fuck america

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We have murdered hundreds of thousands of sandniggers, that's good enough.

Israel lost

Hundreds of billions of dollars, thousands of American lives, and now you guys are negotiating with the fucking Taliban for a face-saving retreat.

Negotiating with the fucking Taliban. That's pathetic.

The reason “we” are still in Afghanistan is poppies for the CIA

. . . where empires go to die . . .

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Who's "we"?

>invited the Taliban to celebrate at Camp David on 9/11

Amerisharts couldn't get any more cucked. Taliban straight up won the war.

Except the Mongols... They raped Afghanistan so hard they created the Hazara people.

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The war in Afghanistan accomplished nothing to benefit America. It DID accomplish plenty for Israel, like serve as a bulwark against Iran in the region.

heh. get over it , sweaty

Pushtuns are aryans you amerinigger

>Ever thinking we were there to "win" anything
>Ever thinking that we are going to "pull out" of the ME
Fucking normie bullshit.

Oh shit fucking GOT EM.

pretty much. Reminder the Taliban are ethnic Pushtun who are Indo-European

One day this war's gonna end

The greatest mistake was not restoring the monarchy. Taliban ruled through strength, but nobody else has a mandate to rule that frankenstate made up of disparate tribes constantly fighting except a King

was it a coincidence that there was a (((bombing))) the fucking day before he was going to meet the Taliban?

The people who write article like this are geo-political brainlet.
America didn't go in to end "Mooslamic terrorism" or whatever the official lie is, it went in to add territories to it's imperial holdings as well as take out some of Pissrael's enemies.

what good would a monarchy do? just balkanise it

Their mandate comes from their ability some sense of security.

have you seen one?

America went in to secure and defend the poppy fields.

Yes, they come in many diffrent colors. Not yellow or black though.

Afghanistan in the 70s was dare I say, a nice place to live. There used to be stories of old hippies travelling the old Silk Road from Europe to China on foot through what now have been warzones for decades.

Imagine being a boomer in 1972, backpacking your way through the most beautiful scenery the world has to offer, banging foreign girls who are absolutely starstruck to meet an American. It would've been the adventure of a lifetime.

Baby boomers truly were the most spoiled generation in human history.

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Apocalypse Now!

What war?

Eh, it's not really fair, nobody has ever won a war in Afghanistan. Only the rats that live there will truly fight for it

They are largely Indo-European.
Btw, Indo-European =/= White.


Iran was like that, too. Wonder what happened


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Yeah, we don't do "wars" any more. We do "peace keeping operations" and "kinetic military actions".

America essentially made the same mistake you made, Lol.

>We have murdered hundreds of thousands of sandniggers, that's good enough.

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Aka "world policing".

they didn’t go in to win

The Cold War ended.

jews from both sides (bolsheviks and americans)

Saudi starting exporting Wahhabism.

When did congress declare war on afghanistan?

That’s objectively true. Afghanistan was a complete waste of time, money, and lives. The country is worse now than it was when we got there and we created and armed all of these rebel groups in the first place when they were fighting the Soviet Union. Every time we fuck around in the Middle East we make it worse for everyone except Israel.

wait do people actually think Afghanistan was anything more than Vietnam 2?

But... but Senator Lindsey Graham said there are 6 million girls in school there now... totally winning!

>America essentially made the same mistake you made
No, it's Americans making the same mistake they made in Vietnam

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I’ve been over it, now I want payback

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When they refused to hand deliver bin laden to the cia even though the cia literally spoke to him in a hospital a few weeks after 9/11 and could have detained him if they wanted to. Basically they made a request knowing full well that Afghanistan could not and would not comply and if they actually wanted the person they started the war over they could have had him the 4 times he spoke to cia agents during the “hunt for bin laden”.

We knew when to pull out.

*tips tinfoil*

>he doesn’t know about the Soviet-afghan war, widely referred to as the soviets Vietnam.

Everyone laugh at the historically illiterate retard.

We withdrew the troops after 9 years, they sit there after 18 years - we are twice smarter!

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Americans cannot win wars anymore. Whether it's unintentional or by design like destabilization. Iran will fuck America sideways.

At the cost of millions of them fleeing to the west.. yeah good deal.

Actually millions.

from memory the Taliban asked for evidence that Bin Laden did 9/11. they didn't want to get steamrolled by the US, but wanted some basic proof before they handed a guest and friend over

the US refused to show them evidence (didn't have any) and just invaded

>Voted most likely to learn nothing from history
Stick to cleanup/wipeout. You guys get like -1000 to occupation stats.


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>6 million girls who now know how to count how many times they’ve been beaten.

This is somehow progress?

We haven't lost a war. Bungled an occupation? Sure, no doubt about that.


some guy don't know his name came in and basically said math and science is against islam and fucked it all up

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Not even close. There was a proxy war against USSR there, sponsored and armed by the half of the world. Still, even after quiting that war, Afghanistan government forces held strong for years. US was fighting against poor vagabonds and Afghanistan government forces already hardly control anything and will be taken over the moment US troops withdraw or even before that. Not to mention that USSR was trying to make a decent country out of them, while US just bombed mountains and weddings.

I am shocked how many people in the world speak fluent English. But I agree America needs to stay the fuck out of the Middle East. You guys would be a lot better off if some extremist created a new Caliphate and reunited the Ummah.

