You want to know why 9/11 is so fundamental? You want to know why we >30 fags are like we are? You want to know why you are like you are? This is the thread. We need to start talking about generations and what happened. It's 18 years for fucks sake. I'm fucking 34 now and the youth doesn't seem to get what this day meant for us. Let's finally start a dialogue.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Basically 9/11 made everything go to shit is how I feel. Immigration, laws, and mostly leftist ideals seem to be running rampant since that time and it just makes everything worse. I'm 31 btw.

To make it short this day was the redpill. After like only three hours and being only 16 it felt that everything supposed to have happened has to be so inherently wrong. Everything about it. And after that... Well... It's not getting better.

I was never into anything politics related before. Just playing D2.

It was shit since 1880 friend, the US was a sacrifice. The Rothschilds formed Palestine into Israel as soon as that letter in 1917 was written. Foundations and plans laid long ago. Only now is it spoken across the net in places such as this, where we are hated for even thinking about the notion. You aren't alone man.

that's what

Anyone alive who didn't experience 9/11 and the loss of out freedoms afterwards is living in a manufactured world full of lies. You want a black pill? Go back in time and watch this as a young teenager as the first plane hits before going to school and seeing and the collapse as well just watched the world burn and react out of pure fear. Anyone alive who didn't see it happen or know people involved will never understand not to mention the collusion and cover ups since that have lead to countless unnecessary deaths of true Americans...

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the final nail in our coffin was 1913 you uneducated niggers

Born in 1998
Genuinely convinced 9/11 did not even happen and people just act like it did because of brainwashing.
Piss off you dumb fuck boomer. Stop shilling your braindead illusions.

uhm ... wat

im 27, does that count?

~200 AD

Based schizo

well it's been 18 years, you were eleven. you are on the brink of answering or asking questions I guess.

9/11 is why the American people are going to have to commit genocide on humanity, starting with the UK royal family and Saudi royal family.

.. 9 ... ok it's late

Lol what.
Best new bait have your (you)

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It's no coincidence. It was the psychological shock needed to begin the final stage of mashing all the worlds nations together.

It was a symbolic castration of the worlds most powerful country which softened up the entire western world for a diabolical tyranny. We were all softened up for the 9/11 by porn being pumped into the internet.

No coincidences

>why 9/11 is so fundamental?

It was the day the Jews announced their victory over the west. The event started the cascade to the replacement of western civilization with Jewish slavery of all people forever. The next step after this is the return of Christ. Don't worry. Everything has to get wrecked in order for the messiah to come back. That's just the way it has to go.

Yup. All you have to do is skim the PNAC founding documents to see how they needed a new pearl harbor to shock the nation into a new era of a war on terror in order to change the post-USSR doctrine of American Primacy into the Yinon Plan for Greater Israel.

It's instructive to read Zbigniew Brzezinski's book The Grand Chessboard, written before all this, which contemplated the imperatives of securing control over Central Asia and how to do that in a way more centered around respect for human rights and all the rest rather than marching right in with more war now that everybody was tired out from the cold war. Not the nicest guy in the world, but he was pretty upset that the neocons had botched things with the war on terror and set back the timeline for achieving a new world order.

There was a massive WTC 7 redpill drop a few days ago and everyone ignored it.

New study showed WTC 7 did not collapse from fire, but from 'spontaneous complete failure'

>buh huh
>muh towers collapsed
>buh huh
>some people died
>buh huh

But people dying during war is not important? That USA, the worst warmonger, has started a dozen wars all over the globe is not important? There are happening so many terror attack, crime etc, but its still not important and no one bets an eye.

But, oh dare you, some useless block of concrete and steel collapses, and the world loses their mind.
You sre a joke to me, faggots.
Fuck america, this kike infested shithole.
You are not that important and powerful as you think. Its all delusions.

(((spontaneous complete failure))) translates as an controlled and intended collapse

You're 23

Anyway, I wonder what it's like becoming President and learning the truth.

9/11 lead to cringe nationalism and the (((Iraq War))) which lead to leftism being cool which lead to all the normans following leftist trends which lead to the current year moral authority of the left.

