burgundy or a blue passport during this time. FUCK THE PASSPORT OFFICE
Michael Rivera
>voting for one of the parties in the TWO PARTY SYSTEM doesn't accelerate anything you fucking plebbit tier brainlet Either Corbyn does the crazy shit he's advocating, or people become yet more redpilled about how fake the system is.
Matthew Gonzalez
Where do pakis actually buy high strength acid to acid eachother with?
Mine was due July but held off to get a blue one, go away at xmas so need one for then but don't like the lottery desu, thought the switch was to 100% blue this year
British Airways pilots on 230k a year probably wouldn't be allowed to strike if it was state owned again
David Peterson
>PM loses his majority >PM loses every vote in the commons >Bill passed to force extension/rule out no deal >Election blocked >Forced to release emails and no deal plan >Prorogation ruled unlawful