Stupid vegans at it again

Why are aninal rights activists so stupid?
Must be the protein deficiency

>be brainwashed teenagers
>be vegan as fuck for them poor animals
>follow some british thot named mythical mia
>tells them to rescue poor rabbits from a spanish farm
>retards break in
>take rabbits
>take mothers from their children, take pregnant rabbits, stuff them all in cages and flee
>farmers show up, start defending their property
>car windows break
>vegan cunts claim to got shot at
>cunts steal 14 rabbits
>around 100 rabbits die tho
>mothers cant feed their youngs milk
>others die from stress
>pregnant bunnies give birth to death bunnies due to stress
>vegan assholes killed more animals than they saved

When will vegans be declared legal to hunt?
These subhumans contribute nothing to society. A waste of ressources that has to stop now!

(No archive because this is a small local newspaper with a good track record)

Attached: IMG_1130.jpg (600x800, 99K)

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Where does it say all that?

fucking retards

I read several other spanish news sites but this is the only english one i found.
>inb4 you have to go back, beaner

>muh rabbits

Rabbit stew is fucking delicious


At least their intentions were good.

This is a fuck up of such proportions i wouldnt be surprised if Aussies perpetrated it.
This is so hugely retarded ot reeks of IRL aussie shitpost

All these vegan terrorists should be clubbed to death for their hide.

Jack rabbits are for eating and stews and cottontails are for natural cute and friendly pets that keep your weeds and grass down. Prove me wrong. 4 of them live under my house, great little guys.