I don't think the deaths from the towers going down are really as bad as how the government knowingly allowed it to happen and then used it as a false predicate to launch all kinds of wars, torture, drugs from the poppy fields, police state, arming and training the terrorists, on and on. Even if 9/11 were a legitimate terrorist attack as the official story claims, the lives lost there are nothing compared to the magnitude of the lies and destruction that came out of the government afterward.

Oh, and the twin towers were always ugly eyesores. The replacement is bad, but better. Two becoming one elite mason meme notwithstanding.

>the youth doesn't seem to get what this day meant for us
Basically the biggest lie ever told from israehhhh i mean US government

When it seems the brainwashing is wearing off. Also, because you won't remember this, the Soviet Union has been in control of the world since 1991.

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>all kinds of wars, torture, drugs from the poppy fields, police state, arming and training the terrorists, on and on.

Literally all of this was happening before 9/11. 9/11 created the will to invade Iraq and pass ridiculous national security laws and budgets.

This inevitable cascade compounds the sadness.

Old fags need to fuck off

Yes, of course. But that's my point. With the traumatic event placed into the narrative, the government had the justification and public sentiment it needed to throw everything into overdrive.

Fuck off OP, 9/11 is just a terror attack that retards like you want to keep relevant, everyone knows people died and it was a tradegy, but its almost been 20 years since it happened so does it really have any relevance anymore.

So it did exactly what it was meant to, subvert the US citizenry into giving away their (4 amendment had a good run) rights for the appearance of safety. All these years later and I feel less safe in America now then I did then.

Here's the kicker though, they did it in such a way that large portion of the populace is in agreement with it. It will take something MAJOR to wake of those that still can be.

Time is running out. Although the street level thugs of the people that caused 9/11 aren't super intelligent, their benefactors are, and they never take a day off of planning our demise.

Now, not so fast. First of all, take off that memeflag.

No one ignored it, but the people we need convinced aren't convinced by science, they are convinced by feelings of fitting in with the group.

I know folks who died, basically humans are predators and society involves the rich preying on the weak. Live like a worm and try to avoid drawing too much attention. Events like war or the other false flag operations may involve innocent people, but really... that's the risk living in America.

So many people left NYC right after 9/11. Like half my block moved.

Attached: North Face of the South Tower of the World Trade Center on 9-11 after UAF 175 impact.jpg (717x824, 452K)

9/11 was the final stage of a long process that had been going on for 50 years prior. Just look at the stereotypical father from 1950, 1960, 1970, ... all the way up to 1999.
You went from father knows best and my three sons to miserable Archie Bunker and Red Foxx to goofy crap like ALF (cuck dad) Tim Taylor (goofy failure dad), and ultimately Al Bundy, Homer Simpson, and the long list of embarrassing father figures offered to us in that era.
Look at the image of an 'adult man' over the years. Guys at 24 looked more mature than most guys at 44 today, just 60 years ago.
It's been a regression. A slow psychological regression into childhood for the public at large. And the best way to achieve that is to create a traumatic moment and get everyone staring at once. Make them feel unsafe, make them want to go back into the protective arms of mommy. Then rebuild them anew after they've regressed fully.

And here we are, in the rebuild phase. Just look at the last 20 years, and compare it to the decades prior. You'll start to see the progression too if you keep an eye out for it.

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It's almost as if there was a coup in the pentagon around that time and some sort of explosion, I always hear much of the two towers, but what did the pentagon attack do? Who died? What was destroyed?

We will never know and we will never be told.

I was only 11 at the time but even at 12 I noticed how different things had become.

