why do we still subsidize and bail out companies that dont create new factories in america? why do we tolerate companies that sell in america to move all their manufacturing out of america? all they do is undercut american industries by importing their goods and selling at prices only sweatshops and 3rd world country labor wages could achieve. when will we say enough is enough and punish companies who only care about their short term interest and abuse american markets and american investments and compete with american brands in american cities until its financial viable to pull out and build factories in mexico or vietnam leaving the city hollow. why isnt america doing anything to stop brands like levis and nike who have a huge stake in their financial sector from harming american markets that they benefit from? why do companies like apple and general electric get R&D subsidies when they manufacture abroad and americans dont get to benefit at all from the jobs created by it? how come americans subsidize the creation of slave wage jobs in other countries while all of their industries leave them and crush their american competitors by flooding our markets with foreign made goods? americans really should start asking where the loyalty of these companies who receive our money and our taxbreaks lie, with america, or with their shareholders.
note how many of those factories are american
Why do we still subsidize and bail out companies that dont create new factories in america...
Make your own pants faggot
That's socialism, Goy
fuck off chang
I buy 29x29 jeans
>t. manlet
>29 x 29
>not 29 x 34
jeans are the mot uncomfy pant attire ever.
i dont get why people like blocky, starchy, rough fabric rubbing against their legs and groin all the time.
even brands like se7en for mankind, true religion, diesel are all the same, they have a bit of softness to it, but its still very rigid and restricting.
khacki slacks are comfortable, give you range of motion, you could run in them if need be...same with black dress pants.
dicki shorts are the best for blue collar work, i can understand jeans if you working in fields and ranges because they prob are the best at stopping a rattlesnake bite or water moccasin bite.
also they give you swamp ass.
we prob bail them out because they are considered american companies and it boosts gdp... it allows them to make a big profit with their outsourcing and therefore gives best chance of them not going under.
its not socialism, its protecting american markets like any sensible modern economy should.
that doesnt solve the issue
>why do we still subsidize and bail out companies that dont create new factories in america
Jeans are durable and comfortable if you’re not a fuckin pussy
so they make a bigger profit for their shareholders and they boost gdp which doesnt in any way help american workers who pay for their subsidies. exactly what i said in the OP
They were pretty comfy for manual labor back in the 90s when they were cut for normal people or you could go for relaxed fit for extra mobility. The only modern slacks I have that fit anything right are the ones for one of my suits. The faggot skinny leg shit wrecked everything.
skinny fits are awful.
I'm pretty sure this user is a fatass.
fat ass. lose some weight! i wear the reverse.
38x34. Of course i am old and 6-3.
lol @ having a waist larger than 32 inches. You are seriously one fat fuck.
I have had some dickies that have lasted for 10 years and are still going. They dont look very good but idgaf
jeans can be great, but you need to get the right fit and material. Levi 541 athletic fit are great if you have man quads. Hugo Boss uses excellent materials, and cuts their pants for people who care about their bodies.
Because the owners are rich.
Looks like gender re-Assignment surgery goes well.
being rich doesnt make the american government powerless to act
BDUs may look a little goofy, but you have to give the military credit for figuring out something simple, cheap, durable, and comfortable enough for just about anything. Currently sporting a pair that must be 15 years old easy that I cut half the legs off to make around the house shorts out of.
if you know anything about the structure of american government then you'd know what you said is retarded
Friendly reminder that Levi donates money to anti 2A groups.
>jews hate armed goyim
Are you telling me that incomprehensible amounts of corporate money causes our Representatives to prioritize companies interests over those of the American people that they swore an oath to God to protect?
Youre a real one OP, the garment industry and the loss of the american garment industry as been a big interest of mine for 10ish years.
i just started hearing about it last week
Who do you mean by "we," exactly?
we as in americans
>Jew jeans
>skinny jeans
Hello Op, University Student here
I agree, however I've long held the opinion what people of the nation or citizens should do is organize a Consumer Rights Movement and Group, its entirely the idea that Consumers must make demands even, protest, and become activists, against wrong-doing industries and firms
outsourcing is good for consumers thogh.
