Why did 5 Israelis, 2 of which were Mossad, start recording 40 minutes before 9/11 hit...

Why did 5 Israelis, 2 of which were Mossad, start recording 40 minutes before 9/11 hit? Why were they dancing as the towers "burned" down? After they were arrested, one of them said that they were just documenting the event. How would they know about it 40 minutes in advance?

Attached: 911_Jews.jpg (612x481, 47K)

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source or fake and gay

(((pure coincidence)))

A lot of people say shit about these 5 students yet there's never any proof.
The REAL question is how did they shoot a laser into the towers?



> t. Kike

Turbo nigger faggot fuck.
>That's you.
Whole case around arresting and then deporting them under dubious circumstances was well documented and reported at the time. Subsequently coincidenced into the ground.

This comes from a report released due to the FOIA. This is coming from a "previously redacted report" the FBI released in 2002.

Attached: file.png (769x840, 860K)

Lurk moar faggot.

Attached: Spoonfeed.png (2944x3316, 3.18M)

Yeah nothing here goyim. Move on conspiritard. Be a good goy and I'll give you an extra cricket burga for dinna!

Attached: Yummy.png (275x183, 86K)