Cop nearly kills innocent black man in his own home

Police officer goes into this black man's own house to arrest him after the man's friend accidentally set of the home's alarm.
Would this man be justified for resisting arrest?

They checked his id, confirmed his residence, and kept him handcuffed and then pulled him out (in his drawers, in front of neighbors I’m sure). I was waiting for the ID check thinking that would clear it, nope. In with you, why did they take him from his house?

Even being nonsense, how did the officers try to spin that one?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>implying he's not a renter
not his home, he's just borrowing it

Based, niggers btfo yet again

He was black, so he wasn't innocent, we just haven't specified the crime yet.

>the man's friend accidentally set of the home's alarm.

low iq niggers.

Come to country as immigrants. Get free loan for car and house. Get credit card. Get free cell phone etc. Destroy white man = profit


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pigs are corrupt scum
more news at 11

Whaat are we supposed to do? He’s black for Christ’s sake.

There should be a term for when someone posts a link to supposed police misconduct, and then when you read the article it's about some retarded nigger acting like a retarded nigger and deserved what happened to him.

The fucking shit happens on the internet all the time.

*click the link*
*immediately see some fat retarded nigger in his boxer shorts*

What should we call this.... let's come up with a funny term for it. There's already dindu nuffin. We need another term.


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