1000 US dollars per month

1000 US dollars per month

Attached: andrew-yang.jpg (2000x1334, 308K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>still astroturfing this stupid chink
lmao never gonna happen

I propose $1200...can I play potus now?

this guys an even bigger joke than the faggot


I want 20k per mo.

>1000 US dollars per month

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and he will be our next president holy shit that's scary. I hope they file the articles of impeachment on him and officially begin the impeachment process once he takes office.

If you get UBI and do literally anything with it other than immediately converting it to precious metals or bitcoin you are retarded and deserve to be poor.

My favorite moment is when he walked around with a hat that said "Math" on it. This fucker wants to startup a 3 trillion dollar a year giveaway. Math indeed, faggot.

You mean like we give every other nation and people on this planet except for Whites?

>Less than what I make at work in a week-FOR A MONTH

UBI sounds cool but all it will do is make (((them))) jack up the price to everything by a proportionate amount. Even you tendie eating NEET fuckers have overhead to factor

>Gives me $1000, but takes an extra $400 in taxes, also devaluing each dollar because now everyone gets $1000
Do you niggers ever think this through?

I would vote for him if he was only going to give the money to people who could prove they were US citizens born here and are not illegal aliens (nor were their parents, anchor babies need not apply) and also that they were not on any form of welfare during the last 10 years, so yeah, 90% of it would go to whites and asians

Of course not, niggers gotta nigg

guess what that U stands for?

Still more sensible than reparations and putting the whole country on Medicaid.

Without our currency being backed by a *tangible* item, e.g. gold, UBI is the start of a COMPLETE undermining of the poor and middle class and the further establishment of a ruling class.

Let's play:

$1000 sounds like a decent amount of money. It might pay your rent or mortgage. A few people living together could perhaps cover everything - food, transportation... possibly even retiring 100%.

That's TODAY'S situation.

However as long as devaluing of the money supply (i.e. printing money), QE, and inflation continue, what buys you a new car today will only buy you a cup of coffee tomorrow.

Let's say UBI is implemented. Everyone of course takes the money. A large number of workers shift to part-time employment only, or leave the work force entirely. Now fast forward 30 years. As the purchasing power of the dollar continues to drop, and coffee moves towards $12 a cup, these "UBI-only" people are nearing poverty. They are dependent on UBI, just as seniors are dependent on Social Security.

Will they go get jobs? No, they've been out of the work force for years. They will scream for more UBI. And, just like Social Security, the government will provide *just enough* UBI to keep people from grabbing thier pitchforks and taking to the streets. Which means printing more money to cover the increase, which devalues the existing money, causing the cycle to continue. Only the ultra-wealthy 0.1% will be able to stay above the continuous, constant devaluation of the dollar.

Until and unless we have an actual gold-backed currency again, AND a balanced budget amendment, UBI is the start of the permanent destruction of the middle-upper class and everything below. Without these two things the concept should terrify everyone.

A MUCH better idea for many Americans would be to simply give a $12,000/year *tax credit*. Same effect for many, and much less risky.

But that won't get the poor vote, who unfortunately won't understand any of the points I spelled out above.

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if you need a donation of $1000 every month, you have failed your life.

>I'm willing to vote for anyone who claims they will give me free money in return for my vote.

Im gonna give you the benifit of the doubt by assuming you haven't thought this through and not call you a nigger.

hopefully "U illegals and niggers don't get any"

You have a nigger logic

Reminder that spam is against the rules

Yang is truly the dumbest Asian I've ever seen

He literally believes in the Wage Gap Myth that has been debunked countless times in the last decade

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You are not white Chan.

I'm against gibs niggers, nice reply

can't wait for the day of the rope you demFag

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Kek, you still try to support crying Ping Pong Yang. Are some little chinkies paying for you.
Or are you just a NPC who fell for the Ping Pong trick?

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eat yang's micro penis, sharejew.