American propaganda aside, what is life in Russia like? I assume it’s comfy and better than here.

You mean Pakistan's ISI? They're the ones that armed and trained the Taliban, Benazir Bhutto wanted a stable and friendly Western border to focus all efforts on India

Nothing wrong with that. Ideologically cleanse the Middle East of infidels at gunpoint. It would actually be awesome because any potential Caliphate would eventually fuck the Saudis as well.

they have like what, 7k casualties.

we had double that by the end

What about the opioid crisis and the brave and powerful poppy field defense force?

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Your guys were dedicated. Ours were just half assing it while trying to find (((WMDs))) in Iraq.

>soviets Vietnam
Do you not know where the reference is from?

Wahhabism is pushed by the MI6 and CIA

>tin foil

Bin laden was a cia asset from day 1. He was an American ally long before he was an “enemy”. All you need to know is the history of these regions and these people to understand why the official American story of 9/11 and these wars is utter bullshit.

I like that movie you guys made about the war. It came out a few years ago and was about conscripts in a parachuting brigade that ended up in an alamo situation on a mountaintop. Dont know what its called, but I'd describe it as the Russian version of the movie Platoon

The more I learn about the Middle East and it’s history the more I develop a certain respect for Islam and its power as a warrior religion. I also hope to someday see a united Middle East against Israel and western influence. Everyone has a right to their sovereignty.

>Not to mention that USSR was trying to make a decent country out of them
tribal affiliations > national unity
I mean, it was worth a shot, i guess, maybe, but damn if it wasn't like trying to shove two angry dogs in a wet burlap sack.

I don't even know why anyone would try to conquer this shithole. It has nothing. No arable land, no natural riches, no fertile climate. Just a bunch of backward goatfuckers who cloister up in the cliffs and caves whenever an enemy comes calling.

Not a place for civilization to thrive or for a civilized force to die.

I can understand dying to conquer the Punjab belt because that is one of the richest pieces of land on the planet, but why Afghanistan?

>united Middle East
the only thing extremist islamic sects hate more than the us is other extremist islamic sects

>American propaganda aside, what is life in Russia like? I assume it’s comfy and better than here.

Attached: цигане.jpg (720x480, 465K)

>Population of Afghanistan during 2001 invasion = 20 million

>Population of Afghanistan today = 38 million

>Population in 2050 = 64 million

>Population of Iraq in 2003 = 25 million

>Population of Iraq today = 39 million

>Population in 2050 = 70 million

>Population of Islam in 2000 = 21.6% of world population

>Population of Islam by 2050 = 29.7% of world population

Way to go.

Seeing these sand niggers repel the forces of the USA even with massive casualties and terror is truly beautiful. The most advanced and min/maxed army in the world can't defeat inbred assholes who probably think the range adjustment on their AK sights is a powerlevel gauge.

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Ameriniggers think that democracy is "natural" and that every people want it

Truth is that outside of a few isolated cases in the west, democracy is neither natural nor intrinsic to most nations. Most people recognize authoritarianism and monarchism better

Ameriniggers cry about Putin "killing" democracy in Russia but the Russian people themselves don't care. They have never known democracy all their history. They wouldn't even know what to do with it

There are still thousands of troops there to prevent the guys in pajamas with AKs from resurging. Tell me again how an armed citizenry can't fight the government.

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That’s only because half of them are cia/mossad. Like 90% of what mossad does is infiltrate and control Islamic extremist groups. Israel’s only real threat is a United caliphate so it is in their utmost interest to keep everyone fighting with each other. That’s why the Middle East is chopped up the way it is. Those borders are not natural at all, they were put there post world war 1 to make sure that the Arabs never united again.

Mostly to Europe though, lmao

these god damned kikes deserve death

>Opinion piece

Ninth company

>Thread about Afghanistan war
>No one mentions or refers to the fact that the only reason it happened was because of the vast amount of Opium Poppys (Opioids) in Afghanistan
Jow Forums is dead

no crooked nosed pube head from the middle east is aryan, you delusional australian roo fucking abo retard

enough with you idiots thinking "aryan" in the hitlerian sense applies to anything outside of europe, we don't give a shit about indians or persians or whatever the fuck you think is "aryan" and thus white

And now they are here. You opened Pandoras box. Good job!

afghanistan was always a stinking pile of arab shitskin shit, let's be honest. it might have been mildly more livable than now thanks to neocon wars courtesy of america and israel fucking everything up for everyone in that region but it was about as nice a place to live as a "nice" part of south america, ie still a miserable fucking hole in the ground but at least you won't get eviscerated in broad daylight by a bandito for your phone

Who is we and why would I need to get over it?
Most people have been against middle eastern wars for over a decade now.

I believe this. Not trying to be a smartass but do you know where to read up more on mossad sling controlled op shit like this?

It's actually impressive just how badly the war was lost. The Taliban is more powerful now than it ever was in its history. This is after 18 goddamn years of fighting against the US.

Like, what the hell is the US even supposed to do? Stay in Afghanistan forever? It's such a gigantic failure it deserves a Guinness world record. This shit is amazing.

*dabs on Euroshits*

Enjoy your cultural enrichment.

The fuck you laughing at Ivan I seem to recall another modern empire getting its ass handed to it in afghanistan not so long ago