What is the most red pilled coffee to buy?

I've been drinking Black Rifle Coffee for the past few months, as it's probably the best coffee i've ever tasted.

However, they are very pro-police "Blue Lives Matter" (they donate a portion of their revenue to police & military organizations) and i hate knowing that my money is supporting cops who throw right-wing dissidents in jail, sic antifas on them and laugh, and just act as muscle for the anti-white US government. One of their roasts of coffee is even called "Thin Blue Line". No fucking shit.

>Give money to multinational Globohomo gayplex corporations
>Give money to boot licking pro-cop company

There must be a better option. What do?

Attached: blackrifle.jpg (480x480, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/stores/node/19823441011?_encoding=UTF8&field-lbr_brands_browse-bin=Black Rifle Coffee Company&ref_=bl_dp_s_web_19823441011

you buy whole beans and grind your own. c'mon buddy

They sell whole beans you dumb fuck. Anybody can grind beans. Grinding or not grinding, you still have to buy the beans from this company or one of the major corporations.

If you mean roasting, no I'm not roasting my own beans.

What the fuck kind of question is this? thats like asking what cereal will make me more alpha

>you still have to buy the beans from this company or one of the major corporations.

>calling others a dumb fuck

Are you actually retarded? You can go and buy green coffee beans by the pound at farmers markets and roast them yourself on your stove. You can literally buy coffee beans at whole sale prices from members of your community if want to.

Or you just not be addicted to drugs like a fucking degenerate.

Consuming coffee daily is very unhealthy. It's at a level that you will really have to dig for the info. I can't remember exactly what it does, but you get a nutrient/vitamin/etc deficiency and a bunch of health problems from it.

Thanks for adding absolutely nothing to the thread.

>Drinking milk makes your dick shrink. You really have to dig to find the info. I can't remember what it does, but you get ED and a bunch of health problems from it.

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>Are you actually retarded? You can go and buy green coffee beans by the pound at farmers markets and roast them yourself on your stove.
Are you actually retarded? Not everybody lives in a climate that is conducive to growing coffee beans where you can find them in your local farmers market.

>roast them yourself on your stove

Are you actually retarded? Roasting coffee is a time consuming process that is easy to mess up if you do it wrong. Not everybody wants to, has the time, or the setup to roast raw fucking coffee beans. There's a reason nobody does it.

Never said coffee would make you alpha. I want to be mindful of where my money goes though. I wouldn't buy cereal if i knew it was going to Antifa. So why would i buy coffee if i know it's going to pro-police groups?

WRONG. Coffee has been continuously shown to have positive health benefits year after year in moderate consumption levels. 2-3 cups a day is not unhealthy, and many scientific studies show it is actually beneficial.

>nutrient/vitamin deficiency
That's why you eat food, take vitamins, etc...So you know....you get actual nutrition.

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user, i think it's time for you to take the sips pill. You will never need coffee again.

You're welcome

what do you actually want? someone to reassure you that your brand of coffee is ok just because they donate to police? it's coffee nobody is that autistic when it comes to coffee. take your meds and dilate