I'm a libertarian who supported Trump but if he bans e-cigs I will not support him and all my libertarian friends will...

I'm a libertarian who supported Trump but if he bans e-cigs I will not support him and all my libertarian friends will not either. If Trump wants to lose the libertarian vote then he can do this incredibly stupid act. We have had civil wars for less so I hope he knows what he is doing

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nothing a value has been lost

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And nothing of value was lost.

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Muh vape. Go cry in your blanket pussy

Magapedes confirmed for soccer mom tier retards

I'm glad you were able to find something in life polarizing enough to affect your voting decision, and important enough for you to tell the world.

Keep moving forward, never look back, and ignore the bullies.

You got this.

Yeah go ahead and vote dem and sell our country out to illegals just because you’re mad you can suck on a cherry flavored fag stick.

Republicans stop immigration?

go look at what he actually said and stop reading CNN headlines.

retard go buy a truck load of them and store them somewhere. problem solved

Hopefully your vape explodes while you're hitting it.

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The people who fought civil wars weren't vaping fags. Nobody cares about your lefty faggotry. No self respecting MAN has ever vaped.

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shut it fag

Support your Jew aware brands

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. 2020 is Trump vs. socialism. Picking a side shouldn't be hard.

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>gonna be bigger retard now and all my retard freinds are also gonna go full retard
i'd shoot every vaping cuck i see, but this is a problem that solves itself as your lungs fill with fluid and you die because you are so fucking retarded.

WTF is up with all you faggot sucking gov't cock on this topic? Or are you just paid tobacco shills?

This came a week after a dem governor pulled the same shit.

This isn't a political problem, it's a dumb fucking boomers problem.

This. Thread is filled with boomer scum

Oh well. I use the douche flute but I ain't worried about a ban. I can just go online and buy my own nicotine liquid, flavors, and vg/pg and make my own. What's stupid about it is that they're gonna ban "flavored" e-cigarettes, which will include all e-liquid and from what I understand is that they'll leave tobacco flavored ones alone... There's no tobacco in e-liquid, tobacco ones are flavored with tobacco flavoring. It's stupid all around. They're being disingenuous about it, lumping all e-cigarettes together when they know full well that the cause of these deaths and sicknesses are from black market MARIJUANA cartridges and the media refuse to acknowledge that fact. It makes me believe that this shit is a push by big tobacco to get rid of e-cigarettes because big tobacco has lost a fuckton money from people quitting cigarettes and using e-cigarettes. You''ll also hear these media and anti-smoking people call e-cigs "big tobacco" which is bullshit too. None of my devices, or e-liquid that I've ever used were made by Phillip Morris, or R.J. Reynolds.

>imagine thinking Democrats wouldn’t do that

Hey dumb dumb, he’s not banning e cigs. He wants to ban the flavors that are being marketed to children. Bit of a difference, don’t you think?

your tears sustain me, faggot.

reminder that juuls have masonic lettering and symbols in them

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>I'm a libertarian
Nice try Bigtobaccostein

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Think of all the issues that face our nation and Western civilization in general. Think of how now, more than ever, we stand on the edge of the abyss, looking into the depths of our own annihilation.

And you're worried about if you will still be able to suck down vaporized carcinogens next year. What a worthless sack of organs. Sincerely, I hope you kill yourself.

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That ban would not work. I don’t think he would anyway

So the "take the guns first, due process second" didn't do it for you?

You never actually listen to what Trump actually says, do ya?

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Vapes hurt and kill children. Why don't you want to ban something that kills children? Children are dying, yet you don't want to ban vapes? Nobody needs assault vapes anyway.

If you brainlets really think Trump wants to ban e-cigs you're not autistic enough to be here.

If you were libertarian you’d buy them illegally and it wouldn’t matter

Stfu boomer. Ban flavored alcohol and sodas

Not hardly a boomer but I agree with you. Ban flavored alcohol and soda too. I’m fine with that. There would be less alcoholism and childhood obesity.

I cant believe I donated to this fucking fag

Shouldn't you be at Temple?


