Adolf Hitler did 9/11

Adolf Hitler did 9/11.

Attached: Adolf-Hitler-1933.jpg (1218x1600, 363K)

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Hitler was a Jew? It all makes sense now... full circle... thank you OP

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Well, the Jews did 9/11 and Hitler chose not to exterminate them, so you have a point.

>chimps out
>destroys europe and an entire generation of men in war
>leaves america and soviet union primed to become the two major world powers
>they antagonize each other for decades during the cold war, using third world nations to fight proxy wars like in vietnam and afghanistan
>cia trains anti-soviet hardline muslims in terror tactics and guerilla attacks while overthrowing moderate muslims because said moderates wouldn't sell us oil or die for us in wars against the soviets
>cold war ends, terrorists stop getting funded while the us dicks off in the middle east for more oil
>terrorists fly planes into buildings because fuck america

checks out


Jow Forums never disappoints

Attached: you tbh.png (325x550, 9K)

>Anglo Jesus

Do not blame the hero in the story of tragedy for the actions of the villains. It is disgusting that people try to speak about Hitler without reading the primary source on the matter.

It's as relevant today as the day it was written. Possibly the most important geopolitical work of the twentieth century, and its existence will ensure that, as Kennedy said, "Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived"

Fuck off troll. Serious responses only.

mind = blown

he was in Argentina at the time

Can we get #HitlerDid911 trending? Or will 'they' shut it down?

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Actually he prevented it

I remember this day clearly. Hitler saved the world yet again

Porsche did 911
Ferdinand Porsche also supported Hitlr
Hitler did 911 confirmed
>pic related
Ferdinand Porsche

Attached: 911.jpg (1280x720, 188K)

Wow, it's been years since I came across autism with that much purity.

Page 10 :/

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hitler is being kept alive in a tank in antarctica

Attached: hitler15.jpg (480x349, 18K)

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still did nothing wrong then

Checked n keked.

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