I was in 3rd or 4th grade when it happen. I was in Jersey City. I remember being pissed that Dragon Ball Z didn't come on that day. Cartoon Network was off the air for what felt like years. I remember eating a bowl of Top Ramen sitting on the couch watching the news play the video of the towers falling.

a picture of newgrounds obviously after sept 11th 2001
this shit wasnt normal and people didnt jsut go oh wow bah moo other barn animal sounds, osama did sept 11th. the osama propogand was over whelming and people said this is bullshit
thats when the government stepped in and said, we can do propoganda its ok

so, just know that that is fake news

As a child, I remember waiting for my dad at the airport RIGHT outside of the jetway. The pre-911 world is gone forever. :(

Supreme Brits don't give a fuck about dead Americans

Right after 9/11, the DHS was formed, which sucks up a large amount of tax dollars. Presumably, a faction of the jewish banker families that own everything including the government decided they had a different vision for the next century, which involved reigniting the military-industrial complex and rolling it out in the civic/public sphere... They're probably responsible for all the false flags and hoaxes that mark the 21st century as being a bit more crazy than the 20th, if you haven't noticed.

The CIA probably uses their tools to out these hoaxes because they prefer the control system they used to run, which was tricking everyone into submission using the media, not fear. For instance, Alex Jones probably works for the CIA, he has various CIA family connections and if I recall he basically admits it. A deep state civil war would also explain why things are so crazy. Trump is clearly a tool of the Jewish bankers (seeing as he doesn't expose 9/11, for instance, which he could have used as a justification to arrest everyone in congress under the alien and sedition acts...)... but the whole phony media war against him may have a bit of factionalism between pro-DHS dems and pro-CIA republicans... but who fucking knows, I don't know. Maybe he married the two.

Attached: World Trade Center, Manhattan, New York (March 2001, architect Minoru Yamasaki c. 1973 in the modern (1361x1924, 1.22M)

IIRC the Pentagon attack conveniently destroyed a lot of relevant files, like what Donald Rumsfeld did with the $2T+ he mysteriously lost. But I've never heard a lot of speculation at what its purpose might have been beyond having a big scary attack on something really important. If the Pentagon gets attack, it's basically a 100% guarantee that the US military is going to make some big show of a retaliation.

Worst bait ever.

nothing is worth saving in any of that stop shilling your abc organizeations they are useless

Here's what happened to America psychologically:

9/11: happens, the media frames the question "what have we done to deserve this?"

>Americans start looking inside to find the reason for 9/11

>americans lose faith in our government keeping us safe

>9/11 is OUR FAULT

>Media starts pumping Barack Obama

>white people, unaware of their shrinking demographic and political position, elect Obama to prove they aren't racist

>Obama instantly starts doing shit to destroy the American republic

>defenders of the constitution are called racist

>Obama makes gay marriage illegal

>Tumblr throws everything they can think of in terms of progressive insanity at the wall, just to see what sticks

>gender pluralism and hatred of the status quo tumbles around Tumblr until it becomes a knife edge of talking points and debate strategy

>tumblrinas start to age, left wing media starts with the Tumblr talking points

>woke teens and young adults start "educating" boomers and non pozzed folks on twatter

>Dylan roof happens

>the left uses it to gain ground politically

>Obama creates sandy hook

This is nigger tier comment. Memefagl and all.

but yeah

Also a stupid inside fight explains why the governors have broken all the tools over the last two decades they used to control society for centuries.

The DHS would be running false flags to move society in their direction (perhaps communist-fascist hybrid?) and to market the military-industrial complex. The families that own Blackrock and Blackstone and Vanguard which own everything might be involved with the DHS, they own all the gun companies, too. When people are scared into buying guns, they profit. Okay, not just that, but they own the companies that produce metal detectors, security systems, etc. Additionally, the contracts for manufacturing all the war industry and the war industry stuff put in municipal police hands is all nepotistic in nature. the govenors who are actor-cousins of the bankers just give the contracts for this stuff to the industrialist cousins of the financiers that overcharge for insane toys to play war in the desert.

Yeah, okay, but if the messiah really was coming, would he seriously come because of a bunch of kikes? People tend to forget that Jesus was a kike.

I'm merely proposing a psychological explanation for the choice of the Pentagon as a target, since I'm not prepared to make any good claims for something specific that was destroyed in the process. I can buy that they took down WTC7 to destroy a bunch of evidence, but it seems a little iffy to poke a hole in the Pentagon just to get rid of some inconvenient evidence.

