After Pearl Harbor, we rounded up Japanese people and put them into camps. How come we didn’t put muslims in camps after 9/11?
After Pearl Harbor, we rounded up Japanese people and put them into camps...
Also why is it that we had Japan completely on their knees in less than 4 years, but we’re still in the Middle East 18 years later?
Why are you here boomer?
Kill yourself.
Because we don't have men in this country anymore, just a bunch of söybòýs
We should have rounded up Israelis instead and skipped the camps and went straight to crematoriums
Because if we started rounding up all 6 gorillion american jews for the mossadi setup it would been another holocoaster ride oy vey
Coz it was a good little earner for the Hussein family.
Remember how Hussein became president immediately after? And ISIS sprung up out of nowhere and disappeared completely the day he resigned?
And the first thing he did was send in the troops to Afghanistan and seize the poppies, and suddenly there's an opioid crisis?
And nobody cared coz he dropped the mic... and said whack cheeky cheese
And now he's a billionaire...
Muslim = men
That the most hilarious joke I’ve ever heard!
We did, they were all placed in Camp Dearborn
Muslims are little bitches. At least the japs had the balls to attack a military base full of armed servicemen, not like muslims who prefer to attack helpless innocents
Judeo-Christian-Islamic-Abraham death cult. The cock is mostly in.
Spoiler: we did
Bcuz of jews and white liberals protecting their pet sand nigger immigrants.
Because Sauds did 9/11 and we immediately started eating their cum by the ladle-full after 9/11.
Get your history straight.
Because the Muslims didn’t actually do 9/11. Just like the us didn’t invade Cuba after blaming Castro for murdering our president.
Zoomers don’t even remember that W suspended habeas corpus so he could imprison “enemy combatants”
Because that's way more expensive than bullets and mass graves.
Because you cant easily trick japs into killing each other like you can with Muslims.
Guantanamo still exists
We’ve been sucking Saudi cock since 1945
We still used 9/11 as an excuse to round up vaguely Muslim-seeming men at every opportunity
gee I wonder who is behind this post....