Canadian Election General

Leafs get in here, the federal election was announced this morning!

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Hopefully Alberta's days as a major player on the world oil market are finished

yo nigga u a pink ass nigga in witta big ass hed!!! yo this nigga outta this thread

vote to seperate in your next referendum faggot french fuck.

Scheer it is then. Bernier cannot win, voting for him throws your vote away.

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Checked, but you frogs should fuck off and separate already. See how well Quebec fares when it doesn't have the rest of Canada supporting them

Voting for Bernier, might as well vote for someone slightly close to my own beliefs. Plus, this election is already shaping up to have a low turn out, which could work in our favour.

Attached: Campaign.png (1200x842, 493K)

Yes because white people cannot fare well on their own. Believe the inferior anglos, frenchmen.

We're fucked no matter who wins.
And no Bernier doesn't have a chance.

Alberta separatism is more realistic than Quebec at this point. And I hope they leave, it'd be a chain reaction.

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