Nigger hate thread

>be me, white guy getting education at local uni
>use public transportation to save money
>step off bus right in front of school
>suddenly a pack of 7 feral niggers charges at me
>start running away but nigs are always faster
>pushed to the ground, beaten and robbed
>society still expects me to be tolerant of the nigs or else im rayciss
>pic related

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Cultural enrichment



Did you get their names? I would bring wrath on people who decided to fuck with me 1 nig at a time

These threads are so juvenile.
Bring an argument if you care, which you don't. You just want to sperg out because you hate your life.

The reality is that the western world will be like 20% africanized. Millions of white women will get impregnated by black men, teenage daughters will spend time with black men. White race wont go extinct but we will lose about 1/4th atleast of all white women to the foreigners.

White guys are killing themselves, becoming isolated, high suicide rate. Women don't really care about culture or history, they tend to go to the men who are socially dominant and active. Blacks are very overly social which sends signal to more shy, quiet white women that he is an apex male.

White guys dont really walk up to women in public and talk, and there is alot of fear of expression seductive/sexual intentions due to accusations of sexual harassment, whilst niggers just walk up and hit on girls.

When white women see white guys get easily beat up by blacks, like OP, they subconciously become attracted to the invader, the dominator. Women will seek invaders as they will eventually view them as superior.

Do you have anything to say or are you just triggered that nigger behavior is (yet again) exposed?

his wife's boyfriend was looking over his shoulder

Tell me where it is you fucking cracker

NEWFAGS PLEASE LISTEN - These two are shills trying to make this place seem not just racist but irrationally hateful.

Jow Forums is and has always been a board of peace

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Where your dad is, good luck finding it ape brain.

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Was the more dramatic cuckspam not quite raking in the (You)'s anymore that you scaled it back a little

If you want to know how deep this goes regarding white female, you can read this post
How 10 teenage uni girls go to refugee center for sex

You have to choose one or the other, there's a conflict in tone if you're going for a "realistic-sounding" cuckspam on the one hand and then backtrack to what reads like a literal cuck fetishist fantasy

I've noticed that they have gotten more subtle in their anecdotes as well.

I used to hear "I live in X and Almost every white woman is with a black guy"

They have gotten more reasonable about their anecdotes to make them more convincing.

But they can't be too reasonable or else it wouldn't be as demoralizing.

Well it's a catch 22, can't warn people about whats gonna happen, because it will be disregarded as cuckspam.

Guess people have to wait until alot of white women start wearing cornrows and speaking in ebonics while pregnant with their 3rd mulatto baby. The part that will hurt the most is that some of these women will be litterly 9/10 blonde women, appearance wise.

People talk alot about weimar but it's really gonna suck when BBC goes mainstream, alot of zoomer guys are really insecure and make ironic jokes about BBC, their girlfriends hear it, they check it out, before you know it too many women will act like complete animals and fuck niggers in drove. Lots of white guys will not have any options since women will be able to choose men at a 1:10 ratio and some couples will allow their girlfriend to fuck around once a month to prevent them from cheating or breaking up. Anyway you think its just cuck spam, but you know i was right in 5-10 years when you hear women openly talk about sex with black men.

This is what happens when your entire world view is based off what you see in porn

fuck off nigger

Attached: NIG niggers 3.webm (480x360, 1.78M)

Where the nigger hate videos at

Attached: niggers 5.webm (720x1280, 680K)

Try not to get lotion on the keyboard, Sven

wtf is this shit?

I gotta pass a 'behavioral DNA' test just to stock shelves now?

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It is your God given right to fucking carry, son. Weapon the fuck up and stop being a victim. Even nogs back the fuck down when you shine a piece of steel.

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kys immediately

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Pick your choice:
a) Glow in the dark nigger
b) Just a regular nigger
c) An actual retard
Poll is up for votes, fellas

Attached: blacks.webm (480x270, 2.65M)

Noticed this while looking at race population distribution maps. Tried to correct with oldfag cobbling, as below.

Attached: oj6jy3K3YK1w27g5ho1_500.jpg (500x633, 101K)

Attached: niggers 17.webm (640x360, 2.65M)

If time, maybe meme master can correct with better skill.

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>Jow Forums is and has always been a board of peace
The irony of saying this...

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