Exposing ADL and Pewdiepie hypocricy

Part 1: Pewdiepie says he is not OK with his situation after Christchurch and he wants to take responsibility. (pic related)

His solution: Donate 50K to the ADL

part 2: On august 21 2019 Pewdiepie uploaded this video youtube.com/watch?v=8iqy9RjIyWQ
Around 3:18 you can hear the song "Remove Kebab" in the background. This song was used by Breton Tarrant during the mosque attack. And because the song is accually racist because we like it. => pewdiepie has not learned anything and is being a hypocrite.

part 3: Because pewdiepie has not learned anything, the ADL their stance would still not be disproven. And according to them Pewdiepie would still be a racist and a nazi. If they would accept the 50k, they themselves would be accepting dirty money and would collaborating with the "enemy". =>ADL would be hypocrites

part 4: The job off all ANONS (you) now is to spread this information on reddit and twitter. Esspecially the part of remove kebab. It's time to redpill the massas and punish Pewds for betraying his own principles and his fans.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Thanks fren

actually pretty important for phase 2 of red pilling the now interested normies

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Ohhhhh, this is good shit.

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Yes because it's the current news, it's now or never.

Somebody has to put all this information on an image so it's easy to spread around, put Tarrant his head on it together with ADL en Pewdiepie and our Stronk Serbian boi with informative text.

You can be sure that cuck never watched the Christchurch massacre video so he doesn't know Tarrant played that music in it.



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It went around on Facebook and other social media, I'm pretty sure he watched it.

Just because it's available doesn't mean everyone wants to watch it.

this is the Guy Pewdiepie put in Charge of the moderation on his subreddit.
based and redpilled pewdiepie!

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I'm already down
drop some redpills for me too, frens

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other subreddits he's from

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Copy pasted from previous thread:
Stop the discussion, anybody who willingly attacks another Jow Forumsack about whether or not Pewdiepie is a Jewish cuck or not, is admitting to being a hook-nosed Jew by default.


>What do we do now?
What do we do now?

I repeat

Use this opportunity to red-pill as many Zoomers as possible, the Youtube comments have been absolutely red-pilled to extreme extents, (((they))) have stopped sorting by 'New' so now retarded memes are the top comments, DON'T WRITE NEW COMMENTS, REPLY TO TOP-COMMENTS INSTEAD, that is a much better way to get viewed and noticed.
Twitter is also a battle-ground, post red-pills and answer any questions that confused minds will have (and they will have many), make sure you argue and discuss in a calm & collected manner
Do not get angered by trolls and shills, work together & use this situation to our greatest advantage possible, do not fight amongst yourselves, instead, CAPITALIZE.

Godspeed, anons.

>The job off all ANONS (you) now is to spread this information on reddit and twitter.
fuck off

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Visit our countries sometime, maybe you will realize what is at stake.

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>Donate 50K to the ADL

>This song was used by Breton Tarrant during the mosque attack

So... why is pewdiepie allowed to play it but the original is deleted? He's paying off the media mafia (ie: JEWS)

do you seriously not realize that posting it here means it won't work at all?



Btw, doesn't the ADL target shitskins and trannies as well? Why don't you mention that?
Aren't we supposed to be objective here? I don't that everything is as black and white as it seems.


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It's no conspiracy that he played the song. All the normies can fact check this.

>I don't that
I don't *think* that

cause the jews use Niggers and Arabs as their tool, but they also hate them.

Bump, not for hoonoor but for yoooouuu!!!

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Yeah because Ilhan Omar attacked Israel. The ADL only serves Israel.

I'm 99% sure the ADL is literally just another branch of JIDF/Mossad, with a slightly larger amount of political influence than JIDF.
They will target anyone who is not a Jew, in typical Jewish fashion.
It should be clear to you that after the European peoples succumbed to degeneracy, individualism, hedonism and anti-Nationalism, these things will all be destroyed and removed from society, the Jews will not tolerate such indecency when we are gone, they are merely abusing it in order to weaken and subvert us currently.
Never trust a Jew.

>punish Pewds
>for owning the fucking ADL
Nah. Like it or not, this dude is a fucking wrecking ball.
Whether he wants to be or not.
Personally he doesn't seem stupid enough to have accidentally done all this.

>taking responsibility
what a dumb thing to say. So is he responsible for the massacre now? Because that's what he's implying.

>if you kill your enemy, they win!

>>Pewds does the Happy Merchant hand rubbing, a frog whistle to the Alt-Right.

>>Removed the video moments later.

>>This happened around the time the Media was trying to Destroy Pewds. They didn't report this. This Video was uploaded around 10/28/17.

>>Pewds talks about Censorship and then control. (Hand Rub).

>>Was the ADL blackmailing him with things like this?

Heres the vid>> files.catbox.moe/ufrypu.mp4

Watch from about 11:30 onward. It's a safe link.

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Pewdiepie is an old school fucking /b/tard. There's no way curiosity, at least, didn't get the better of him. Dude literally said "subscribe to pewdiepie" before it. There isn't a soul on the fucking planet who wouldn't at least see what his name was used in.

