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Fuck kikes

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Those replies lmao. Do any normies even look at ADL tweets? It's all our guys.

Look at the far left blue shirt nose.

Hey I have a great idea for a project goys er I mean guys.

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I wonder where an operation to sabotage or destroy the ADL from within would go/lead to.

hey guys I'm in the back of a car, my god father is taking me somewhere again and its a hatchback and there's no babyseat, what do?

I want to torture these people to death.

Somewhere in the ADL is people just there for a job and not because they believe the bullshit being peddled. Seek out those people

I have a close personal relationship with one of these people and have met two others. Horrible self righteous people that think they are saving the world.

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what a bunch of dumb faggots. check out ching chong with that stupid smile. he looks a fucking retard

>click link
>"something went wrong"

Did I just get doxxed?

Yes David. You did.

Jews are the most scared neurotic cowards in the world. When you're living in the US as a protected class in the best time for jews in their history and you're still this scared. It gives you an idea how fragile their hold is. How easily they could be fucked if exposed on a national level.

Jews are the most insecure group of people I've ever totally witnessed with the pushing of race mixing, mass immigration of the third world, homosexuality and transgenderism in white countries so a cohesive white majority couldn't united against them. Every history lecture and monument having do to do with how innocent Jews were massacred during the Holocaust. How they managed to control major institution they see whether it be Banking, finance, entertainment, music, expecially the goverment in how countries like the U.S fight every war for them with their Tiny country of Israel that's only the size of a major U.S state. Totally insane people

this is what pewdiepie wants.


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gas is too good for these cretins

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>most insecure
Hold my beer.

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