It reduces the available income of the consumers. It's only good for a short term economic boost from slave labor, and that makes dumbassas think it's the best thing ever because they could afford more cheap trinkets for a while.
You don't see the bigger picture. A company brand as old and recognized as Levi Strauss, is actually nothing more than a consumerism beacon. The entire point of the Levi Strauss company, and all other recognizable companies, is now, ultimately to get people to continue to buy things they don't need, in their collective zombified ignoramus stupor.
Brand names are like rare baseball cards. Rich people will pay a shit load of money for them, simply because of the fact that so many people will recognize it, and will want any merchandise that the logo from the card is attached to. They're cults.
No, I'm not talking about small/medium business, their brand names are sometimes informative, and unique. I'm talking about people who make money with their money, buying giant brand names.
The world, and hence the economy of the world is dying. Every effort is being made to have us hold on to this artificial (not possible under normal, ethical, logical conditions) economy and society.
I challenge you user, tomorrow and the next day, and the next, simply look around your word, and try to spot how many things would not exist if groups of 10-30 ultra rich assholes didn't specifically want things that way.
Car dealerships for one, did you know that it isn't legal to buy a car from the factory? You have to buy a new car from a dealership. All new and used cars would be at least 20% cheaper, if not for the legislation creating car dealerships.
Look at the technology that was admitted to have been invented at least 10 years ago, that would "certainly revolutionize the technology of X" that has never been even attempted to be marketed.
Because those companies get the polticians elected cunt
I try to avoid supporting leftist companies like Levi.
the politics dont matter, the practices do.
RIP Redwing
I wear 100% flax linen.
The US government even gives tax incentives for companies to move. Lose all income tax from employees and give money to the company to move?
The Japanese were a big help in reviving american made clothing. I remember being on a family vacation as a kid some where out west. There were signs saying "we pay $1,000s for old Levi's". They would come to america and look through the old mines for vintage clothing left behind by the miners. I still run into a couple of Japanese guys at local thrift stores, combing the racks for vintage American made clothes. Our business attire influenced theirs, I own a book on it titled Ametora. There is still a market abroad for made in U.S. clothing, unfortunately it is quite niche in the big picture. Designer goods hurt it, fast fashion killed it.
Its still very much worth fight for and voting with your dollars. I impart the age old boomer wisdom of "it don't say made in the U.S.A. I put it back on the shelf" while shopping.
Japan had a trick where they renamed a town Usa. So they could label MADE IN USA.
I mostly wear jinbei at home.
the income tax doesnt matter because the politicians lower consumer prices for constituents and the businesses bribe them with "donations"
In the 80s they went out of style because they were proven to lower sperm count. That's when Hammer pants came into fashion.
Income tax matters because that's how the private jewish federal reserve bank just skims wealth off the top in order to push the US into 3rd world conditions as a prerequisite for installing global communism.
But then add the community cost of unemployment and welfare, and less spending locally because there are less jobs. It's obviously rigged toward self destruction.
>Jew jeans
Levi 541 athletic fit jeans are amazing. It’s true that these jeans fit great if you have muscular legs
Welcome, comrade.
If outsourcing is good, insourcing is even better! There is literally no reason not to import a couple hundred million chinks and pay them Chinese wages and keep them in Chinese-style wagie cages. Think of the savings on shipping!
6'3 175 master race
I tried switching to corduroys, but my thighs rubbing together sounded like a motorcycle, and my crotch almost caught on fire.
kek people still wear corduroys?
i know that, im saying it doesnt matter to gay ass politicians. its vampiric on our communities and destroys actual american production.
Save the climate, import bugs.
but then you need infrastructure to support them and they would have benefits and worker protections and they would vote. too much complications.
im not a communist tho
Oh, then we are in complete agreement.
They didn't have to go to that length. There is nothing stopping you from stamping "made in ___" onto things.
Tell us more about your body user, we all want to love your body as much as you do, just type reeeaaalll slow, mmmmmm just like that.
>Car dealerships for one, did you know that it isn't legal to buy a car from the factory? You have to buy a new car from a dealership. All new and used cars would be at least 20% cheaper, if not for the legislation creating car dealerships.
