When will consumerism finally die out?

When will consumerism finally die out?

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in a century at the soonest

Hand in hand with the economy.

Sooner rather than later, a system that expects infinite growth with finite resource is pants on head retarded.

>Implying mindless consumerism isn't the end-stage for communism.

This thread just made me want to buy the iPhone even more.

why does it still have the notch and the shitty big black frame around the screen?

Because all the engineers with wrinkled brains at Apple have left and they are left with smooth brain retards who are forced into repeating the same phone over and over again.

>tfw people will line up to buy this

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When you stop being a faggot ?

When society collapses. Unironically what does America have if you take away the vapid consumption? Ours is a country bereft of identity or goal, just keep collecting working to buy more expensive things to validate your existence until your body gives out, and then get replaced. It's a horrifically ugly culture.

As long as humans are stupid, it will remain

When you stop having AIDS

when we seize power, komrade

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Who fucking buys iPhone? Your typical upper class urbanite? Most here knows buying from Apple is a waste of time. Expensive, inefficient and if any products of theirs breaks down, you'll pay out the ass for service. Why?

economy always existed, consumerism not. consumerism is an american invention.

never amerimutt, stop shilling an ideology that would put undesirables like you in a Gułag

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You will starve to death when it happens, you filthy commie pederast.

Never. But you can buy four of these for the price of the fidget spinner camera iPhone.

It's only maybe 3% worse by all accounts, at worst.

But nooooo, you must have your imessage and animoji shit.

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Never you fucking commie. Money makes the world go 'round.

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When people realize that kicking jews out of the country is better for their self interest than a fucking hunk of plastic.

I will preorder the new iPhone and apple watch tomorrow.

what? isn't it going to increase?

It's made out of metal and glass.

Soon inshallah

Lol anti-consumerism is the evil here, not the opposite, you fucking communist faggot

when fools like pic related get got

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>3 cameras

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Better buy samsung! We bulit better then america

Never, cartels are forever

I don't think you understand what communism is

What's even the advantage of this over older models if you don't take pictures

when capitalism is reigned in

Based AF.My poco is faster than my computer

Lol no

Why would anyone possibly need 3 seperate cameras on a smartphone? That's not even including the front-facing camera. Does it take 3d photos or something?

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I always see this argument and I never understand why. I have never had a single problem or anything you’ve described with anything I’ve ever bought from Apple. This is just poorfag cope. They’re not even that expensive unless you’re a jobless retard like most of Jow Forums.

Why do you fags always feel so insecure about shit no one forces you to buy?

This, I also never had any problems with my iPhones, started with the 3GS, then got the 4S then the 6S and soon will buy the 11 pro.

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>already have the technology 100 years ahead of our time
>release it slowly to milk the goyim

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With this phone.

You’re right. I miss having to keep a file cabinet of all my important documents, 10 years of receipts, and not being able to photograph or video things on a whim. I miss having to lug around a city street map book and plan my trips. I miss not being able to call or message my wife anytime or anywhere. I miss lugging around CD’s so I can have access to the same 200 songs. I miss having to spend hours going from store to store to see if they have something I need.