I'm hardly shilling for alphabet soups.

After 9/11 something died in all of us. I think it was hope.

Blackmail is probably the actual reason for it all
But you didn't hear it from me

Nice try, you fuckin' krout.

>the media frames the question "what have we done to deserve this?"
>Americans start looking inside to find the reason for 9/11
You're either fucking retarded or lived under a rock in the years after 9/11. All the media did was suck W's cock and tell us "they hate us for our freedom". Only a tiny, TINY minority of people back then even dared to contemplate that 9/11 might be our fault. The Patriot Act helped to ensure that.

All of you goy will be living the gunless socialist wet dream in as little as 5 years, so screencap this ma nigga. If you havent studied the 45 communist goals that were put on the congresional record in 1963, you havent swallowed a redpill EVER. You can take those 45 and look at how each one has passed and into fruition or on the cusp. Get real crackers, your time coming up.

A surprising amount of zoomers believe this, I've met a couple who legitimately thought it was just a meme

911 was a satanic ritual and literal demons were brought through the dimensions into our world.

In some sense, that could be better than believing the official narrative. Kind of like you might be better off thinking the holocaust was a complete fabrication rather than that there was a kernel of truth in there that has simply been exaggerated and lied about 6 million times over.

the biggest sea evacuation in history didnt happen

lol okay

1,000,000 people evacuated by boat alone from lower manhattan. consider leaving nebraska, cutfag

It was a kabbalistic ritual ushering in the new millenium. This is why the world has gone completely insane in the last 20 years.

not really since a lot of people are still getting sick from 9/11, and it was a repulsive attack on innocent workers by the predatory bankster central planners


That's fair. But as somebody who fell for it at first, I really feel stupid for not applying enough critical thought to notice how absurd everything was.

I mean, if you remember life back then.... not only were most folks more naive and innocent, without mass communication via the internet, any misgivings you may have had essentially had to be aired with those around you. even living in NYC, I don't recall any real public forum... the funerals were giant public events... but, it was all hush hush. Like, did anyone even get fired over 9/11? LOL

but people were asking questions that night, hell, as it happened...

Attached: World Trade Center, Manhattan, New York (July 2001, architect Minoru Yamasaki c. 1973 in the moderni (2732x1963, 635K)

Same D2 was my jam. I miss when /v/ ran /v/net private server.

>Like, did anyone even get fired over 9/11? LOL
lol so true. But if you were living there at the time, I probably don't have to tell you what it felt like the first time you saw the skyline in person without the towers. They certainly picked something to get a lot people all emotional about.

And then one day a friend said, hey, I just want you to watch this 9/11 documentary and tell me what you think. My poor innocent world!

It was great tv, not much more to say about it.

Not collectively but there was always discussion of unintended blow back, due to operations in Afghanistan and the broader middle east.

Any prediction for next events?
Baba Vanga said bio warfare.
Albert Pike WW3.
What was in Zbigniew plan next? One world currency? BTC?

We're behind schedule it seems.

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>gun grab in dandy hook fails, but it traumatized people, they will be useful later

>more right wing terrorism, more fabricated shootings, non illuminati leftists become more radical, gun rights as a idea on the left starts to disappear

>Alex Jones, zog puppet, starts building the controlled opposition to the narrative

>they use him as the first domino is deplatforming

>now we have precedent, they ban everyone they feel threatened by

>trump comes along, paid shills start making Jow Forums fascist, fascist groups spring up in response to the extremism of the left

>the republic starts to die

>two sides remain, both radical, both against freedom, the pinchers tighten, all hope appears to be lost.

The term: the media, does not only pertain to the most popular pundit on fox news. It includes: academics who publish at universities, newspapers and magazines, websites online, radio, and TV and movies.

Sure, fox news and GW said "they hate us for our freedoms" but no one fucking believed them and the majority of nonpozzed media asked the question: "why?"

You're the retard.

What's up fellow '85 bro. Fuck zoomers.

