Evolution violates thermodynamics

The 2nd law of thermodynamics states that disorder always increases. This implies that nothing is ever totally efficient and is why you can never build a perpetual motion machine. Evolution is an example of order coming from nothing and so it cannot be true because it would violate the second law of thermodynamics. Discuss tards

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A single cell is very orderly and simple, an organism composed of tons of cells is disorderly and messy.

With this logic, living things themselves violate thermodynamics because we create order out of disorder to maintain our bodies. So I guess life cannot be true either, yeah?

Your definition of the 2nd law is a strawman, you forgot the second half of the statement: "In a vacuum that doesn't itself posess a net infusion of energy, like for example sunlight".

Your inferred implication is also invalid, the 2nd law of thermodynamics isn't what causes friction.

Your statement that Evolution is order coming: "From nothing" is also incorrect, as you exist, and you aren't from nothing.

And your final argument that the previous two incorrect assumptions leads to your false conclusion is also wrong since your incorrect conclusion isn't contradicted by your incorrect definition of the 2nd law.

This video explains evolution at the 6th grade level and in my opinion proves that evolution is actually a thing that actually has been happening and continues to happen.


It's why people hate blacks, they stopped evolving about 270k years ago. That's why nobody wants to breed with them, it's breeding with something that stopped getting better over time.

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The so called laws of thermodynamics are demonstrably false.
Have a nice day.

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>It's why people hate blacks

That's another thing that continues to blow a hole in my brain.

All of our laws of Thermodynamics are provably wrong by quantum mechanics.

The observations about energy from people 600 and 200 years ago made their observations on groups of atoms, not atoms individually.

They said energy is not created or destroyed, but now we know that's only true if you have a whole bunch of atoms together.

If you were to have a microscope that could observe subatomic particles of hydrogen, you would find a fantasy city-world inside an atom of hydrogen where classical physics simply is irrelevant. Energy is both created and destroyed through various processes.


Hydrogen at energy state (4,1) proves that god enjoys himself a picture of a goatse.

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Get out of here with that low energy, 2011 bullshit

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You can have localized entropy decreasing in a larger increasing system. Evolution actually centers around thermodynamics.

If evolution is necessary advancement then why is everything deteriorating?

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The energy is converted to other forms, never destroyed or created, quantum fantasy city inside of a fundamental particle included

Quantum Mechanics shows us that subatomic particles can without the net infusion of energy suddenly leap forward in time, borrow a blob of extra energy in the future that doesn't yet exist yet, and use the proceeds (Return on investment) of that power output to be a catlyst for a reaction in the past that enables a change in a quantum state.


The present appears to keep two tendrils into the past, and into the future, in order to create the present.

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>he doesn't know about entropic evolution theories

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it also defies scientific method

Zero scientific evidence exists that one species can morph into another with random mutations and homologous chromosomal crossover during recombination.

Is this what happens when you watch a lot of rick and mortimer

we are the disorder you gigantic faggot.

Imagine thinking this is a viable counter argument

>trusting science because DUDE SCIENCE LMAO
science isn't real and scientism is a delusional religion.

>violate the second law of thermodynamics
Ever heard of the Sun? The Earth isn't a closed system.

it's not an argument I'm just saying it's so stupid that I don't even need to refute it

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That's why most branches of science have been stalled and dead since the 19th century.
This fairy tale the theologian Darwin spun about "simple bags of salt", i.e. your cells, trillions of them, packed with the DNA to code you to be you.

Evolution does not imply atheism

The two tendrils statement is interesting. I can say that each tendril is a tree that branches in a way depending on the number of interacting particles that can be considered, producing a wave space with a topology associated with the number of particles. Any system can decomposed in terms of these fundamental interactions, requiring these geometries to be connected in whatever ways possible. Ultimately, the way I continue is to close the pathways to make system of loops. Then, the path integral that you're referring to can be "folded" into a closed cyclic representation, and the result of the path integral corresponds to the resonance properties of interconnected cycles in this weird topological space...

I can't find anyone to help me with my theory though. I think I have an easier way of understanding modern physics, but experts won't talk to me. The field is pozzed; destroyed by greed, nepotism, and the general lack of dignity that scientists these days are expected to have. No self-respect means insecurity. Insecurity means you feel the need to protect yourself...

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>The 2nd law of thermodynamics states that disorder always increases.
How do crystals form?

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>is why you can never build a perpetual motion machine
Nikola Tesla would like to have a word with you.

It's counterpointed by exclusionary theory: as entropy tries to push everything apart and even it out, at the edges shit jumbles up and is forced together making things more complex.

>Evolution is an example of order

It never stopped. 99.9+% of anything that's ever lived on Earth is now extinct. What's left are creatures who adapt to and evolve better and faster than the others. Some species have been around for hundreds of millions of years, some for only a few million, like people for example. Our evolution isn't done, our change is constant.

Beings with consciousnes and or the reasoning to understand the universe if they willed it are imbued with the ability to break laws by applying other higher laws of the universe. The success of a species being how high they climb up the infinite mountain of knowledge they get.

Also, if you're just a creationist, stop. I don't care what you think the origin is, as long as you pick the right team, as this team winning, all of existence depends on.

maybe we're devolving from the origins of a God?

Kys, faggot. Or at least have some basic clue what the actual physics means before you start spouting stupidity. Nah, on second thought just fucking kys. Save us all some aggravation.

Thanks for the emerald tablets bro.

The second law of thermodynamics is respected if a force from outside the universe does work to the system. God is runing evolution.

If some mad quantum mechanics researcher ever figures out a way to make a perpetual motion machine even if it only extracts infintesimal amounts of energy from what appears to be a void, we might want to jump on him like flies on shit and shut it down, because it means we're fucking with some kind of cross dimensional particles, or perhaps sucking energy out of the momentum of the earth around the sun, or perhaps digging little holes in space-time fabric itself, doing irreperable energy-extraction damage that enables this simulation to operate in the first place.

The allegory and analogy of my little story might be of a person who lives inside a pressurized balloon. One day he invents a needle and figures out how to draw out energy from outside the baloon. As soon as he pricks a large enough hole to fuel his interstellar vehicle up to half speed-of light, he then shatters the entire universe into a 1x10^500 shards. Destroying not only all life, but the life-form that is the universe creating life in the first place to refresh itself.

Like an infant that kills its mother before delivery.

pic unrelated.

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Because you can’t

As I understand it the sun is a the source of order (or negative entropy) in our solar system.
You have 10 to the power of 57 hydrogen atoms compressed so much they are very neat and orderly.
As the sun goes through its lifecycle it consumes the hydrogen and becomes less orderly.

That energy makes life is possible without violating the laws of thermodynamics because the sun becomes more disordered as we become more ordered and so the total order of the system is going in the right direction.

You are applying it wrong. The entropy of a closed system always increases. Earth is not a closed system, it gets constant energy input from the sun.

Stay good in your intentions and luck will be on your side.

el aboninacion...

OP, you're forgetting about energy being inserted into our system from an external source (the Sun). Because of this the entropy of the entire system abides by the laws of thermodynamics.

Quantum Mechanics is for the materialist as Kabbalah is for the Jew.


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No it doesn't. Balance is maintained in nature continuing to find new ways to kill us. Fuck off, nigger.

the 4th law of thermodynamics states that if OP makes just one post in all fields is the only response.

Evolution isnt the only factor, the other major factor being presently identified is mutation. There are 2 others and may be more over time.

>It's why people hate blacks, they stopped evolving about 270k years ago.

Who is more evolved, Asians or Whites?