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They were getting chinese cartridges and filling them with THC then selling them on instagram.

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I don't vape or smoke, you statist cuck.

they're banning menthol too you stupid fuck

next they ban menthol smokes you dumb fucking idiot

Almost all carts are made in China.

Your faggot tears are still fuel, and my tank is topped off, queer boy.

1. Not your blog
2. Why the fuck even post this? Do you think Trump browses here to stay in touch with the public?

>next they ban menthol smokes
They have been working on that for years. So local gov't already did.

>I'm a libertarian
Stopped reading there. When are you going to kill yourself.

you know whats gonna happen if they do that?
bad idea

>"I will not support him and all my libertarian friends will not either"
>2 votes lost
tRump BTFO
How will Jow Forums ever recover?

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The problem with left is they watch movies and sitcoms. Go to any lefty twitter all their references are from movies and television program. How fucking dumb can you be to watch movies and TV and take things presented as literal?
Did you know my grandfather owned a TV program whose job was to put content showing mediocrity in family. He made the next generation be content with basic income. But he himself was doing business all over the country. Left are low IQ as simple as that.

When will you learn that cigarettes=good and vapes=bad?

Trump is big govt and anti liberty. Yet the libertarians are slurping his taint.


>Be American legislature
>Be lobbied by powerful tobacco companies
>Ban e-cigarettes because they compete with tobacco

As easy as A B C

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>Results showed that nicotine administration significantly decreased (P < 0.05) testosterone in the low and high treated groups and FSH in the high dose treated group when compared with the control group.

It's all bad. vaping is even worse though.

You're a liberal pretending to be libertarian.

How fucking old are you? You on recess?

rrrrrrreeeee muh freedom to be a vaping homo is being suppressed

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The major tobacco companies own literally all of the mainstream vaping brands you literal fucking retard.

Where do you people come from? Did you not pay attention in first grade civics class? The President presides over the government, he can't just arbitrarily ban shit, the USA is not some third world European country where serfs celebrate being serfs.

You fill up on fluids from fags?

WTF, I'm for banning flavored tobacco now

i sincerely hope this is bait

That's racist

It's actually the big companies pushing for it for themselves, so they don't have competition. Only the big corps will be able to afford FDA fees. Quite literally will control the entire vape market.

Fuck off. Juul fiends are worse that tweakers. They can all get antifreeze lung and dye.

drugs are illegal and they are hella easy to get. banning shit never ever works.

Are you coming on to me?

If he bans it then just come visit Canada, all the vaping shit you could ever want AND legal weed, win win.

Not yet.

yep you say that now


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he's already lost this gun owners vote.

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Why do people do this? There are so much better addictions you can spend your money on. But you throw money at jew sticks that serve no purpose other than killing you

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We're going to have the option of
>zionist puppet A
>zionist puppet B
in 2020, it doesn't matter. Lower levels of government matter more than voting for president.


But big tobacco is in the pockets of a lot of people in the government. E-cigarettes have made big tobacco lose a fuckton of money from people ditching tobacco products and they're leaving in droves... They can't have that. So, big tobacco sees this as an opportunity to get people back to smoking and they're gonna grease the palms of these government officials more to put pressure on this shit to get all e-cigarettes banned. They're banking on uninformed people, Melania Trump doesn't know shit about vaping, in her tweet she proves it when she said "We need to do all we can to protect the public from tobacco-related disease and death"... there's no tobacco in e-cigarettes. Uninformed people are gonna just blindly listen to other uninformed people, and certain informed big tobacco people against vaping are gonna keep up the disinfo. The media is in on it too, as they keep refusing to state the facts about these deaths and sicknesses are from black market marijuana cartomizers

Not one death linked to actual nicotine vapes. So why ban them. Meanwhile they try to say that vaping is a gateway to smoking while ive seen hundreds of people get off cigs with a vape and never seen someone do the inverse.

My parents chain smoke over a pack a day but they criticize me relentlessly for vaping like they never did when I smoked.