> someone shoots up a mosque while saing Subscribe to Pewdiepie
> he writes in his manifesto that he's fine with Israel and has no problems with jews having it
> Pewdiepie donates to the zionist pro-censorship ADL because of that
If it would be about Christchurch, he would have donated to some muslim organisation.

>It's a safe link.
sure buddy, very trustworthy.

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What you should focus on are these talking points:

>The ADL goes after smaller Youtube content creators and get them shut down!
>Pewdiepie is just paying extortion money so the ADL will leave him alone, this money will make them stronger in taking down smaller content creators!

etc etc

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Reddit put him in charge for damage control. Not Pewdiepie

he is moderator in 100+ subreddits

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>went full poz, trying to bribe Jews
>is somehow good
Lol ok

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Hmmm... this just makes the video extra suspicious.

Pewds isn't my enemy, frog-nigger. He's just some fuckin guy.
50k is nothing. It's a god damn bargain, just to see the ADL become public enemy number fucking one overnight.

Fucking upload it to bitchute or something, I'm not going to that link.

exactly, put all this info on an image to spread it around.

what a filthy kike pedo shill

>in any way unsafe


and in most of them the reddit siteadmins installed him, like in the battlefield subreddit where he got installed as a mod... and when he censored the "if you don't like the game, don't buy it" controversy completely, he got removed by the owner of the subreddit.... which then caused the reddit siteadmins to kick the owner and give ownership to sloth

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Is it strange that pewdiepie publicly announced he was donating to them? He likely knew about the backlash he would get and he could have done it in private. Is it raising awareness to him being extorted. Is he just trying to end his career? Did the honey ad just require him to donate and he's a sellout?

"I can't believe the ADL would accept money from a known white supremacist. All you have to do is look at his logo to see how he's spreading propaganda to the youth"

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he also said that he has another account for political discussion and sloth is just for moderating hundreds of subreddits.

He is most likely paid by reddit.... or thats a
>he does it for free
level that shouldn't even be possible.

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Seethe? I don't remember the chart.
Lazy garbage.

Making ADL enemy number one was the first phase. NOW it's time for phase two; Make the ADL a hypocritical organisation and make it an accepted imago by the people worldwide.

He could have also just made a video saying how shitty they are and his audience would agree. But instead he made an elaborate plan that is at the same time making many people hate him? Yeah I'm not buying it

This, I can't right now anons, anyone?

Why Glownigger?

target sloth

5 million shares before it was deleted. Tens of millions of views. And the copies got millions of views each. Are you bloody kidding me Finngolian?

At the end of the day Pewds is still a Swede. He can seem as 'based' as possible but he will always revert to being a cuck.

That cuckold comment cut off in the bottom....
"Users also do ILLEGAL STUFF! (sending messages...."
Reddit is so fucking disgusting and gay.

Holy shit why does anybody even go to reddit? This is fucking awful.

PewDiePie paid the ADL $50,000 to get a shoutout from Terrant.
Mass Shooters are now like NASCAR, they will be live-streamed and advertising space is available.

>many people
Sub count still on the rise.
All this did was make him untouchable by the media. And like I said before, I don't know or care if this was actually a plan. Him simply being a normal human on the internet has accidentally put truth back in a lot of open discussions. If he's really just blundering into redpill after redpill, why not just fucking let him. OP is a shill fuck, trying to turn people against a bull in an SJW china shop.

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I want to strangle him and tear his spine out.

a false flag

>"Remember lads, subscribe to PewDiePie."
hoax attack was DESIGNED to defame pewdiepie

Deciding not to expose hoax false-flag events is a huge mistake - they become ammunition against us!

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just tell people about the origin of the ADL.
how it was literally created to defend a jewish pedophile who brutally raped and murdered a little girl called mary phagan.

because criticism of anyone, for whatever reason, who happens to be jewish - is "antisemitism" apparently.

>this is the Guy Pewdiepie put in Charge
pewdiepie didn't put him in charge.
Reddit siteadmins made him mod there and pewdiepie didn't know about it and wasn't even informed about it.

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I watch Pewdiepie a lot, but he isn't the redpill he ones was. He is cucking more and more, no political opinions anymore only gayass mc with the Irish guy. If anything, you are a shill, you just accept the fact that he gives 50k to the ADL.

This dude is SUCH A KEKOLD.... wait for it....
He put a fucking white flag in his Twitter handle
I bet he will convert to Islam because some goatfucker told him to.

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Please remind everyone of teh mod that pewdiepie uses that loves 2d child porn.

This is not good shit. This is lame as fuck.

wtf I'm an activist now

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>He is cucking more and more
And yet he STILL can't help but turn everyone against a seedy jewish organization overnight. Which is the entire point of my fucking post. Not that he's doing anything intentionally. Hell, in this case it SEEMS like he's trying to do the complete opposite. He just can't help it.