Well I was a kid, yeah, it was pretty surreal but err I dunno, you get used to it. The new tower is really provocative to me. It disgusts me to always see and I know a lot of people who feel the same.

my father was an engineer who worked right next to ground zero, and he assumed bombs had to be planted to take down the towers, even claims to have heard some. other people in his office agree... he's not a chump either, he is a lead designer on a lot of big new york projects... he even designed a lot of the anti-terrorist infrastructure put in place in nyc after 9/11... lol

Attached: Lower Manhattan, New York City (2014).jpg (2590x1036, 569K)

The explosions look absolutely atomic.

I agree with you there. But that wider discussion didn't really begin until after "Mission Accomplished" and it became apparent that our invasion of Iraq was turning into a quagmire.


This brings up a good point. If the towers collapsed due to fire why didn't any building codes change in the years since 9/11?

Ruby Ridge and Waco are more prescient.

Consider that being white and ascendant is illegal. This, in the country that supposedly defeated the Nazis and would only be interested in bettering themselves, to bolster the whole of mankind. Nevertheless, forced integration, affirmative action, the civil rights act, union busting, lax immigration, all serve to undermine this once great nation and we're supposed to treat it as a laughing matter because South Park did a bit on it.

citizens serve the state, top-down control has always been the nature of society. periodically, citizens demand their way toward more freedoms. complacency due to mass entertainment led to this encroaching police state.

I'm not a fan of the new tower. Probably because I grew up with the original ones, but the style also doesn't really match the surroundings. Although perhaps more disappointing is that it took forever to rebuild something, almost as if that was an intentional move to keep people demoralized and upset.

I don't know exactly what brought the towers down like, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't jet fuel. I'd be entirely willing to believe bombs were involved, but I think the response of the government and the lack of any real investigation or justice is more important than that.

Coupled with the thread theme of shell shocking people into a Stockholm Syndrome. It wasn't mere entertainment that took America's eye off the ball, and there have been victims aplenty of this soft totalitarianism to make it clear its best to keep your head low. Trump allowed this suppression to boil over finally, even knowing full well, it was probably another trap. That's how bad it got. It will only get worse. Nature abhors a vacuum.

>tfw uber wealthy nyc suburb
>tfw my friends parents are all dead
>tfw me and all my peers grew up in confusion
>tfw me and the boys all turned out to be depressed drug users
1st wave zoomer reporting in

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>You want to know why 9/11 is so fundamental?

9/11 and The War on Terrorism is the justification the World Controllers use to micromanage all of us. It's their justification to oppress and murder people in the name of whatever cause they state is worthy of oppressing and murdering. Homeland Secuirty Act, The Patriot Act, NDAA, FISA all of these draconian laws came about after 9/11.

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Maybe they were passed and signed into law after 9/11. Something tells me they were pretty well sitting on the shelf waiting for that "new pearl harbor" event.

It will only get worse, yeah.. Dunno what will change about that. Sad to anticipate, but it could be the case. The thing is, technology has tended to advance human freedoms in the past. So... it might be the case that this trend holds true and the state doesn't have the monopoly on techs against us (see: hackers disabling municipal governments as is)

all you have to do to show anyone israel is responsible for 9.11 is show them this video

Me too and I remember thinking it was the Japs that day.

True. I remember going to the airport and walking to the gates without a boarding pass. There’s s scene in dogma that shows that.

Baitsed and checked

It was supposed to demoralize you, I think it did.

u got memed on retard

When the boot comes down, it'll change. People like Bill Maher are advocating for gulags. Whether it comes down from the left or right is incidental. That will be the real beginning of the real end.

>Genuinely convinced 9/11 did not even happen
Well, that is a possibility. Whatever it was that did happen, it not only has video record, it has an entire city that believed that two of its more famous buildings were reduced to piles of rubble that day.
I'm leaning toward suggesting you seriously never put any THC in your body, because it literally makes humans paranoid.

He couldn't watch cartoon network because the TV transmitter was on top on the tower

It set the pieces in motion that lead us on this path of a progressive liberal society as a reaction to the ultra conservative American views following the attack. The terrorists literally won.

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