Hope you don’t enjoy alcohol. They can ban that to if they so please

Chimpout season

Stfu mothers milk smoking faggot.

He's not banning e-cigs. He's banning nigger flavors being sold to kids.

>ban ecigs
Stop being a dramatic faggot, most likely he jumped on this because the culprit is China. He will just ban ecig products from Chinese import.

Libertarians aren't fucking right wing they are just ignorant children. Enjoy your open boarders and freedum

cucumber is the biggest cuckold flavor of juul. you are no cool cucumber.

This is now a Madlibs thread

>I'm a __________ who supported Trump but if he ________ I will not support him and all my _______ friends will not either.

Trump sells straws to make fun of big government over-reach, then pulls this shit.

Trump's base puts up with all kinds of gas-lighting and abuse from the left for supporting him, then he turns around and acts just like them.

I'm a big 2A guy but this legit pisses me off more than if he caved on red flag laws.

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>implying Trump needs the voomer vote

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>I'm a libertarian who supported Trump
See this is when you have to stop reading & sage

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If they conduct intensively documented studies that conclude without a doubt that vaping is more harmful than smoking cigarettes and highly dangerous, then they should ban. Not a second before.

we need regulation that guarantees the chemical integrity of vape juice and e-cigarette batteries, it shouldn't be banned
>[Although glycerol and propylene glycol were detected in all samples, these solvents had been replaced by ethylene glycol as dominant compound in five products.]

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>He's not banning e-cigs. He's banning nigger flavors being sold to kids.
This is no different than the time Camel and others were forced to ban their flavored cigarettes, that were targeted toward the younger crowd and designed to make something that was otherwise disgusting, more desirable.

Vaping is by no means safer than cigarettes. It just has not been around as long, so the long-term health risks are not fully known, yet. Every year that people use vape products will see increase in health risks that are associated with vaping. In the mean time, the scam has been in the way these product have been marketed to the public as the "safer alternative" to cigarettes. There's centuries of references that can be made about cigarettes, but less than 20 years of vape usage.

Besides, the worst part about cigarettes are the additives that for some reason law-makers don't know how to ban tobacco companies from adding to products that are designed for human consumption. That should be a no-fucking-brainer. Cigarette companies add chemicals to make cigarettes stay burning. Only solution they can think of to prevent cigarettes from causing spontaneous human combustion and cali wildfires is to add plastic to supposedly stop your cigarette from burning. Still, doesn't work. Twice as many chemicals, now. Derp.

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don't give me that shit.
Every adult I know smokes those "nigger flavors for kids"

You can't run a campaign that sells straws and mocks invasive straw bans, then turn around and pull this shit.

it's gas-lighting on a grand scale and Trump will pay at the ballot box for this.. moreso than if he caves on red flag laws.

he's acting EXACTLY like the smug liberal assholes who get trump supporters FIRED.

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The only thing he's banned is vape products made to appeal to kids.

I was an adult who smoked flavored cigs. I still understand why they were banned. I actually smoke now more tan I did then. But that's why the flavors are being banned. Because they are designed to be appealing toward the crowds who would otherwise NOT be smoking/vaping.

Look. I understand your frustration. But truth is these products should have never been allowed on the shelves. Kind of like that whole K2 fad. Someone took advantage of loopholes on loose regulations, then marketed their product (falsely) as if this was the "safer" "solution" to getting people to stop smoking.

You're going to see an increase in health risks associated with vaping, that were previously unknown because of lack of research that was done. It's already happening. It's only going to get worse. If vaping sucks without flavoring, learn how to make the extractions yourself. It's not that hard. You just have to understand what you're doing. Stock up on your favorite products in the mean time, paying attention to shelf-life.

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>be trump
>listen to fake news
>annihilate small businesses based on it
absolutely based lmao

Why would I want to smoke something that tastes like menthol when I could smoke vanilla. Dumb argument. By the same logic we should not allow cranberry vodka

Dumbass, every adult I know that vapes buys some sort of flavor other than tobacco

>kids are the only ones who enjoy tasting something other than boiled leather dipped in asphalt