My god, retards on reddit and twitter are actually convinced that nothing bad is going on simply because of some big red letters that say
And they instantly forget. What the fuck, I hate NPCs so much.

I don't hear remove kebab in the background.

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>make him untouchable by the media
No way.
You're seriously overestimating the benefit of a donation to the ADL.
It's a token gesture of contrition or such, but not one that will stay the ADL's hand in any way, nor the media's.

Hell, the ADL's revenue in 2016 was $65m, anyway. If they decide he's fucking up, they could just return the donation.

03:09 to 03:29

>This isn't my fight anymore

So... he's sort of admitting to fighting for a cause? And that he gave up?

Are you deaf?

Forget the "roots of the ADL" aspect, it is too specific and far back in time, "normies" will not comprehend. Focus on WHAT THEY DO.

>They are a powerful political organization from the USA!
>They work together with Big Tech companies (Youtube, Faceook etc) to censor people on the internet!
>They have taken down content creators through targeted campaigns!

These are the phrases that the masses respond to, spam them everywhere.


You're just falling for the squeaky wheel effect; many of his fan base already actively hate jews, muslims, blacks, etc.
They're the ones making noise over this.
The rest just couldn't give a shit. It's not MC related, it's not funny or entertaining - what do such normies care if he donates to a normie organization?

The Netherlands is the worst country on earth. All the dutch ever fucking do is shitpost and commiepost. You are the absolute worst.

BECAUSE WE SWINGED THE COMMENTS TO DO THIS AND ALL THE NORMIES FOLLOWED. He still needs us to make the controversy and now we need to make the controversy bigger and make the hate on the ADL even bigger. Yes pewdiepie will create more controversies but that's not the point.

Why are you all trying to destroy his life like the all tried to two years ago? It’s obvious he’s been threatened by someone either financially or likely worse? This is going to backfire on you autists and you’re playing right into the game of the all.

>If they would accept the 50k, they themselves would be accepting dirty money and would collaborating with the "enemy". =>ADL would be hypocrites
We already know jews are hypocrites. They'll take the money and then ask for more.

Fair enough, but the media doesn't have the power it once did.
Hell, the ADL is reduced to shilling on Jow Forums. News agencies have been caught posting here and then reporting on their posts. Hell the fucking feds were caught doing this.
These idiots have lost their grip on anything. Even if the media turns against him again and the ADL returns the donation it won't matter It'll just make them look hypocritical and the ADL look petty.
I don't think there's any downside to just using pewdiepie as a fucking tool. He can't walk on eggshells his whole career. He streams all the time too, he can't filter himself constantly - he's shown that.

Rabbi, please leave. YOu either stand up and do what is right or teh honest people will abandon you. That is what pewds is seeing right now. He deserves it.

Who was piediepie having a subscriber battle with at the time?
Maybe he paid the ADL to have terrance give a shoutout?

The Happy Merchant Video Pewdiepie deleted.
Important video exposing Pewdiepie. He knows about the ADL. Watch from 11:30 onward.

Q - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Geert Wilders - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Stefan Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
George Webb - Zionist
Jason Goodman - Zionist
Matt Couch - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
JF - Zionist
Kevin MacDonald - Zionist
Andrew Anglin - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Kyle Chapman - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
Laura Loomer - Zionist
David Duke - Zionist shill
Gavin mccines - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist
Robert spencer - Zionist
Pamela geller - Zionist
Charlie kirk - Zionist
Candice owens - Zionist
Thomas paine - Zionist
Douglas murray - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist shill
Kate Hopkins - Zionist
Elon Musk - Zionist
Kanye West - Zionist
Proud boys - Zionist
Mr. Metokur - Zionist

Pewdiepie - Zionist

Jesse Lee Peterson - Zionist
Brenton Tarrant - Zionist
Nigel Farage - Zionist
Ezra Levant - Zionist
Patrick Little - Zionist
James o Keefe - Zionist

The first minecraft episodes he did were funny, watching him struggling to figure out the mechanics was nice — even thought that it was faked, because he literally played mc a few months before that during the Subscribe to Pewdiepie thing and was perfectly aware how things work — but he did milk it waay too much, he made too many videos of him deliberately wasting time and just shouting around. And now he is just playing minecraft together with those other obnoxious guys.

I really hate those kiddy youtubers who seem to have a competition about who can shout more.
Even fortnite streamers are now producing higher quality content than him.
It's amazing how fast pewds went into that kiddy shit after he saw that it makes him money.

And then he does that 100 subscriber celebration, which should be one special occasion for him and his fans — and he wastes 2:20 of a 10:00 video with god damn ads!
Pewdiepie used to get half of his videos demonetized ... and now he grabs for shekels whenever possible. At least have the decency to make that one special achievement of your community not a fucking ad!

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What the hell can they throw at us that they already haven't threatened to?

exactly let it be knows by normies... This is the whole point...

Y did he give money to a pro-joo org when it was muslims that were shot at Christchurch? Y not CAIR if that was the real reason

Clearly a conspiracy theory except it's a fact and makes a lot of sense

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