>defeated British Empire
>defeated Soviet Union
>defeated America
Literally HOW the fuck do they do it?
>defeated British Empire
>defeated Soviet Union
>defeated America
Literally HOW the fuck do they do it?
Other urls found in this thread:
>no greek flag
it's just not the same
Someone has to do it until he gets back.
It's pretty easy when the goal going in is occupation and not destruction. Imagine if the goal in WW2 was to just occupy Germany. It wasn't, it was to crush Germany.
>not fufilling a total destruction plan
It's not really that hard. Either you are serious about capturing something or not. And everyone wasn't.
it's not called the graveyard of empires for nothing
it goes back even farther
unless you kill them all they won't stop fighting
The art of being two faced. They shoot rockets and AKs one minute and the next they're playing farmer.
>Literally HOW the fuck do they do it?
They refuse to cooperate with authorities like a German autist being told to accept foreigners
Sometimes they dont even shoot. They just bury an IED.
this might be hard for some of you to grasp but not everyone wants to genocide afghanistan
when Israel was the country that should have been invaded for 9/11 anyway
all the american people have to do is cut the cord and they are fucked never forget that
Israel cannot stand on it's own two feet it needs a host
the goatfuckers feel no emotions, they are just empty on the inside. You should fear an enemy that doesn't care about anything, doesn't feel shit and doesn't stop fighting
>Did not capitulate despite suffering heavily and consistently losing battles until the enemy gets sick of fighting foe your worthless land and goes home
>Counts as victory
I guess technically thats true
>history of guerrilla warfare
>perfectly willing to sacrifice countless men at any problem
This is also not mentioning the fact that the British Empire, Soviet Union, and United States did not use the correct measures in dealing with Afghan guerrilla warfare a la Germany.
American and Soviet (post WWII of course) troops didn’t have massive reprisals with ten to one ratio civilian executions to stop the guerrillas.
Had we, or the Soviets for that matter, had used such tactics, considering how stubborn Afghan resistance is, it would probably require culling 60%-75% of the population in reprisals alone, not counting casualties from actual battles/attacks.
Of course, being the 20th century, this would have come at the highest degree of international condemnation and probably intervention.
Altitude and remoteness, coupled with an ability and willingness to cross borders at will and a miraculous ability to find weapons for decades straight because no, nobody wants to fuck with you for trying to invade and occupy central Asia... they'll appreciate the stability, right?
defeated germany with migrants cuck
It's better when they shoot :c
Honestly, Saudi Arabia has been feeding radical Islamists into central Asia for so long at this point that we should probably encourage the Taliban to go claim Mecca and kick the fucking Saudis to the curb. Tell them it's their rightful clay and we'll support them in taking it. Based Taliban goatfuckers.
>hasn't even seen Rambo III
No, it's pretty fucking easy. Genocide and replacement are guarantee ways to capture a country. You trying to worm your way out by muddying the waters doesn't fly. You can capture Afghanistan. No one has been serious enough to donut.
But how effective is it to genocide a country where the victim's 50 million cousins are right across the border in all directions? Madagascar, you could genocide. Central Asia? That's a pretty stiff task by any standard, if you want to hold it for any length of time at all.
Humans aren't masters of all we see.
Terrain will fuck up your shit. Vietnamese jungle, Afghanistan mountains and desert, Russian winter.. . Next imagine trying to wage war in the arctic, supplying soldiers and vehicles in that distance.
It's appallingly simple. You can't civilize a people who don't want to be civilized.
Flip flop masterrace
The USA should have let the USSR kill all of those pedos and goat fuckers.
But... but... where would we have gotten our opiods for our Great American Prescription Drug Epidemic, user?
This is ten percent luck, twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure, fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name
A rural population, a mountainous border will allies willing to provide arms, fight to the death mentality
Occupation plan, rules of engagement and attempting to civilise them rather than eliminate all males of fighting age
This is why several wars have not been won in the last 100years when superior forces have attempted to pacify enemies. They have been initiated by spineless politicians who will not just invade, conquer and kill an enemy.
>turtled against
"peaceful" occupation/"liberation" doesn't work when you fight a non-first world country.
the first world citizens are largely emasculated and would accept occupation without much issue as long as they weren't affected too much.
non-first world citizens don't have luxuries to keep them in check and are not emasculated.
If you fight a third world country like you would a first world country you will never win.
To fight a third world country and win you have to fight like a third world country.
The USA is there for the poppy, to kill Americans with opioids.
They play the long game and draw out the opponent. Either way, best just to leave them. There are bigger fish to fry.
they are always invaded by
>indo scynthians
And finally Arabs
By playing unfair and third party support
Mongols defeated and conquered and killed all of them (25% of their population)
There he is
>sit on mountain with jezzail
>smoke opium
>herd goats
>prophet (PBUH)
They did occupy Germany after the war, though
Allahs will
From a certain respect, An Lushan was from around that geneal area (perhaps a little bit to the north) and thus they BTFO China too
>German flag
afghan refugees found pol, I see.