This one pisses me off so god DAMN MUCH it’s not even funny how unfair this is. The world only knows how many THOUSANDS of dollars I could of saved when I bought a brand new car. Oh and don’t forget to pay a sales tax, registration tax, plate tax, meme gas guzzlers tax for not driving a literal faggot looking electric car GOYIM.
every policy we do and make is to support the jews
i could prove this with some events but fuck it you know
everything the jews do is destructive to everything. they cant have their own society they dont even know what civlization is they are a tribal people, we aren't. so they destroy everything while retardo government says "racism" and takes up for theme because they are a bunch of nigger lovers
which they did run, benefti from and false flag themselves over the niggers
which they call us racist for.
america is supposed to be like russia in a sense, drugs allowed, and all the other degeneracy with the benefits of open society involved in it.
policies which the government control are all communist. including fake money
Let's not forget that you don't get the Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin, so you don't even actually own the car after all that. You merely hold custodial title while the state owns it.
This is the story of goods made in Italy
33x34 master race checking in
That ___, would just make me even more curious as to where it was made.
>they would have benefits and worker protections and they would vote.
benefits and worker protections are debatable; TPP had provisions for insourcing Vietnamese workers and maintaining their labor standards despite American laws. Voting is of course a bonus.
just think if walmart created its own made in america clothing brand, people wouldn't have to buy the name brands ti feel special anymore
Amazon is in he process of dismantling the whole system right now. Walmart was the first step on destroying local commerce, and Amazon will destroy all brick and mortar commerce. They are even working around the automobile restrictions mentioned in this thread, as well as real estate.
which is why walmart needs to distinguish theirselves from amazon, by selling made in america wares. like they used to. that made them big in the first place.
also walmart needs to bring back radioshack, in their stores. dedicated to electronics and games.
Triple checked, but sorry that's a no user, slave labor practices in China are always what made them big. They were villains when they exploded in the early 90s, smart money would have thought that their vile reputation would have sank them, but then society was molded around them.
no one likes walmart now, which is why amazon is so big. they can do the sear's game plan of sitting on real estate and fail. or adapt to the competitor by offering something better, without trying to do amazon's online business model. walmart could literally control the made in america clothing household and electronics game because they have the logistics, trucks, distribution centers, etc. they just need to bring the manufacturing to where all of that logistics is.
They invented the Chinese model, almost single handedly, why would they try to undo the damage they've done?
walmart could clean up its stores by also putting borders like books and coffeeshops in their stores. radioshack, borders, sears like automotive, and the rest of the store for regular shit. and let someone take the regular walmart crowd like what kmart used to be.
to make their competitors look like greedy traitors for selling out the american worker, if they went full made in america business model first, no one would even remember how they encouraged all of the made in china shit.
You're describing a mall, they have those, boomers walk around them, to escape the decaying infrastructure that they have left in their wake.
Satanic idea, invert all that is true. Sears would be a better candidate, they were all American but could not fight against slave labor and the willful destruction of the American economy.
They were all American for a while
t. have pre-Chinese crapsman. Fuck chink steel.
so? malls are fucking lame now. eveeything in one big open space is the way to go. also walmart can keep selling the cheap chinese shit in its mexican stores or whatever shithole country they opened up in.
sears should've stuck to the catalog model and let people shop at woolworths and montgomery ward.
This, they were amazon 100 years early.
I don't understand. malls suck, so turn Walmarts into malls?
walmart could also provide a mail order catalog for people who want things for their home that the plebians just wouldn't understand the need for.
the most successful type malls are the open air outlets for whatever reason
keep the store size the same but make them more like open air malls under a roof.
because hoodlums hang out in regular malls now.
Because they look like the main streets that towns don't have any more, and parking is free.
They have an online service already, just like amazon.
I don't get it. But I'm off anyway, so no need to reply.
but it's garbage. and most of amazon is garbage too. i'm talking about what sear's catalogs used to be, basically shit to furnish middle class homes with.
it would clean up their stores and almost every community has one, their stores are pretty pathetic unless you're a poorfag.
because USA is a communist state, literally both your major political parties are far-left.
if you want to uncuck your country vote libertarian