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Oh look, he's crying again. Our little Ping Pong Yang

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fry up his rice noodles for din din. that will make the chink feel a lot better after shareblue failed him.

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Do you still get paid to astroturf this nobody or are you just mentally ill?

Based Edigenosse

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This assumes ubi will be enough to cover basic needs but in reality rent will take the entire 1000 dollars out instantly not to mention people already get far more then that 1000 dollars in social programs. My mother for instance is poor as fuck and has 5 kids to feed while me and my brother help her out with our own jobs I actually looked through her mail one time and asked just how much she gets out of her government aid and benefits and guess what it’s like equivalent to 8000$ a month and that’s just her.
In reality yangs 1000$ UBI is actually incredibly modest and would help out more singles and people looking to improve their life. Another thing is due to all the aid my mom gets she cant actually improve her life. If she gets an actual job she loses all of her aid this in return creates a feedback loop where she is forever trapped in government aid and unable to move forward at all.
In short America’s current social programs are a failure on multiple fronts.

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Keep shitting these Ping Pong threads. They deserve it

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Why not make it $100,000. We”ll all be millionaires.

Yang got

In short yangs plan is actually better if he gets it done right where only actual adult is citizens get the UBI as it’d be another social net to keep prospering. In reality families like with my mom are dependent already on this toxic system and yangs plan would’ve helped her get a good well paying job since she has a teaching and nursing degree but she can’t take advantage of those degrees as she’d lose her government aid. Unironically yangs plan would help lessen the strain on the already bloated social security systems we have in place. Which now that I think about it would be really good idea as since it’d just be straight up cash with no government involvement after being sent it’d be easy for smart people to use it to better themselves granted there’d also be many idiots who’d waste it and still keep themselves trapped in poverty.

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UBI was the answer all along
Every economic teacher, professor, etc, since high school repeated the same thing about economy, and that's that spending boosts it. Now we give the investment and spending abilities to the people, it will write itself.
We've all been stuck in this fucked system and perception of what it means to live and work that such a thing seemed alien. But it wasn't, even. Would've even been a thing a few generations ago if the democrats weren't so greedy so soon around the time Nixon was impeached.

nice one. mutt.

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fuck this piece of shit azn faggot...only giving the money to non felons is bullshit considering that white american has falsely incarcerated millions of black and brown people

>complete failure to address anything that the people you're replying to have said
You realize this shit only makes it more obvious, right?

Failure of the left to engage in dialogue is the whole reason Trump won in the first place - because even a fool is preferable to a disingenuous pussy.

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yes, I'd much rather become dependent on welfare while multinational corporations eat up any opportunity of economic freedom left.

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hmm what type of person is against 1000 a month for your children for life.. HMMM...

Tbqh yang should up it to 100k a month. Every American deserves to he a millionaire

lol communists are all for the elite. so you wouldn't like that even in the slightest. Unless it involves only minorities getting the gibs.

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HAHAHAHAA!!! this is coming from an ancap. How retarded!

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>muh inflation
How foamingly challenged must you be to even think your clever for saying this?
Firstly, that's if The Mint literally just prints more money, secondly, the cash is coming from companies like Amazon, who aren't getting taxed a rat's ass, for replacing millions upon millions of jobs with AI and machines.
It's a counter and adjustment to the new technological age, and it's sad it had to get to this point for a UBI to finally be implemented.

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Be* sorry I'm taking a shit

Fuck chinks and fuck welfare.

You're not an ancap if you want free shit via taxes you absolute nigger.

You've never honestly studied communism nor have you probably ever spoken to a communist. What you know about communism you've learned from internet fascists. You're a small brain and you are in love with your echo chamber.
>communists love the elite
Holy fuck what a brainlet.

How's communism going for you, the competition eliminated itself in confusion

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Isn't it obvious? the jews are the elite. Leftists and right wingers love kissing jew ass. especially leftist that love gommunsim.

