Wtf America?! Too many niggers

I just came back from New York. I have never, never, never seen so many niggers. New York is filled with niggers and brown people. Even israel felt like europe compared to this shithole. What the fuck. The memes were true... its sad but amerimutts are beyond saving at this point.

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Should have visited California and Texas full of dirty spics.

You just now realized that when u speak to an american flag theres a 44 percent chance its a shitskin? Kek wake up shlomo

fuckincomp'dnihilistjewbait - don't matter what color you are - if ya ain't american y'all can wangdoodle yer noodle on outta heeya

Go to Maine next time. They only have a few iconic niggers like in Stephen King novels.

whole lot of economic pressures draw them to places like NY

there's alot of whites and alot of blacks and not much inbetween

Were you above 96th street?

New York is 10% Jewish. It's good the American Jewish control centre occasionally gets raped by dindu nuffins.

I went on holiday to the states for a month and between the chinese, indians, mexicans, blacks, I'd say 90% of the people I spoke to were not able to speak English fluently despite being "american". Even some middle class white people speak "black" now. Really stunning to see.