Is barron- dare I say- Trump's wife's son?

is barron- dare I say- Trump's wife's son?

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>When you have so many children by so many different hot women it's hard to keep them straight


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meaning: his other two sons are from his first wife. get a grip.

Good lookin kid. Looks to be About as tall as his dad now. Trumps other boys are tall as fuck also

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You're telling me barron is Trudeau's kid? Nice

it's the only logical explanation

Is this kid sponsored by Ralph Lauren? Every single photo he's wearing that shit

barron was an immaculate birth
in fact donald's main purpose in the grand scheme of things is to introduce the american public to barron who will be the greatest leader the united states has ever seen.

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Do you think he enjoys being the president's son? He must feel stressed or depressed knowing how many people despise him for his father or being any relation to Trump. He probably sees all the hysterical hatred for his dad and it just wear him out or makes him dread waking up to it all the time. I wonder what he actually thinks about his dad.

I would say his mom is doing the shopping for his clothes...but it is entirely possible RL decided to just send him clothes for the exposure.
I think it is going to turn him into a very comservative adult. All the people who hate him are degeneratesImagine being constantly confronted by extreme far left college kids with green hair, nose rings and a commie shirt. The kid is gonna become the batman free helicopter rides. And you know what? I support him in the likely fate of his.

absolute unit

will you accept barron as the supreme leader of the united states ?

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If he keeps growing like that, why not?

that s a big shoe

Let's hope so fren

Barron is 100% Trump's son, look at the motherfucker's face.

We all know trump talks out of his ass sometimes , literally why the fuck is this news. Fuck the media , literally anything this guy does is instantly on 25 different media outlets. God the publicity is insane , it's like they want him to win 2020.

Trump is a cuck, I wouldn’t be surprised if Melenia chokes on nigger cock behind his back. She is Slavic after all and most of the women from Eastern Europe are vapid whores.

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at least try when you post bait, man. c'mon.

He's not wrong.
She was a model who married an american businessman for the benefits.
She is a vapid whore by definition.

She DID tour Africa without Donald coming along on the trip. I wonder why?

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