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Caring what others think of you versus not caring. Who could have seen this coming?

So much projection from the trash masses.

just more demoralization and depopulation tactics

soon anyone who has a kid early in life will be looked at as an evangelical freak

only elite $$$ makers aka corporate dick suckers will be able to have children, and even then they won't be raised right and the state will benefit it even more

the destruction of the family unit never stops

Dating is stressful (constantly have to feed your GFs instagram with activity photos). Being chad is still better than incel. Dating is not.

This. Who fucking cares about relationships anymore? You basically have to snag a girl out of highschool and hope she didn't already fuck her dog and half the school

Can confirm. Never dated in high school and followed hobbies, vidya, and career. at 33, I'm not on any anti-depressants, debt free, and enjoy life than most of my married peers.

Dating in high school is shit.

>destruction of the family unit never stops

The nuclear family itself is a form of prison.

90% of suicides are from married guys.
The remaining percent are from divorced guys.
>tfw single
>tfw truly happy
Beta orbitors will never know this feel

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duh dude we're the best

unironically kys commie scum

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It's almost like it's good for you to not be promiscuous and have premarital sex

no surprise a faggot leaf with a faggot post. Good job contributing to white genocide

Well obviously. Because by "date" they DO NOT mean date. They mean fuck. Sex before marriage/sex with more than one person in life causes depression.

Wow telling him to kill himself?
You must be a truly sad and bitter individual. Its not in the nature of men to be so evil and cruel to his fellow man. You must be whipped by a woman?

Just speaking the truth. It's much more beneficial to contribute to society and receive the support and rewards from an entire society than just a small unit.

Being childless at 33 is just as cringe as not being a virgin at your wedding.

The apostle Paul knew that 2000 years ago

Not giving your wife an unused penis is immoral. Don't do that to your wife.

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I would love an explanation of this theory.

>Self-sufficiency bad! Marry right now!

“Society” can be coopted by people who don’t have your best interests in mind. It can be taken over by your enemies. Much harder to take over a family.

But communism provides torture and gulags. What in the fuck are you ever talking about?

I'm sure they are, getting pussy absolutely lowers my self esteem.

>underdeveloped teens have less hormone fluctuations.
"depression" is a meme-illness to pad the budget for psychopaths who took psych courses to learn to fake being human. life is fucking hard on everyone, you learn to enjoy each other as you can, and try not to be a dick, and you covered most of it.

The NEETs shall inherit the earth.

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Not that guy, but here goes.

Think about divorce. When you marry a woman, you are signing a legal contract that half of your accumulated assets into the future will belong to her, along with your children most likely.

The reason why it's like this is because marriage is primarily a mechanism to concentrate wealth through generations. Marriage is basically a business contract where your family (a pseudo-corporation) is owned half and half by the man and woman; thus, when you part ways, you need to find some way to split the assets that were accumulated when you were a pseudo company (family).

If we lived in a society which didn't conflate romantic relationships with property and childrearing, this problem wouldn't exist.

Except when dealing with trauma, exhaustion, chronic stress,...

After my divorce, I never thought about dating or relationships. You really start to notice how desperate, pathetic, and miserable all these needy fuckers are when you don't participate.

Take the dogpill anons.

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Of course.

As women are total, depressing cancer.

Well that’s actually a valid point, it highlights many of the problems of western family and marriage. However I disagree with your solutions somewhat. The best approach to reforming marriage is to reform the very concept of family as it’s understood in the modern western world. You compared family to a corporation and I believe that should be built upon and include extended family. A family (as reflected by surnames, blood, and marriages) should be closer knit and organized like a corporation, including a family head decided by seniority or election. These extended families should have joint property and assets in addition to the property and assets owned by individual members. In the past marriages would be used as political and economic tools to bind families together, and that seems like a more effective approach than what we currently have, where marriage has no purpose other than tax benefits and as a tool for women to seize a man’s assets. It should be reformed as a tool to create bonds between these extended families. Whether the male or the female joins one family or the other can be determined on an individual basis and guaranteed in writing.

>(a pseudo-corporation) is owned half and half by the man and woman

No the government is the head. You are signing a contract with the Govt to do as it wills with your money. Govt. top of pyramid while man and women are at the bottom corners. All your newborns will belong to the government once you issue them their proper id's and give them right to take them away when they see you as unfit to parent. Government is the head parent.

gamers rise up

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>You are signing a contract with the Govt to do as it wills with your money

after divorce

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>don't even try to have sex, you might end up reproducing

What child wouldn't want a nuclear family?

This is the younger-counterpart to that bullshit (((study))) that says single-women are happier. Just targetting them younger and younger.

>fail to please, end on bad terms, or make the mistake of getting the attention of the wrong female
>they can abort your whole life prospects early if they want to, with no evidence but your word against a woman's
>all on a whim

Smart Wiretaps and the applicable data archive tech can't come out soon enough. But we've seen it increasingly more often that evidence doesn't matter when it comes to feelings.

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How can someone be so pathetic as to be dominated by a dog.

>adults use incel to invalidate people
>young adults and teenagers see this and think holy shit I don't want to be like that!
>premarriage promiscuity skyrockets

>males burnt out but unwilling to realize it because of physical demands of society
>not enough semen retention for strong muscle gains during biggest growing phase in their life
>increased use of birth control means more hormone damage to society through the remnants of it in drinking water after women flush their unused pills and it's contained in their urine
>females have a higher propensity to becoming sluts and whores with no shame
>females and males can't settle down with just one person anymore because they both fried their ability to pairbond with anyone for life because of all the sex with multiple different partners