The soviets used extreme brutality. Rapes, torture, wiping out entire villages. Only fueled the muj and motivated international jihadists to flock to afghanistan
>The soviets used extreme brutality. Rapes, torture, wiping out entire villages. Only fueled the muj and motivated international jihadists to flock to afghanistan
They survived all of that and then some and yet American thinks their "rules of engagement" approach will have any material affect on a people who've already seen the worst of mankind.
why is poland the backyard for every neighbouring country meanwhile afghanistan is not?
>annexed for decades
>defeated British Empire
lol stop larping like you understand history or empires
Because none of them were serious about actually holding the territory.
Good luck controlling Afghanistan without a support from the population. It's not like, plain and boring like Texas...
We don't actually want to control Afghanistan. All we need is a foothold in the region to establish to counteract the Russians and Chinese. Primarily, we are counteracting China and their Silk Road nonsense.
Gandhar prince allied with him just to fuck with his neighbours and Puru. He reverted to Mauryans after less than a decade. The Afghans or who we like to say Abhagahana never fought any major battle. Pretty Jewish trick.
Pajeet are about to take a big stinky shit on Afghanistan
Never underestimate the power of strong men willing to die for their country. Combine that with harsh terrain and you will lose in the long run to guerilla warfare. Finland has 80% willingness to fight for our country that is highest in Europe. Russians will occupy us in 6 months if we dont get help but thats when the fun starts because Finland has digged tunnels all across the country.
>less than 40% is occupied by US
Pick one paki nigger.
they do it by being very few in a very rocky hilly crappy country that grows nothing exceptionally well aside from drugs.
this gives every enemy the fundamental problem of
1. identifieng the enemy
2. finding the enemy
3. actualy getting troops and equipment to where the enemy is
4. finding out where the enemy went after your troops arrived because he isn't necessarily in the same place like 3 weeks ago.
and then you have to try to cut off their finance which is drugs which always find a way to get out and if you cut off some of their routs well the drug market has still same demand and they can sell the little amount they get through at an even higher price.
so that is shit
then you have not much means to supply your guys, and you need to send everything over land which is expensive af, and then the guys you searched for the whole time hop out behind a hill and blow up your supply train.
that's fucking why
Afghanistan is one of the most inbred countries on the planet. It's easy for a few Mullahs to convince literal retards to blow themselves up or try to attack a heavily defended FOB.
They run on time. Hoping that the war eventually gets to financially costly for the invading country, which will lead to withdrawal. As a result, tactics aren't needed, just bodies. Lots of bodies.
A strong word. All those countries could have just steamrolled and cleansed the fucking country of life.
The problem is dealing with insurgency without trying to genocide the population and change the country, but this goes for any country in the modern day. America could invade denmark with its five million people and face the same problems.
>defeated America
who still controls the poppy fields user?
>By US
Afghan government does 99% of the fighting nowadays.
>America could invade denmark with its five million people and face the same problems.
Don't be ridiculous
Not that one
Haqqani network
Maybe mountains that they know better than anyone else? Kinda like the nam jungles.
Strategic losing
Americans pretend like we didn’t use this exact same strategy during the war for independence
>Don't be a low test cuckold whitoid
There is nothing to destroy. They don't even have roads to strat. bomb. Even nuking wouldn't have worked, because they are so localized to where they live, and they would just take it as a god's sign to resist more or some shit.
AK-47s and pickup trucks
any time you see david beating goliath it's because there is another hidden goliath helping david.
two things: Afghani Kush and the genes that created the first civilizations on Earth
lol nah I'm kidding, its just bc we allowed scum to mismanage the history's greatest hegemon
You didn't fight for their worthless land, you fought to keep Al-Qaeda out. And not they have ISIS there - a decisive loss in my book.
Not to mention that every ethnic corner store in NY will turn into Al-Qaeda cell if you do that.
That's Sahara
It's just mules AKs IED and rpgs
the first civilizations on earth?
Cursed land.
Afghanistan is in the fertile crescent, that's where the first ancient civilizations started up. A slew of them
Because America has never put citizens of the same ethnicity of the country we are at war with in concentration camps before.
American education everyone
It's true. American education, indeed.
It's just something to consider. Fertilizers will be gone off the shelves in a matter of hours.
And in general, if the argument is the "we are just going about this war the wrong way", the thing is that what you are suggesting is simply unfeasible. It's like saying "we will use a magic laser beam that will zap a person out of existence the moment he even thinks about resisting". There is no such device, you can't genocide them all, and with the tools you do have - you fail time and again.
>afghanistan, cradle of civilization n shit
you probably also believe that Helmand province is where the world's mayonnaise comes from
the Fertile Crescent as a whole is the cradle of civilization. This is basic shit. But in typical Jow Forums style, everyone will just keep making snarky "lol imagine" comments in response instead of offering a rebuttal.
Because they're wrong and I'm right
>the tigris and euphrates rivers are situated close to Afghanistan.
Jesus H Christ
Aryan chads
yeah, I'm a fucking sped. Was thinking of Iraq.
Killing myself
To be fair the Indus River valley civilization is a lot close but you really ought to brush up in your world history user
eh I knew it, somewhere inside, but I fucked up. It's all shit I'm familiar with but apparently pretty rusty on.
This. Plain and simple this.
weakness on the attackers part. They all could have just rounded up the people and had them shoot. Problem solved.
indus valley is close but its indian in nature
whatever afghanistan is is the result of their conquerors