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Memeflag Manifest.

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What do shit posters have to gain for sucking Trumps cock so furiously? Are you guys getting paid? You know it was a joke right? Time for a new meme candidate and I vote Yang.

Based do you have welfare? can you just quit your job and collect it?

Payed chink asslickers. You're all paid by the chinks. Wanna janny me out. Nice try Ping Pongs.
Ching Chang Yang will never get president. Fucking commies

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The only other meme-worthy candidate is Marianne.

That commie chink is an unfunny autist, and the only humorous aspect of his campaign is how entirely one-dimensional it is. All it is, is gibs, gibs, gibs.

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where do you think the money for everything the us government does comes from? taxes go towards the debt to the guys who print the money

Crybaby piss your pants per day.


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That's what your jewed society taught you. To hate the working class. Every communist country has 0 jewish people in power. Now look at your capitalism and tell me who controls it. Hitler was a puppet of the jews.
Do you know why capitalism is rich? because it is based off of old money(colonization) and military. It exploits the working class, 18 years old - 65 years old retire, thats normal for you?
Every "rich" capitalist country got rich by looting other countries from war or profited by war in some way, EVERY single one of them. Isn't it weird? How the world is in peace and the ones dominating economically are the Chinese commies and not Western capitalists? Because without WAR, capitalism loses. Capitalists need to create an enemy to hide the fact that their ideology is based off of the color green.
Why the fuck do you think america is in the middle east right now? To loot their shit and act like we're still rich.

HAHAHAHAA! You thought that jews only took power under capitalism!? Also jews don't work. they leech off of actual workers and claim they are the working class. God damn there really is no difference between capitalism and communism after all.

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It's hell that's why I protest against this fucking chink faggot.
Lmao no

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i think people need to focus more on the end goal: maximizing leisure and minimizing soul-crushing wageslavery. the current system values a person only by the metric of how much that person can produce, and that system is slowly breaking down as automation pushes more people out of the work force. UBI is the first step of the path towards an enlightened society.

You get it.

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1000 X 150 million = 150 billion

Total Amazon revenue (profits included)
= 252 billion.

If we tank Amazon, we can get 1 full year of gib me.

Then we move on to google I guess

>HURR DURR im right, heres a copy pasta propaganda meme that proves it hurhrrr derrrrrr


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Didn't it used to be $2000?

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>0 actual arguments against Yang

no point in talking about a candidate who wont win the primaries

Where is that oney coming from? Isn't he just bribing people with their own money?

But they are still trying.
It's a little Ping Pong Gang

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>1000 US dollars per month
Couldn't do any more harm to the constitution than Trump has and we get a 1k a month? count me in

btfo OP.

You'll just end up paying more in taxes but you get the feeling of being a welfare piece of shit

On top of the disability I already kicked into and earned, sure. Also, no bug people or other shitskins in charge.



















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If you genuinely believe an ugly, crying chink will become president, you just might be retarded.

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Wtf is 1k per month gonna do? He’s basically saying he isn’t worthwhile. So he wants to literally payoff American voter.

1000 minutes
fuck off and read retard

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He once said "Whites will shoot up asian churches", Wants to decriminalize illegal border crossings, and supported a woman who hated white people. He also cried like a bitch so you could give him his guns.

Although he has ok plans he still is an unfunny socialist, also Hillary tried to act "hip" and failed just like Yang, so yeah even if Trump has made some goof-ups it would be even worse if we were under democratic rule.

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Based user. Shitpost Ping Pong Yang threads

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do we have to get the CIA and NSA and DHS to declare war on socialism to get this fucking chink fucked


can the DHS, NSA, and CIA get congress to legalize killing chinks until this fucking chink drops out

I say we start kicking chinks that dare show their face in public and we don't stop until this chink drops out. Start with the kids. Kick little chink kids until they're seriously injured, in front of its parents if necessary.


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honestly yang makes me want to commit genocide on chinks