How do I delete something I posted off of the archives?

Anons, I few years ago I was in a manic state and used my actual fucking name and on a thread where I said some seriously fucked up stuff. How do I get something deleted off of

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Other urls found in this thread:

Contact them

Which thread?

you can't but you can comment on archived threads, down at the bottom

Best thing you could do is bring it up again

depends, which post was it?

I'm an admin on 4plebs. Which post did you need removed?

been there

Give me the post # I’ll handle it.

Attached: A6E256A0-0A49-4DED-89BA-FAE58BA1E69F.jpg (750x802, 365K)

4plebs isn't the only archive
>few years ago
that shit is already dumped onto multiple times by multiple different archives

you have to contact all of them and get it removed
assuming they cooperate, and they might not
some archive owners are notoriously hard to get in contact with
they most likely will not remove the dumps on for a single post lol

RIP user

at this point its easier to change your name

Behold, the stupid burger.

Unless you have some really unusual name it probably wouldn't show up in a Google search. Even if someone did find it and bring it up (which they won't), you can always just claim it wasn't you; say it was a friend or an ex trying to fuck with you. After all, what kind of retard would post their real name on Jow Forums?

this and bump

Give me your full name, date of birth, and SSN and ill take care of it for you m8 no worries.

Did you bother even looking at the website ya big oaf? They have a FAQ section and you can contact them

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>After all, what kind of retard would post their real name on Jow Forums?
the kind of retard that uses Jow Forums?

Reply to the comment, in the options section, write "delete"

No way to do that. Loads of people create archives.
Getting it off the main google search result archives might benefit you through.

Can you link the archived thread? I'll see what I can do.

Fuck you faggot OP.

You fucking retards run your mouths on here because you're idiots and think when your post disappears that it's magically gone forever, not realizing that it's actually saved on archive sites for years and years.

You dumb motherfuckers.

>didnt believe the "put something on the internet and its there forever" meme

fuck niggers kikes and jannies